Curves gym for women - thoughts ?



  • angeleyes4643
    angeleyes4643 Posts: 151 Member
    I've been a member of Curves for two months now and I have to say that I really enjoy it. The reasons are:
    1) There is always a trainer watching as people work out and prepared to offer tips without charging an extra cent. For us seniors (I'm 61 years old) it's reassuring to know that someone is actually paying attention so we don't injure ourselves.
    2) the vast majority of members have seen the backside of age 35 some time ago - so I'm not "competing" with a disdainful 20-year-old -- which is something that happened at another gym I used to go to. Nobody makes me feel stupid, or fat, or old.
    3) Most of us work out in comfortable old clothes - unlike the gym I used to go to. My ancient shorts and T-shirt definitely did not fit with all that spandex around me.
    4) It's women only -- that's getting harder and harder to find elsewhere.
    5) If you don't show for a few sessions, someone calls you to encourage you to come back. At the gym I used to go to, the trainer told me I was coming too often (5 times a week) and discouraged me from coming: the result was that I got out of the rhythm and ended up paying the contract year without attending for the last several months.
    6) The optional smartcard (offered at some of the locations) tells me when I'm not working to full capacity and gives me an analysis at the end of the workout.
    7) I really like the idea of getting in there, doing a full workout in 30 minutes and getting back to my VERY busy life.

    The cost? It's a heck of a lot less than Herbal Magic pills and a lot healthier - maybe when I've worked out there for a year, I'll feel more comfortable about going back to the first gym, but for now - it's really working for me. -- and , oh yeah: it was my trainer who told me about
    It may not work for everyone, but it works for me and several other women in my age group, so I would suggest to anyone: try it at least once and then decide whether it's for you. There's a lid out there for every pot :)

    I totally agree. A year and a half ago I was so out of shape and a friend suggested going to Curves during one of thier specials. It was just what I needed to get moving. The support was phenomenal. However, I also agree with many others who have posted. While Curves is a great "beginner" and "motivator" it doesn't really do much to help loose the weight. I joined in April and by December I had only lost 20 lbs. When my contract was up in May I did not renew. Right after the new year I started doing Zumba 3-4 times a week and then joined another gym. To date I have lost 52 lbs - 6 since I joined MFP earlier this month. So if you're just starting out and looking for a 30 minute "get off the couch" booster, I say go for it. Because of my 30 min 3 times a week at Curves I have made some great friends and am now doing strength training 3 times a week and full hour Zumba classes 4-5 times a week. Good Luck !
  • juliesummers
    juliesummers Posts: 738 Member
    I've worked at Curves for four+ years now, and I definitely recommend it.
    (At our location, at least) We have Zumba classes offered 5+ times per week (I go to all of them, and the women love it).

    We take your weights and measurements once a month, then give you a print out showing you a graph of your progress (inches, pounds and body fat percentage lost)

    Our circuit combines strength training and cardio by using hydraulic resistance (the faster you go the more the machines resist you, so you get your heart rate up into a range where you're going to be burning fat -- the hydraulic resistance also makes it very low-impact and safe on your joints). Almost all of the machines are "double-positive" resistance (resisting you both ways), so you're working multiple muscle groups at once (rather than just working one at a time like you would by lifting traditional weights).

    Combining all of these^ is what makes it possible to offer a complete, total-body work out in just half an hour.

    We offer a personal, electronic coaching system called "Curves Smart" which is programmed for your specific range and speed on the machines, so it holds you up to your own personal best and insures you get the absolute most out of each work out. After the workout, you put your Curves Smart key tag into the computer and it tells you which muscles you worked, which machines you want to work harder on, and exactly how many calories you burned. If you're consistently beating your targets, the system will recognize that and automatically bump you up to the next highest level. What you put into it is what you get out of it, so some members burn 150 calories and some burn up to 800. Since the machines adjust to your speed, they're appropriate for any fitness level.

