Question for moms (and those with tight schedules)

I'm keeping my 4 year old nephew while I'm home from college 4-6 days a week from early morning usually until dark, and I'm having a hard time finding a chance to work out. During the school year I started running and weight training everyday, but I can't very well leave him at home alone and I don't own any exercise equipment. He is no longer taking naps, and although he can entertain himself for quite a while, he tends to be destructive and likes to climb when left in his room for more than 15-20 minutes, and when he's in the room with me he HAS to be the center of attention.

My question is, what are some ways I can get in some exercise throughout the day? Maybe some things I could do in 5-10 minute bursts when I get the chance? I would really love to hear some stories and tips from some of you who have had similar challenges.


  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    Time management can be very difficult when young children are involved.

    Between work and both kids (now teenagers) playing competitive soccer all year 'round I can relate to having a hectic schedule. Fortunately I'm a morning person and get up around 5:00 for most of my runs, there have been days when strength training is at 10:00PM.

    Is there a gym nearby that has childcare?
  • mayerel
    mayerel Posts: 254 Member
    Get up an hour earlier or go to bed an hour later?

    Take him to the park and run around with him rather than just watching him? Same would apply to a pool, anything to keep moving! Think of lifting him as weight training!
  • jamieleigh1117
    jamieleigh1117 Posts: 5 Member
    There is one gym that offers childcare, but unfortunately they require you to sign a contract for a year and since I spend over half of the year at college 4 hours a way, it really isn't a practical option.
  • kmcnulty05
    kmcnulty05 Posts: 15 Member
    I have a 3 year old little boy and 6 year old girl. What has been working for me lately is taking them to the track with me (the local high school has a fenced in track). There's a sand pit in the middle of the track where I think they do the long jump or something and my son brings a bunch of trucks with him and will play happily in the sand while I run (usually 30-40 minutes) - my daughter is happy to either walk or try to run at times around the track...or sometimes she'll play in the sand too. My son was a really tough one until we discovered the "sand box"! I also have started getting up between 4:20 and 5 am to fit in a run, bike or swim (without the kids) with my neighbor. It's early, but it's the only time we can fit it in sometimes!
  • ajbltn
    ajbltn Posts: 57
    Try and get him as involved as you can. My little guy is only a year and luckily I csn workout while he naps. But we go to the park and I walk with him everyday. Maybe your nephew and you can "race" at the park, or take him swimming at a local pool and try and move lots in the water!!
  • mmsilvia
    mmsilvia Posts: 459 Member
    Take him to a playground and chase him around. I have a one year old and I take him to the playground (or outside) and I play as if I was a little kid. We run around, swing, play ball and all kinds of other fun things. Let me tell you those are sometimes my best workouts.
  • speshell4
    speshell4 Posts: 49
    try a jogging stroller. Not sure if he is too big to sit in one. but My 2 year old enjoys it. and the 30 extra lbs of pushing is an extra workout. My little guy also LOVES the bike trailer. It is just more work to get it and us to the trail. so we use the jogger more than anything.
  • 4thehardman
    4thehardman Posts: 731 Member
    I have triplets who are 3 years old and a 4 year old. I don't have any help except my hard working husband and they are not at school for another year and half. We bought them scooters with 3 wheels and they are so good on them now. I do a 3km run with them on their scooters (with helmets!) most days of the week. Otherwise I sit them infront of the TV for 30mins and do one of the biggest loser workouts. I also (at least 3 times a week) go out running on my own either at 5:30am before they get up or 9pm when my husband gets home from work. It isn't ideal by any means but its needs must for a few more years yet.
  • amymt10
    amymt10 Posts: 271 Member
    I have a 3yr old and 6yr old boys....... try putting him in a stroller or wagon and going for a walk. I used to put both in a wagon... def made my walking workout harder pulling the two of them. Now I have the youngest in the wagon and my oldest rides his bike. I get my workout and he burns off energy.
  • 4thehardman
    4thehardman Posts: 731 Member
    How about switching on the music channel and dancing to pop songs with him and making up silly routines? My kids love that and it gets your heart thumpimg hard!
  • jamieleigh1117
    jamieleigh1117 Posts: 5 Member
    We've had quite a bit of success with running and playing outside. He loves it, but lately his asthma has been an issue with the heat/ humidity/ allergens. (We live in Alabama). Swimming sounds like a pretty good idea. I think I may give that a shot. And I hadn't thought of dancing! I think he'd enjoy that.