I need to lose 10 more lbs by the end of June..help!

Ok I recenlty have lost 10 lbs...my goal is to shed 10 more by end of June. Anyone have any tips or advice..i count my calories(1200) most days and eat pretty healthy. I add exercise and light weight lifting when I can. I have MS so some days I deal with fatigue and have to be careful not to overdo it.

My goal is to loose 10 more by end of June beginning of August. My bridesmaid dress is coming in and I want to make sure I can fit into it..I ordered it a size smaller than what they wanted me to get about 3 months ago. They claimed I should loose 10 lbs to fit into it. Ofcourse I wanna loose more than 10 lbs in the long run but I really would like to shed 10 more before the dress comes in.

Advice...tips..anything please. I know I prolly should be drinking more water for one thing..I drink alot of diet pop.


  • CouchSpud
    CouchSpud Posts: 557 Member
    Get off the diet pop, it's not the best stuff to drink on a good day - other than that, going by weight rather then by inches for a dress seems a bit crazy... they should have told you how much inch you need to lose not weight, as people do lose weight in different places...
  • aralis36
    aralis36 Posts: 20
    yeah I know...and i the dress size I ordered felt good..the size they said I needed according to my measurments was a size larger and felt big..but they said going by my measurements I take the larger size..i didn't even get to try the actual dress on..i had to try a similar one by the same designer..the whole thing was annoying.
  • Bahet
    Bahet Posts: 1,254 Member
    My goal is to loose 10 more by end of June beginning of August.
    Ummm... do you mean you want to lose 10 lbs in the next 3 weeks or in the next 1 months and 3 weeks?
  • aralis36
    aralis36 Posts: 20
    I meant June beginning of July..oops..not August