how many men on here?



  • genuinelyfrans
    OP I was just like you when I started, its not hard to find an hour a day, even if you have to cut out things like TV, some sleep etc. to get it done. Trust me its well worth it!!

    Agreed! When I started working out, I was out for the entire day because of school activities (mainly the school play) so I would get back at 10 or 11 and do an hour of P90X before going to sleep. As stated earlier, finding an hour will definitely be worthwhile!
  • crazy8ts
    crazy8ts Posts: 360
    Without reading everyone else's responses... if you can do squats, you may be able to do burpee's or squat thrusts... getting some full body work will start you on the right track... but putting in the time is crucial... need to find at least a half hour somewhere to put in some solid work...
  • elevatorguy925
    I think there are a lot of men on here, while not a fan of excercise I have lost weight but have an active job.
    What about walking? you would be amazed how much just simple movement will help in losing weight.
    There is time, it is just a matter of juggling things to make it work, 30 min is pretty possible to find a few days a week
  • PHS7
    PHS7 Posts: 213 Member
    The time is there somewhere. Twenty to thirty minutes 3-5 times a week is better than nothing. Go old school. Pushups, crunches, walks with ankle weights, resistance bands, there's a way to work out. Also, log your food. I couldn't believe how much you can learn about your weight just by watching what you eat.

    Good luck with your lifestyle change. There's a lot of support here!
  • SilkyHotspur
    SilkyHotspur Posts: 233 Member
    i feel like i am the only man on this website. can i here from my male friends on here? i am not having much luck in the exersice department. just dont have the time, if i cant run,jog ,or walk than what should i do? cause everyone know, eating right is only half the battle. some one pleassssse help. i work sitting down, and just walk around occasionally. i do calf raises when i can and do an average of 30 squats a day but i cant do anything for my problem area(belly). i drink over a gallon of water a day and piss 30 times a day,lol, i am used to that now. but will it ever slow down to about at least 15 times? i have also had my tailbone operated on twice, piliniodal cysts, so doing exersices on my back or on my butt is almost impossible to do. once again, all the help would be great..................................................................chris

    Chris, I know you'll here "there is always time to workout", and while there maybe, it depends on the individual. Eating right is not 50% of the battle, it is about 80%. You don' t have to workout to lose need to do some form of cardiovascular exercise for your heart and lungs....weight can come off by creating a calorie deficit....and that's it.

    Calf raises....why? 128oz of water...why?...sounds like your closing your eyes and chucking stuff at the board, hoping something will stick using bits of information you've picked up along the way.
  • Melonhead
    Melonhead Posts: 168
    You have the time. You just need to find it.

    Schedule a twenty minute walk five days a week.

    Start with that and build up some more.

    I work in an office and I lost fifty pounds in four months.
    Preach on brother!