    We also offer a complimentary weight management plan, the environment is friendly and supportive, you can get a free "travel pass" so you can use any Curves location in the world, we can transfer your membership if you move and, as always: No makeup, no mirrors and no men :P

    May as well stop by your local one (Curves has over 100,000 locations in over 85 countries) and see if they're offering a free week trial.
  • I tottally recommend Curves. This is my second time at Curves and im loving it. Since joining in april Curves has helped me loose 30 pounds and I only go three times a week. The people there are very friendly and know you by name. They also help you when you dont feel motivated to work out. I can see where you can get bored, but some of the curves now are adding tredmills and other work out equipment. So you can either choose the circuit or the other machines. Curves is now also offering zumba classes, which I hear is a lot of fun.I see a lot of people saying your going to find excuses to not go because its boring. But with any gym you can find excuses to not go. Unlike other gyms people actually talk to you and help you out and give you advise. Also with the music issue, you can bring your own music as long as you can hear the signal to change stations. I see a lot of women at my Curves that use thier own music. Depending on what you are looking for, Curves is the way to go.
  • Nik_79
    Nik_79 Posts: 1 Member
    I just joined Curves 3 weeks ago and absolutely love it! I go about 4 times a week with my sister. I am not a gym person and I have anxiety about working out in front of people but found that this place suits me well! You need to find what works for you so if trying it out on a free trial basis is what needs to be done for you to know for sure, then I say go for it! I absolutely don't agree that you need to do extra working out with this program, just a healthy diet, but that should be a given. I have gone about 12 times and already feel my clothes getting looser and in a cpl days I get to start using the "curves Smart" system so I will get a workout tuned to my body. I can't wait until my first measurement day because I know I will not be dissapointed! :)
  • sunnygwen
    sunnygwen Posts: 1 Member
    I worked at a Curves years ago and I recently started going at the end of January. The truth of the matter is that for some women Curves is not for them...but the mentions of "not a good workout" in my opinion is a little silly because I could say that going to any other gym or doing any workout DVD is "not a good workout" it all depends on how much work you do while you're there. You can also vary your workout, I personally do a 40-45 minute workout on days that I want to because I's nice to know what you need to do and if you do the machines correctly it works :-)

    I personally have lost almost 15 pounds in 60 workouts (about 4 months) without the Curves Smart system...I know it would be more if I had stuck better to tracking and watching what I eat. But more than that I have lost inches all over (13 and dropping) that's just where things start...

    4 months ago I couldnt run more than 30 seconds before stopping. But this morning I did week 3 day 1 (run 1.5 min, walk 1.5 min, run 3 min, walk 3 min and repeat) of the c25k training schedule...I attribute that to the fact that Curves got me on the right path. I know that when/if I plateau I will sign up for the Curves Smart program because I know it works.

    So for any woman wondering if they should go...It doesn't hurt to's your decision in the end.
  • Pedal_Pusher
    Pedal_Pusher Posts: 1,166 Member
    It's a waste.
  • numindan
    numindan Posts: 163 Member
    I know this is a resurrected, stinky old post - but I love me some Zombies so I thought I'd chime in.

    I did Curves for a few months a number of years ago and left out of frustration with their staff. The late teens/20 something teeny bopper employees had no sports or nutrition training but spouted off the latest health style myths and legends as if they were gospel.

    The last straw was when one screamed at me that I couldn't skip a machine in their circuit, even when the place was empty. I informed them that I wasn't going to use parts of their circuit that my physiotherapist had advised against using as I was recovering from an injury.

    After that it was abundantly apparent that Curves wasn't the right place for me.

    As far as their circuit goes - the machines are limited range of movement and resistance based. Most are isolation based as opposed to compound activities. You'll get out of them what you put in.

    Knowing now what I didn't then, I'd advise to skip Curves and just head straight to lifting heavy (keeping in mind that "lifting heavy" just means heavy for you) with dumb bells, barbells. In the beginning you can get a great workout using just using body weight/resistance exercises (chin ups, pull ups, push ups, squats, lunges, etc.). If you don't want to find a personal trainer at a gym, or don't have access to one, I'd recommend the Stronglifts, Starting Strength or New Rules of Lifting for Women programs/books as a good starting place.
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