Bloated like I'm pregnant.

My biggest issue with losing weight is my stomach. A lot of it is fat. But a LOT is just bloating. I have 32 inch chest, and my waist a few years back (when I was in shape) was about 27 inches, which I'm happy with. It is now 40 freaking inches!! Especially because almost ALL my weight is in my stomach and thighs (pear-shaped, woo) I look like i'm pregnant. Its not so sexy haha.

I've been searching the board and googling but I'd really like some direct advice. I am lactose intolerant but I'm pretty good about keeping it out of my diet. I went gluten-free for quite some time and didn't notice a difference belly-wise. Any thoughts? I'm at the gym 3x/week but I know crunches won't be reducing my bloat....or will they? :P lol

thanks guys. loving having the resource of this board.


  • debbiestine
    debbiestine Posts: 265 Member
    Make your diary public- it's 80% diet and 20% exercise. Mine's public- go ahead and take a look. I lost my last 10lbs by keeping carbs and protein around 100. Good luck to you!
  • lin7604
    lin7604 Posts: 3,019 Member
    how's your water intake? that makes a huge difference for me... i too get really bloated easily and i have to keep my sodium at a normal level or under or i see a huge difference.
  • Graciecny
    Graciecny Posts: 303
    Although I thought (and would have sworn up and down) that at least some of mine was bloating, in my case the vast majority of it was simply fat. Of course, I had (and still have) a LOT more to lose than you do!!! FWIW, mine has gotten a lot better with weight loss, but as others have said, not having enough water or too much sodium can really swing things the other way. Thankfully it comes off as easily as it went on with the sodium and water issues. The losing weight part, not so easy. :tongue:
  • Shellyeubanks
    I find that carbs really bloat me bad. When I'm following a lower carb diet, the difference in my stomach is amazing.