Does anyone have cheat days?



  • amtru2015
    amtru2015 Posts: 179 Member
    Like alot of people have said, I do have one day a week i can cheat with food or exercise...but i also still log it, because it does keep you aware of how many calories you are consuming when you do that. I dont have a set day, i just do one day a week when i feel like it and once i use it i cant have another one that week...i am still losing a pound a week which was my goal
  • drcrimson
    drcrimson Posts: 20 Member
    My approach on cheat days has been to drive to be well below my targets during the week, so by the weekend I had extra calories available on a weekly basis. Thus, I got to cheat a little on the weekend, but was still below my weekly total.