This is me~Newbie!

Hi there! I have always struggled with my weight. in high school I went to such extremes as taking diet pills and drinking coke. That got me to a size 10 but didn't do my body any good. So I started smoking(ha like that was good for me)with the thinking that if I am smoking I won't put any crap in my mouth! After years of smoking and aggravating my asthma and my fiance' I quit...And here came the weight! Hello lard *kitten*!! And it only got worse...I just couldn't stop the eating and crying and refusing to really try and exercise.
I was diagnosed bi-polar and the meds didn't help with my weight. Finally at a whopping 375(I am 65 inches)I decided that enough was enough! When I couldn't even bend over to tie my own shoes I freaked out. :sad:
So in February of 2010 my husband(who is heavy too)and I joined Bally's(LA Fitness now) Without radically dropping everything out of my diet I set myself on the treadmill and walked and walked. I needed to start slow because I never really exercised much other than in high school. Finally I graduated to doing the elliptical. Then adding free weights and other machines at the gym. After 1 year I had dropped 110 lbs. My husband lost 80. Then came the miracle of all miracles. After 13 years of being told we would never have kids, I found out I was pregnant. It was the best and scariest day of my life. Best because I was finally having what we always wanted a baby!!! Scariest because I just knew this would sabotage all the hard work I did. After finding out I was in the category for gestational diabetes I went on their diet and only gained 15lbs. After my son was born I was happy and excited! I could get back to the gym soon. But soon wasn't soon. I had him 9-12-11 and wasn't able to get back to the gym until January 2012. Fortunately I had only gained 10 lbs in that time. I was now 260. I began working out vigorously and probably recklessly. I was on a mission to drop this weight like a hot potato. I soon realized that unless I started tracking incoming and outgoing, nothing was going to change. So like a lot of people I convinced myself that I only needed 1200 calories to survive. It worked. I lost more weight and now I am at 242. But then I added some more cardio(zumba and water aerobics)and I soon began to realize I was hitting a plateau and just hanging here. A friend mentioned this site and it's been helpful. It has shown me that I am still not eating enough for my BMR so I am trying to change that! I welcome any and all friends and advice. I want to get to 185(my loose goal) and then strategize from there. I continuously sabotage myself if I over think this is where I need to be weight wise. So thanks for looking and reading!


  • meganisaacson
    meganisaacson Posts: 9 Member
    You can do this! Think positive and you can achieve your goals! I just started myself so you are definitely not alone! Feel free to add me!