How can I reduce carbs?



  • LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo
    LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo Posts: 3,634 Member
    BUMP... I have the same problem too & I would like to see more responses
  • Justacoffeenut
    Justacoffeenut Posts: 3,749 Member
  • shbretired
    shbretired Posts: 320 Member
    use flat bread for sandwiches.

    Substitute frozen veggies for pasta, or even squash. No white potatoes only Yams or Sweet Potatoes, no white rice use brown.

    Also there is a vitamin to stop your body from soaking up the carbs; White bean extract, the brand I bought is Terry Naturally Dieters Choice for Carb Control found in my local Vitamin Store.
  • shbretired
    shbretired Posts: 320 Member
    My gym suggests eating an orange after a work out, less calories than a banana, and NO grapes are the sweetest fruit there is (sugar) per Dr Oz.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,902 Member
    Well the SIMPLE answer is to just eat less of them. HOW to do that without driving yourself nuts is a different story. It has to be HABITUAL.
    I used to eat rice with almost every meal daily with no issues till age caught up with me. Now I just have rice with just one meal a day. But I started by just eliminating it one meal at a time.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • amy1612
    amy1612 Posts: 1,356 Member
    I agree, just cut them down and replace with more protein. 2 of those wraps is quite a large portion, theyre quite filling. Go for one instead and add more salad or veg with it.
    Also, you can eat more things like lentils and squash, roast veg, mixed beans, etc. I LOVE tuna and mixed bean salad for lunches, really delicous.

    I also like sweet potato, its still carbs, but less starchy than white and is amazing baked :)
  • turquoise_elephant
    turquoise_elephant Posts: 83 Member
    You eat a LOT of bananas! Probably the highest carb fruit you could choose. Fruit is good, but stick to less starchy ones like berries, melon, grapes etc.

    Your pasta portion is quite large. Most packets I've seen suggest 60g (uncooked) per person. I would personally cut that even lower to 50g.

    Have brown rice with your curries instead of naan breads. Remember portion control with rice too.

    You seem to eat quite a few vegetables, but what about salad? I only looked at a few days of your diary but there wasn't a single salad in sight! I would save your carb meals like your pasta dish and curries to once or twice a week, and the other days choose other options like salads, grilled meat/fish with fresh veg etc.

    I would also choose different snacks to those WW bars. What about fat-free greek yoghurt with an apple? Peanut butter and apple, cottage cheese with pineapple etc. Choose protein-rich snacks, rather than high-carb ones and you'll see your carb intake go down straight away. Plus, if you up your protein intake, you probably won't feel the need for too many carbs.

    Hope that helps, and good luck!
  • Zumbagurl64
    Zumbagurl64 Posts: 155 Member
    all this is good info.....I agree with it all. bananas are very high in sugar/carbs, as well as watermelon and pinapple is total sugar as I have learned this weekend, and fresh cherrys! I'll have a sandwich, 100% whole grain, 1 slice, and load it up turkey, string cheese or low fat cheese, and a bunch of veggies, like a subway sandwich, if you's filling and keeps your numbers in order, and clean.... have some low fat cottage cheese on the side..... I stay away from white carbs, ie potatos, pasta, breads, rice, etc.... go w/brown/wild rice, whole grains, sweet potatos, eat lots of veggies, eggs, almond unsweetened milk, low fat yogurt, pb2 for my peanut butter fix (yummy)...berries are great! apples are pretty high in sugar.... soups are fabulous also...

    I agree too that your portions could be smaller....

    good luck!
  • crrc78
    crrc78 Posts: 207 Member
    I hate to say it, if you want to lower them, just do it hun. I went low carb about 2 months ago - dropped all pasta, rice, potatoes, most breads and about 70-80% sugar. Best way to cut back is just go for it, but.... I did alot of research on what I could eat & shouldn't eat, I also went out and bought a cookbook so I wouldn't feel like I was in a rut eating the same things everyday.

    It's rough the first few weeks, but things do get better. I aim to keep my carbs between 50-100, which is a great improvement over what I used to.

    You could always start slowly, drop 1 item at a time, find substitution then go from there.

    Good luck!

    THIS. My ob-gyn suggested that I try the eating plan that his own doctor put him on - here's what he gave me:

    Shoot for 50g/carbs per day.
    Avoid Bread, Pasta, Potato, Corn and Rice products.
    Focus on lean protein and green veggies.
    Eat one apple or orange per day (this does not count toward the 50g)
    Drink water all day - and WITH your meals too.

    It gets a little boring but it definitely works. I go in phases with it and am much better during the week than weekends, BUT...
    before I started this, I was eating 200+ g/carbs each day, and now even on a "bad day" I rarely go over 100. I don't miss the rice and pasta at all!
  • desertdutchman
    desertdutchman Posts: 14 Member
    Well the SIMPLE answer is to just eat less of them. HOW to do that without driving yourself nuts is a different story. It has to be HABITUAL.

    I agree. Make up your mind and stick to it.
    I've been eating 50g of carbs a day for 13 months by cutting out all bread, potatoes, rice, pasta. I am eating much more leafy greens and other vegetables. At first (I would say for 5 months) I felt deprived.

    The benefit for me was the boost in mid-morning and mid-afternoon energy. Feeling better all day was a good trade off for the momentary pleasure of tasting that bread, etc.