Come on new moms!!


I recently had a beautiful baby girl three months ago. After finally getting her on schedule, I'm looking forward to having some extra energy for myself (along with my three year old!). I would love to connect with other new moms, with first or subsequent children that are looking for some extra motivation and support. I have a wedding coming up in August and would love to be down to goal weight by then. That's about 15 pounds. I know from past experience with weight watchers (I lost 50 pounds before having my first child) that group support is key!

please join me on my journey and share your own!!

Here are my stats....
Age: 30
Weight: 155
Goal: 140-145


  • wakie27
    wakie27 Posts: 26
    I'm not a new mom, but I'm new to MFP and a mom - does that count? :)

    I have two kids - my little girl will be 3 on Thursday, and my littly boy is 16 months.

    I, too, have a wedding coming up this summer (at the end of June) and while I know I won't be reaching my goal weight by then, I'd at least like to be on way towards it.

    ETA: Oops, forgot my stats -
    Age: 27
    Current: 169
    Goal: 150
  • chazsucks
    chazsucks Posts: 170
    Hello! Not a new mum but I work with new mums - does that count? ;) hehe

    I have a 16 month old and a 3 year old (and STILL trying to lose the baby weight!)
  • coreysmrs
    coreysmrs Posts: 6
    yes of course that counts!! Welcome!! Lets keep each other going and track our progress. Today is day one for me and of course I'm feeling motivated today.....but tomorrow may be a different story!!

    Good luck to you and lets wow them at these weddings!
  • wakie27
    wakie27 Posts: 26

    I have a 16 month old and a 3 year old (and STILL trying to lose the baby weight!)

    Ahh - somebody else who can relate to the close age difference :) And GREAT job on your weight loss!!
  • NavyKnightAh13
    NavyKnightAh13 Posts: 1,394 Member
    i have an almost five month old at home.

    Age: 23
    Current Weight: 199
    Goal weight: 150
  • gchutson
    gchutson Posts: 657
    No one cares about the dads. *sob*
  • chazsucks
    chazsucks Posts: 170
    Double post!
  • chazsucks
    chazsucks Posts: 170
    I'm not a new mom, but I'm new to MFP and a mom - does that count? :)

    I have two kids - my little girl will be 3 on Thursday, and my littly boy is 16 months.

    I, too, have a wedding coming up this summer (at the end of June) and while I know I won't be reaching my goal weight by then, I'd at least like to be on way towards it.

    ETA: Oops, forgot my stats -
    Age: 27
    Current: 169
    Goal: 150

    Oh yes, our little ones are the same ages basically! Feel free to add me it's nice having people with similar things going on in life lol!
  • coreysmrs
    coreysmrs Posts: 6
    So, how long have you guys been on this site? Chaz...have you lots all your weight on here?! You are an inspiration! Great work!!

    Navy...welcome and congrats on the 5 months old, such a fun age!!

    Wakie...I have a three year old too!

    PS- dads count too!!
  • chazsucks
    chazsucks Posts: 170
    Thank you :)

    I started at 249lbs and am now 214lbs. I started when my son was about 3 or 4 months old if I recall, so thats been about a year to lose 35lbs. I lost more, took time away from MFP and put some back on :( so this site really is good :) since I've been back I've begun to lose again

  • akm2007
    akm2007 Posts: 5
    Hi! I'm a new mom, I have an almost 4 months old and a 3 year old. CW 171.5, GW 150.
  • coreysmrs
    coreysmrs Posts: 6
    hmmmm, may have encountered a problem.....just tracked my meals, including supper (because I've cooked it already) and I only have enough calories left for half a glass of wine. LOL! This is going to be harder than I thought. Just kidding! ;)
  • wakie27
    wakie27 Posts: 26
    hmmmm, may have encountered a problem.....just tracked my meals, including supper (because I've cooked it already) and I only have enough calories left for half a glass of wine. LOL! This is going to be harder than I thought. Just kidding! ;)

    Haha! Run in place for 5 minutes and then you can have the whole glass :) It'll get easier. I've been on it for 10 days, and have really loved it so far.
  • I am a semi-new mom, my daugher is 18 months and I'm still struggling to lose the weight I gained with her and then even more. It's so hard for me to find time (my schedule has me at work 9:30-6 M-F) then being a single mom it's harder to have a structured work out routine with no babysitter.
  • chazsucks
    chazsucks Posts: 170
    Hehe well earlier I realised I only had 60kcals left for dinner!!! so I gained did 20 minutes workout and now have about 300kcals left for the day and Im not hungry any more! :( going to try and have some chicken though because don't want to be too much under
  • Show_Stopper
    Show_Stopper Posts: 656 Member
    I am a new mom! I had my 1st baby ( baby stella) the end of Feb. I could really use the support as I'm a single mom and struggle with losing weight and taking care of a 3 month old! Please feel free to add me!!!!!:happy:
  • hgaspard83
    hgaspard83 Posts: 66 Member
    I am a new mom also, I have a 4 month old baby boy!!!

    weight now 183
    goal 150

  • nakabi
    nakabi Posts: 589 Member
    Love seeing all the *new* mums on here!


    I'm 28, CW 144, GW 125

    Have a 2.5 year old, a 14th month old, and one due first week of Dec
  • poesch77
    poesch77 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Not new to the mom thing but I have 2 girls.....7 yr old and an 18 month old!

    I started MFP when the baby was 3 months has been a SLOW process! I have lost a total of 55lbs....but still have 40-45 more lbs to go!!!

    My stats are horrible.....I gained alot with each pregnancy!!

    Start after having baby: 265lbs
    Start of MFP: 247lbs
    Now: 210 lbs
    Lowest so far in this journey: 206lbs.....Easter gain.....been struggling!
    End Goal: 165-170lbs

    I am almost 5'7..... and I am 34.....age is making it harder to lose too!
  • AmyW4225
    AmyW4225 Posts: 302 Member
    Hi there, and WELCOME! I have a 7 year old, 4 year old, and a 5 month old. I am trying to RE-lose the baby weight. I lost 38 pounds right before I got pregnant, now I am taking it off again. I maxed out at 187 pounds, with this last pregnancy.

    Starting weight: 174
    Current weight: 151
    Goal weight(for now): 130