30 day 'stop that food/drink addiction' challenge



  • jenbridges
    jenbridges Posts: 213 Member
    here here! i am yet another soda addict! please let me join!
    if i could quit with the soda (diet or not) i would probably lose the rest of my weight in a week!
  • bunny1006
    bunny1006 Posts: 325 Member
    bump 4 later
  • Genie30
    Genie30 Posts: 316 Member
    I'm in. sweets are my downfall, Jelly beans and dolly mixtures in particular. Please could you post the link to the group?
  • Alys86
    Alys86 Posts: 5
    I am an alcholic, I dont get drunk but I have it everyday.
  • I'm totally in! We eat way to many sweets at my house, especially ice cream and chocolate. Its been really hard to resist since everyone else is eating it and asking "You want some?" I think I can make it with you guys! :)
  • I gave up coke/pepsi (brown pop) 2 and 1/2 years ago. I occasionally have a sprite or 7 up, MAYBE one a month if that.

    My addiction is ice cream. I start eating it and I can't stop til it's gone. I need to join this group and cut ice cream out for 30 days.

  • lindsy721
    lindsy721 Posts: 350 Member
    ahhh, I guess I'll join along with you guys! I started my own junk-food fast 5 days ago, so I guess I have 25 days to go :) but my weakness is sugar. Cake, cupcakes, reeses, oreos... I like sugary junk food. But I've been 5 days sober, woot!
  • TerraLea
    TerraLea Posts: 87 Member
    So, I have two problem food/drinks that I simply cannot seem to give up.....



    Now, I understand a bit of popcorn and a energy drink now and again isn't a big deal. But, I have at least one energy drink a day (sometimes two), and a *huge* amount of popcorn almost every single night.

    I'd love to start a group challenge so that I have to be accountable to others to stop these habits.

    If you are wanting to stop an addiction that is getting in the way of your goals, join me! List your addiction, and I'll come up with a start date and add the group.

    I have been soda/pop free for 5 years (occasional sprite/7-up when sick), and chocolate free since August 2009 (YES, I said chocolate). Chocolate to me was like alcohol to an alcoholic. I want to encourage you & everyone else that are fighting addictions - YOU CAN DO THIS!! If you stumble, start over the next day - NEVER give up!!! You have made the first 2 steps, 1. Recognizing you have an addiction & 2. Admitting the addiction. YOU CAN DO THIS!!! Anyone can add me & I will help encourage you or add me to your challenge & I will encourage there. Either way - YOU CAN DO THIS!!!!
  • sumeetn
    sumeetn Posts: 56
    I am an alcholic, I dont get drunk but I have it everyday.

    hey me too :-), please send an invite want to kick the habit completely
  • PDXMel
    PDXMel Posts: 2
    My biggest pitfall is Mexican food, Chipotle, the taco stand by my office, huge, gooey burritos and my biggest nemesis: Nachos. I've tried to limit but I think I may need to cut it out completely.
  • bii14
    bii14 Posts: 192
    totally a soda junkie! but i try not to have it most of the times. even if i go out i wudnt specially order a drink for myself but would steal a sip or two from my mom's drink. so yeah im in the battle to stop soda pops too!!
  • sel254
    sel254 Posts: 273 Member
    I'm in!

    I need to give up smoking (I know, not technically food/drink but could do with the motivation!) as I want to take up running. And I need to quit the savoury snacking (potato chips mainly!) And gummy sweets! I eat Haribo like it's going out of fashion :(
  • nileighttig
    nileighttig Posts: 147 Member
    Oooh count me in - I can't stop eating biscuits especially when dipped in a cuppa *yum yum*

    When do we start?
  • RF3377
    RF3377 Posts: 97
    I'd like to join aswell!?

    The main things I want to cut out are diet soda and crisps, I eat maybe one or two packets a week but i'd prefer if I ate none while trying to lose weight!
  • the1end
    the1end Posts: 10 Member
    Sign me up! I need to stop with the wine - it is adding too many calories and is just a bad habit at this point.
  • jjblogs
    jjblogs Posts: 327 Member
    Ok, folks, we start our 30 day journey tomorrow, Wednesday the 13th! Here's the link to the group if I didn't get an invite out to you...


    Good luck to us all!!!
  • I'm in! I'm a HUGE sugar addict, need to cut back.
  • kbogart1996
    kbogart1996 Posts: 55 Member
  • Pimpmonkey
    Pimpmonkey Posts: 566
    I'm totally in, Monday was my first day EVER of just drinking water, no Mtn. Dew which is my major addiction. I never thought I could make it through 1 whole day, I'd love to make it 30!!!
  • beachloe
    beachloe Posts: 51 Member
    I'm glad to see I'm not the only one with a popcorn addiction! I'm not giving it up though. I have a 100 calorie bag every night and that is my daily treat.