PCOS and belly fat

I was wondering something, i have found in my weight loss journey so far. That i am losing quite a bit of weight from the rest of my body, but my belly is really slow going.

I was diagnosed with mild PCOS recently, levels are almost at normal now thankfully :bigsmile:

I guess my question is what can you do if you are happy with your weight, and the rest of your body. But not your belly area???

I'm aware you can't spot reduce etc... Do you just accept it ?



  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    I guess you have to wait, looks like that area is the last to go on me too - and I'm a man.
  • Joannie30
    Joannie30 Posts: 415 Member
    I have PCOS too and I am REALLY finding this problem as well. I've lost 32lbs so far and i can really notice areas of my body are a lot slimmer. Areas, that is, except for my belly. It is still *almost* as big as when i started my weight loss journey.

    I think it goes with the territory of this nightmare condition of ours, but I daresay if i am patient i will see a difference eventually....

    Good luck!

  • leslturn8
    leslturn8 Posts: 505 Member
    Belly fat is the last place to go!
    Im starting hard core on P90X and im sure!!!!!!!! it will be gone!
  • psiren28
    psiren28 Posts: 530 Member
    I have the same problem, I'm now at my goal weight but still carry a lot of fat on my belly. I don't want to lose any more weight because the rest of me is fine. I think (for me) the only option would be a tummy tuck if a. I could afford one and b. I had the balls to go through with surgery, but as it is I have neither the funds nor the balls so it looks like the belly is here to stay.

    Not much help I know but here's what I've come to realise: Most people have a bit of themselves they're not happy with, plenty of people would love to be where I'm at now even with the belly problem, and on the bright side a flabby belly is easier to disguise than say big legs or huge butt. I now make the most of my best bits (slim legs and arms) and keep the belly under wraps. Yeah it'd be nice to be able to wear a bikini or a cropped top but it ain't gonna happen and that's OK. I dress to suit my shape and hide the bits I don't like and in clothes the belly isn't really noticeable.

    Best of luck with your belly problem, I've seen some amazing before and afters on here where people have lost the belly fat so you never know, it could go :smile: If not, be proud of what you've done, focus on your best bits and dress to suit your shape. It's amazing how the right (or wrong) clothes can make a difference.
  • RachelT14
    RachelT14 Posts: 266 Member
    I have PCOS and after about 26lbs loss i started 30 day shred, my belly fat did really start to reduce i could tell it was going without even using the tape measure. I only got as far as doing the first 10 days. My stomach is now expanding again but that is because i am pregnant, which is why i stopped 30DS, hoping to resume it after baby is born as the results were very good.