Bipolar medication...Help me please!

DarkNebula84 Posts: 445 Member
I have bipolar and I am going today to get some medication. I tried Seroquel but it did some BAD things too me. I was just wondering if anyone out there has been on anything that did not cause them to gain a ton of weight, that is the last thing I need right now.....Wish there was one that had a side effect of weight loss instead of gain :grumble: Thanks!!

Also I am already on Topamax for migraines.


  • DarkNebula84
    DarkNebula84 Posts: 445 Member
    Nobody? Really?! Wow, that actually surprises me! :ohwell:
  • MommaK0128
    I have Bipolar II and take Lamictal which has no weight gain. Not sure if it's a good med for BP 1.
  • chonji4ever
    chonji4ever Posts: 120 Member
    You can look at WebMD online to get some ideas about what to talk to your doctor about. However, you are going to need to have that professional advice to get the right medication for you.
  • azwaa
    azwaa Posts: 81 Member
    I take zyprexa zydis and effexor for my type II bi polar. (The zydis format is suppose to prevent any weight gain from the meds) Different meds work on different receptors, so sometimes you need to try different ones until you find one that works. Some day they will be able to map our genes and immediately know which type will be best for you, but that is still very expensive and a long way off, so it is just trial and error to find what works with the most tolerable symptoms.
  • _Timmeh_
    _Timmeh_ Posts: 2,096 Member
    I would think consulting a Dr. would be better than asking a bunch of random strangers on a Fitness site.