What Does Your Running Schedule Look Like?

Hey, guys! I recently finished C25K and ran my first 5k last weekend, and I'm running another one this coming weekend. I'm just curious how often people run and how far? Since completing C25K, I run every other day and I'm up to 5 miles. My goal is to be able to run a 10k and eventually a mini!
So, just out of curiosity, what does your running schedule look like and what are your running goals? And, if you have any tips or advice for a new runner, please share! :smile:


  • colie46
    colie46 Posts: 27 Member
    I normally run mon. wed. fri. I just got up to 30 minutes but feel like I can run longer I just get bored because it's beeing raining alot and I don't have anywhere to safely run without just running in a circle. When running I run about 10 minutes miles on a good day and 11.5 on a slow one. I would like to get down below that but I would be happy just being able to run straight for 60 minutes/ six miles.
  • KyliAnnHobson
    KyliAnnHobson Posts: 551 Member
    I normally run mon. wed. fri. I just got up to 30 minutes but feel like I can run longer I just get bored because it's beeing raining alot and I don't have anywhere to safely run without just running in a circle. When running I run about 10 minutes miles on a good day and 11.5 on a slow one. I would like to get down below that but I would be happy just being able to run straight for 60 minutes/ six miles.

    My average pace is around 10 min miles, but my first 5k was a trail run and I somehow managed 28:19! Adrenaline had a lot to do with it, I suppose. Hopefully, I can improve on that time in my next 5k because it's on flat ground so it should feel like a piece of cake compared to the trail run! I'm hoping to be up to 6 miles by next week, but I don't want to overdo it, so I'll just have to see how I feel towards the end of this week after I've ran 5 miles a few times!
  • 416runner
    416runner Posts: 159
    My current goal is to come in under two hours at my next Half, which is in October (this will be my fourth Half). My current plan is:

    Mondays - Speedwork (Hills, Tempo, Intervals)
    Tuesdays - Easy 6km
    Thursdays - Moderate 8-10km
    Saturdays - Long (13km this weekend, peaking at 25ish in September)

    I also play ultimate frisbee on Wednesdays so there's some running there too but I don't count it here since I can't quantify it.

    Sounds like you are doing everything right; if you are already doing 5 miles a few times a week, you can already do a 10k. :)
  • runfatmanrun
    runfatmanrun Posts: 1,090 Member
    Tuesday: Easy 3.5mi
    Thursday: Hills 6mi
    Sunday: Long 12ish

    This changes depending on when I have events, 5k, 10k, half.
  • CarsonRuns
    CarsonRuns Posts: 3,039 Member
    So, just out of curiosity, what does your running schedule look like?

    When in full training mode (not recovering from an illness as I am now), I run every day for between 12 and 24 consecutive days, with doubles 2 to 3 days per week. In non-marathon training, runs range from 6 t0 16 miles with the afternoon double runs usually 4 to 5 miles. In marathon training mode, the long run goes up to 22 miles. I typically log between 55 and 70 miles per week. Most of this, probably close to 85% of the miles are logged at my easy run pace, which falls between 8:45 mm and 10:00 mm.
    ...and what are your running goals?

    My goal for this year is to qualify for Boston at the Baystate Marathon in Lowell MA this October. I have to run < 3:15. Any other PRs that fall along the way are just icing on the cake.
  • nwhitley
    nwhitley Posts: 619
    Mon: 6-8 mi
    Tues: Intervals/Speed Work
    Wed: Rest Day
    Thurs: 6-8 mi
    Fri: 3-5 mi
    Sat: Long run 12-14 miles or Rest Day
    Sun Rest Day or Long Run or Cross Training

    Getting ready for a 1/2 trail run on July 8th
  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    I have no goals or set schedule at the moment. Loosely, my plan is to run 4 times thru the weekdays, 3-5 miles a clip. And try to get a run in over the weekend, preferable a 10+ miler. Summer is a busy, busy time, that's why I don't try to hold to anything very strict.

    When I was marathon training I had 4-5 runs per week and a long run each weekend.
  • belgerian
    belgerian Posts: 1,059 Member
    I really have no goals I just enjoy running I run 5-6 days a week on Monday thru Friday I run during my lunch hour Ive upped to to 9 miles a day at approximatly 8mph pace I would like to get it down to about 7.5 or less. My best average so far is 7:36 per mile for 8 miles. On sat or sunday Ill go for a longer run just depends on how my weekend schedule looks like and the weather and how early I can or cant get up. Oh yea and where I run theres plenty of hills not humongous hills but hills non the less. On the level ground I can get to about 7:00 to 7:30 mph.
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    I try to get out and run 4 x weekly (Tues, Thurs, Sat & Sun) with Sunday being my long day. When I'm not training for a specific race the first 3 runs of the week will vary between 5 & 10km (depending on my mood & how fast I want to go), Sundays will usually be at least 12 to 15 km - when I'm getting race ready the Sunday runs get longer....
  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    I run 4 days a week. Currently, I am running 3-4 miles each time. In a couple of weeks I will start a formal training program for a half-marathon (my first one!!). I will still be running 4 days a week, but will be increasing my mileage every week.

