Stuck in a rut! Need motivation

Hey guys! Im 22 years old and when I originally started I was 220lbs and Im now down to 194. Ive been stuck at 194 for the last month! I need to get out of this rut! My goal weight is 145 for right now. I feel so bad about myself lately, I just want to keepo seeing results. I normally do about 40 minutes of cardio (spin or treadmill) and then do some light weights for toning when im at the gym. Any suggestions from anyone on how to shake this or any ideas on exercises for me to try?! Ive only been doing this since FEB so am I not bieng patient enough!? I just want to keep seeing poundsa drop off and i feel like i havent seen them lately!


  • deannakittygirl
    deannakittygirl Posts: 228 Member
    my advice is just stick with it, you are doing great. I am no expert, I just started back on this journey a few days ago myself. I am hoping that this site and its community will give me the boost I need to reach my goal- to lose 60 lbs. maybe others have some suggestions but I do think just being consistent is the key.
  • edgehn
    edgehn Posts: 25 Member
    ell im trying to stay consitant. I dont know what else to doo.. but hey.. Im doing better than i was in january so i guess thats a huge step!
  • I know that it is a let down stepping on that scale time and time again and having it stay at the same number :/ i had that happen to me and it lasted for like 6 weeks! but during that six weeks a lost 4 is very imprortant to track your measurments because your progress wont always be on the scale! i finally came off of that platue and have dropped another 5lbs! DRINK LOTS OF WATER! CUT THE CARBS BACK! that's is the best advice i can give you! Sounds like we have been on this journey for about the same amount of time!