Can you eat too much fruit n Veg?



  • julieagburton
    julieagburton Posts: 13 Member
    watch your fiber- too much fiber can cause constipation and be very painful!
    When I started weight watchers I was snacking on only fruits and veggies because they were free points and i love them, we had a meeting on too much fiber, and i was shocked, i didnt believe it so I continued with what i was doing, afterall i was loosing.. well i found out the hard way! it can be very painful so watch your fiber intake!!
  • rawfull
    rawfull Posts: 178
    No. Eat as much fruit and vegetables as you want. I'm now a raw vegan, and eat a lot more fruit and vegetables than you do, and since changing my diet 2 weeks ago I've lot 18 pounds. I also eat small amounts of nuts and seeds. 80/10/10 is the way...
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    I don't think there's anything wrong with it either as long as you're eating healthy foods and are still within your calorie limits.

    I'd like to also comment on your dinner with hubby though.. My hubs isn't on a diet either but I've still made some small changes in our meals together. In fact, I'm not a fan of veggies but this is where I always make sure there are two servings of veggies every night - whether it's a side of green beans/broccoli or lots of chopped up peppers and such in a spaghetti sauce. I know what it's like trying to change a fussy eater though so if he really won't go along, at least make sure you're getting a veg in with dinner and maybe he'll change his mind and follow your lead. Shouldn't add much on to your grocery bill to buy a few servings of veg for yourself...
  • watch your fiber- too much fiber can cause constipation and be very painful!
    When I started weight watchers I was snacking on only fruits and veggies because they were free points and i love them, we had a meeting on too much fiber, and i was shocked, i didnt believe it so I continued with what i was doing, afterall i was loosing.. well i found out the hard way! it can be very painful so watch your fiber intake!!
    Oh really - O i dont want that.... whats your fiber goal? There is always something new to learn with this new lifestyle!
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    No. Eat as much fruit and vegetables as you want. I'm now a raw vegan, and eat a lot more fruit and vegetables than you do, and since changing my diet 2 weeks ago I've lot 18 pounds. I also eat small amounts of nuts and seeds. 80/10/10 is the way...

    Is that 80% cabs, 10% fat, 10% protein. If so, you need 20-30% fat for healthy digestive system, hair, nails etc. and protein at 10% may be fine if you are sedentary, but if you do any physical activity at all you will need more, much more to avoid losing lean muscle mass. preferably 25-30% fat and 25%+ protein the remainder of your cals can come from carbs, or more fat and protein if you wish.
  • ishtar13
    ishtar13 Posts: 528 Member

    What heathly things do you snack on?

    My favorite is carrots and cucumbers with a little hummus.

    Or you can take that apple and pair it with some (natural - no sugar added) peanut butter.

    That much fruit would seem to be a LOT of sugar. Calories count, but so do macros. Do you stay under your carbs as well as calories?

    Also, that much fruit? I'd be, um, in the bathroom a lot with that much fruit.
  • ishtar13
    ishtar13 Posts: 528 Member
    oh! or Greek yogurt with the berries.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Too much fruit and veg is when you eat so much that you don't get enough protein or fat. As long as you are meeting your fat and protein goals and staying within your calorie limits, then I don't believe there is such a thing as too much fruit or vegetables.
  • Everything in moderation.
    H x

    Everything in Moderation - even good heathly foods?

    What heathly things do you snack on?

    I try not to snack too much - today I had a banan and some raw nuts, I like seeds too, pumkin or sunflower seeds. I also don't mind the odd packet of crisps, as long as they are low in cals and fat. Raw veg too. But I do eat fruit as well just not too much of it. H x
  • isazzzz
    isazzzz Posts: 95
    Veg is fine but fruits must be taken in moderation. My grandma got diabetes because she ate too much fruits!