    I run (some would call this jogging!) an 11:30 mile. Not fast, but I'm getting it done :) In the past 2 weeks, that speed has improved from a 12:30 mile, so I'm happy with my progress.

    My goal is to finish the half marathon in 3 hours.

    Edit - I also do spin classes 2 days a week and lift weights 2 days a week for cross training.
  • tineekanicole
    I run 7 miles..3 times a week, usually at about a 9-10 min mile. I am an outside runner so the days vary depending on the weather. I just decided that I may want to try a half marathon this summer..so now I have to focus on longer runs and better times...
  • tappae
    tappae Posts: 568 Member
    I'm just starting to train for my first marathon. I have been running three or four times a week and this will be my first 5 run week:

    Monday: rest
    Tuesday: easy 3 miles (up to easy 5 miles later in the plan)
    Wednesday: Hill runs (starting around 4 miles) transitioning to speed intervals and hill intervals later on
    Thursday: easy 3 miles for now, marathon pace runs later in training
    Friday: rest
    Saturday: easy 3 miles
    Sunday: long, slow run (8 miles this week, building to 22)

    I'm glad that I decided to follow a training plan because it's very different than I was doing on my own. I basically tried to run as fast as I could for the chosen distance every time I went out. Now, almost all of my runs are going to be slower than my marathon pace. Thursdays will include some time at that pace and Wednesdays will involve some speed work. Otherwise, I'll be looking to run 10 to 12 minute miles all the time. It's really hard when I'm getting passed on the greenway, but I believe it will help me build a solid aerobic base without injury. Also, on my easy run days I'm planning on doing circuit training, so I'll stop and do chin-ups, push-ups, etc. and run at an easy pace between the stations.
  • LJ102011
    LJ102011 Posts: 110
    I am curious too!
    OLFATUG Posts: 393 Member
    I'm still pretty green when it comes to running, I have only been doing it for about three years now. I have a pretty solid base of roughly 35 miles per week at about 10.5 minutes/mile. Like tappae above, I have decided to start training for my first marathon, and am slowly increasing my base to around 45/50 miles per week via a training schedule I've found. My training schedule just changed this week giving me much less work on Friday's than I am used too, (we'll see how stir crazy I go). My week breaks down like this:

    M: Rest Day
    T: 4 mile run and strength training
    W: 8 mile run
    R: 4 mile run and strength training
    F: Spinning (I used to run 8 miles in the AM, and do spin at night)
    S: 8 mile run and strength training
    S: long run (currently 16)
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I'm running my first 5k race June 30, so right now trying to run 5k or more at least 3 times a week, focusing on increasing speed. After that I plan to run 5k at least once a week, and sprint/walk 5k at least once a week.

    I don't really have any desire to run farther and don't have time to run every day and still fit in the other workouts I want. So a short run 2-3 times a week is the most I'm shooting for right now.
  • perdie7
    perdie7 Posts: 278 Member
    I'm new to running...started c25K back in march.

    I run on Tuesday, thursday and Saturday, I have a 4 runs that I rotate

    1. 4 miles...this trail has a hill at least every mile
    2. 3 miles flat...i run top speed for 1/10 mile then, regular pace for 2/10 mile
    3. 4 miles...not quite as hilly as day 1
    4. 3 miles, regular pace, on the route the my first actually 5k race will be

    I also ride my bike or swim after I run
    and on M-W-F I do heavy lifting and the elliptical machine, or swim

    don't know if this is a good plan, but it works for me....back when I started c35K, i could even do the 60 sec run...and now my best time on the 3 mile was 31 min 30 sec
  • ktbia
    ktbia Posts: 118 Member
    I really like Jeff Galloways plans, they are longer in weeks, but only 3 days of running.

    I am training for my second half, following his half marathon plan for distance runners. I run 3 times a week. I work full time 3 days a week, 12 hour shifts, so it can be difficult to run on those days.

    I did the top one for my first half, now working on the bottom plan http://www.jeffgalloway.com/training/half_marathon.html
  • MSRunner23
    MSRunner23 Posts: 107
    Monday: 60 minutes
    Tuesday: 60 minutes
    Wednesday: Speedwork
    Thursday: 60 minutes
    Friday: 60 minutes
    Saturday: Long run
    Sunday: Off
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,967 Member
    I'm running my first 5k in a few weeks... I don't know if I'll be able to run the whole thing. I am following the couch to 5k program but I took a couple weeks off (bad, I know) so when I picked it back up last night on week 6 day 3, which is a 22 minute run, I only ran for 17 minutes. When I got down to my last 5 minutes I was at the bottom of this never-ending hill lol... so that's disappointing. I'll try the 22 minute run again tomorrow and see what happens.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Sunday: standard (currently 5k)
    Monday standard (but today I did 4)
    Friday: trying to improve on something, this friday I'm aiming for 5 miles in 50 minutes.

    I'm currently running about 9:30/mile