So many NSVs today!

MarincicS Posts: 265 Member
The last time i was on a plane was 3 months ago and i had lost 16 pounds at that time. Now i've lost 40 (or more - including a few before MFP). Leading up to my trip today, i was kind of excited to see how i fit in the seat. About 50% of the time i have to ask for a seat belt extension (the humiliation!) and the tray table is a nightmare that sometimes causes me to skip the meal.

So . . . .

Today it was all different!

* I had at least 6 inches of extra seat belt.
* There were 4 inches between me and the tray table (and i left it down until they made me put it up, just because i could!!)
* My fat did not push up the arm between me and the guy sitting next to me
* My leg made no contact at all with the guy sitting next to me
* The bathroom on the plane felt kind of spacious (OK, that one is a slight exaggeration)

And to top it all off, riding from the taxi to the hotel, i CROSSED MY LEGS!! Ok, it wasn't comfortable and did not look very elegant, but i have not been able to cross my legs for a decade!!

I was so excited about the seat belt and tray tables, i took photos and sent them to my IF (or Inspiration Friend, Donna, who set me on this path) and DSH (Demon Spawn from Hell - my personal trainer).

What a day. Wow!


  • FiercelyBeautiful
    FiercelyBeautiful Posts: 590 Member
    Good for you!!!! Thats awesome!
  • ag2ut
    ag2ut Posts: 20
    What a wonderful post! Congratulations! You made me choke up a little :) Great work on all your accomplishments!
  • kmacgera
    kmacgera Posts: 137 Member
    I'm proud of you!
  • quietHiker
    quietHiker Posts: 1,442 Member
    DSH hahahahaha :) This is amazing!!!! It's the things like this that make me smile. The every day wins that no one really thinks about! Great job!!!
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