New. I ran across this site and it intrigued me.

Hey, my names Andrew. I'm from Cincinnati. I work in the automotive field and am very active at work. I decided I want to get fit / healthy. I have actually stepped back from being social to focus more on some things I need to do for me. Also I suffered a heat attack scare last year, there is extensive family history of poor health, a lot of it contributed to drugs and poor excessive and dieting as well. It turns out my tricuspid and mitral valves are not in the best shape, and on top of that I was into energy drinks and had quite a bit of stress at that point. I did get my cholesterol checked then as well and it was in the range of 350. So I dropped the energy drinks, and removed the stress from my life. I now want to take this a step further. I want to look better, and I want to feel better physically.

I started running 3-4 times a week for 30-45min. I am not an expert on dieting but I figured this much. I should drink a can of V8 a day, also take advantage of their juices (not from concentrate.) I started eating more protein (steaks eggs, soups ex.) I need to start breakfast to get some grains into my diet. I figured a good place to start is to stop eating processed food and fast food and go back to what people ate a long time ago.

That's pretty much it. I take knowledge very seriously, and it can be a pain for me to start learning a new subject on top of everything else I am currently doing. I would like to take your advise on what I am doing right, what I need to change. I will do my best to log everything in here, and be as transparent as possible. Need automotive advice, I am "the man"!


  • Iansmommy123011
    Iansmommy123011 Posts: 872 Member
    Feel free to add me if you like :)
  • Dhemeyer
    Dhemeyer Posts: 157 Member
    Look forward to working with ya... friend request coming your way!
  • What works best for me is a fitness buddy.

    Also a program called weight loss boot camp at my local YMCA. It is an 8 week program with 10 others and we work on a weekly goal...
    Week 1 - Write down everything you eat.
    Week 2 Stay within you predetermined Calorie and Fat goal (myfitnesspal).
    Week 3 Staying up with your fiber and water intake. (Drink 64oz and Fiber 28g or more).
    Week 4 Stress Free! Exercise reduces stress.
    Week 5 Sit at the table while you eat & no eating two hours before you go to bed!
    Week 6 No Dessert or sweets for the week
    Week 7 Exercise 5 different days a week.
    Week 8 Incorporate all goals this week.

    So lets Start Week One together.
  • Congrats on taking steps to better health! whole foods and getting away from packaged and fast food will go miles to helping your health. It took a heart attack for me to see the light, but am making changes.
    fell free to add me
  • Thanks for the help. Whats the importance of fiber, and what are good sources? perhaps the whole grain part of my diet that I am currently missing?
  • twinmom430
    twinmom430 Posts: 457 Member
    Feel free to add me!
  • donnao1
    donnao1 Posts: 6
    Sending a friends request your way!