feeling sad and scared

so i am currently trying to go back to 115 lbs im scared that i will not lose the weight no matter how much i walk and no matter how much i logg into mfp...i guess just needs some words of encouragement.. has this happened to any of you? I am thinking of doing p90X but what if i do not get results? i have tried Pilates about once a week but got no results...


  • kiddoc88
    kiddoc88 Posts: 244 Member
    you can do it : )
  • kiddoc88
    kiddoc88 Posts: 244 Member
    happy to provide motivation/ support.. your pic is gorgeous btw!
  • Snitch1
    Snitch1 Posts: 201 Member
    Mis -read the post,
    You can do this..what is the issue with the 115?
    Why is that the magic number?
    Maybe you will have to accept your body
    doesn't want to go that low.
    Listen to your body.
    Good luck
  • dawsenahalsey
    I to am trying to get back to 115 i was 145 and got diagnosed with hypothyroidism which makes your weight fluctuate up and down after my treatment i maintained 131 then i decided because most people with my condition gain a lot of weight i wanted to get back to my original weight of 115, i have been doing zumba, 5 days on 2 days off , i have been doing power yoga same 5 days on 2 days off , and i just recently added calisthenics 1 hour pushups and sit ups with burpes and low jacks as many as i can in the hour i do them in sets of ten the highest i have done in the hour is 120 of each i do this 2 days on 2 days off i am at 124 now and getting closer to my goal i push myself as hard as i can without hurting myself i have been injured once with the zumba i rotate these exercises through out the month or which ever i feel like doing, this month im focusing on the calisthenics mainly to see if my results improve. this has been working for me so i thought id share it since we have similar weight goals
  • nsamaroo
    nsamaroo Posts: 15 Member
  • nsamaroo
    nsamaroo Posts: 15 Member
    i want to lose to weight so i have my self esteem back and feel beautiful not for anyone else but me.. i have been at this for 4 weeks and only lost 3lbs...i just want to look in the mirror and feel like i do not look preggers... everyone arround me just seems so thin and beautiful and can eat whatever they want and i i feel like i eat a fry and gain 2 lbs...
  • becoming_a_new_me
    becoming_a_new_me Posts: 1,860 Member
    You can say "what if" until the world ends, but at the end of the day, you won't know until you try.

  • nsamaroo
    nsamaroo Posts: 15 Member
    thanks everyone these are really great words to hear! i really appreciate it!
  • fatty321123
    fatty321123 Posts: 1 Member
    The less you have to loose the harder it is. DONT QUIT! the slower you take it off the longer it will stay off. After you reach your goal weight, you will have to maintain at least a year for good measure, Which means watching what you eat as a lifesyle. Crash dietes only will in my experience take it off but come back on with a vengence!

    SLowly lost, makeing the right changes in you and continueing on a health care kick for you lifetime is the key. dont mean you have to starve just find good foods that you like to replace the bad ones this is livable.

    There is a book called body for life, best diet i have ever found you stick to it 6 days a week on the 7th have whatever you want but only that one day. then back to the diet. it allows your body to remember what it was like. You will find you dont even wanna after a period of time eat the junk as much especially as you see the pounds come off and the way you feel

    Sorry if you dont like excercise there is no other way, to loose it must me healthy eating, along with excercise of somekind.

    So change how you feel about walking! Try and enjoy your walks and forget why you are doing it! Enjoy creation take time to smell the roses per say. Being outside and knowing you are doing something good for your body. Dont over due for that causes burn out! Pace yourself, and enjoy life knowing with every step you are getting closer to a newer you even if it is just health you will be able to out walk your friends lol.

    Good luck hope this helps