Always, always,always tired.....



  • hrtotten
    hrtotten Posts: 26
    I haven't read everything, but green smoothies have really helped me.
  • Kris1997
    Kris1997 Posts: 241
    You mentioned hormones. That would be a possibility. Another thing I haven't seen mentioned is medication. Are you taking any medicines that can increase fatigue. I know I am on one medication that I take in the evening and am still groggy when I wake up from it.

    YEP hormones. I had a total hysterectomy last June. I have to take hormones now.
  • breezymom81
    breezymom81 Posts: 499 Member
    Check for Sleep Apnea, hormonal issues ( I get so tired I can barely move when my hormons are out of wack) Thyroid Vit. D. Also you need to be sure you ar eating enough to have the energy to workout and fuel your body!! When I eat crappy I am more worn out!

    Also check your stress levels~ being stressed can make you sleep! I recommend a physical to check on it!
  • holleysings
    holleysings Posts: 664 Member
    Are you eating enough? I was always tired no matter how much sleep I got when I only at 1200 calories a day and exercised almost every day. I also have a Vitamin D deficiency, which can make you tired amongst other weird symptoms. Definitely get some blood work done!
  • degan2011
    degan2011 Posts: 316 Member
    Increase, increase, increase your calories.
    I felt the same way. Was working out 5-6 days a week, 1200 calories per day. Felt like a zombie. Then, after reading the posts on MFP, I bit the bullet and increased to 1400 and ate back some of my exercise calories. Wow! The difference was almost immediate.
    If that doesn't help- maybe you should go see your Dr. A check up never hurt anyone.

    I Agree with the above post. Without your diary being public it is hard to determine what your calorie intake might be. That was my first thought to your post.
  • Kris1997
    Kris1997 Posts: 241
    Increase, increase, increase your calories.
    I felt the same way. Was working out 5-6 days a week, 1200 calories per day. Felt like a zombie. Then, after reading the posts on MFP, I bit the bullet and increased to 1400 and ate back some of my exercise calories. Wow! The difference was almost immediate.
    If that doesn't help- maybe you should go see your Dr. A check up never hurt anyone.

    I Agree with the above post. Without your diary being public it is hard to determine what your calorie intake might be. That was my first thought to your post.

    It is public.........with lots of sugar in it past few days too! LOL Can't figure out how to fix my sweet tooth.
  • robinogue
    robinogue Posts: 1,117 Member
    Nope you're not the only one... I couldn't figure out why the heck I was so tired daily even after a good night's sleep. Well a few weeks ago I got a FitBit and turns out even if I'm in be for over 7 hours I'm actually only sleeping 4-5 hours. I have very bad sleeping habits which causes me to be exhausted all the time...
  • Genem30
    Genem30 Posts: 431 Member
    Sounds like a potential tyroid issue, I would definitely get checked. Generally it can be corrected with medication.
  • nadiawilder
    nadiawilder Posts: 18 Member
    I felt this way every afternoon, and early morning for that matter, until I truly changed my diet. I truly found that processed foods and starchy carbs were the culprit. When I changed to eating six small meals a day and cut out the high starch carbs, my energy level changed drastically. I wouldn't say that my energy level went "through the roof", but I no longer have afternoon slumps or feel sleepy after meals. Try making minor modifications in terms of your carb intake, increase your protein and you're bound to see some results! :) Drink water, get good sleep at night, etc. etc.

    Hope this helps! :)
  • FrugalMomsRock75
    FrugalMomsRock75 Posts: 698 Member
    Going back a few days in your diary... where are your real foods?? You have a lot of processed foods, and very little fresh, real food.

    Our bodies really weren't made to live solely on processed foods. If you incorporate more real, whole foods into your diet while maintaining a *healthy* deficit, you will possibly feel better...
    PLUMSGRL Posts: 1,134 Member
    Truthfully, you're just not eating enough. Any time you eat under your BMR, you set yourself up for failure.

    Read this blog by one of the members of Eat More to Weigh Less, it has links to put you on the right path for LASTING weight loss:

    Good luck on your journey!
    LSHANDREW Posts: 39
    I was soooo tired, so I asked my doctor to check my vitamin d level. it was critically low. I started taking 5,000 units of vitamin d a day and after about 2 weeks I felt better! You might also have sleep apnea.
  • tmos512
    tmos512 Posts: 119 Member
    I had the same thing - had all of my levels checked and everything was perfect. I started taking (regularly) a simple multi-vitamin, a Vitamin B supplement and calcium with vitamin D. I'm not super energized, but I don't feel the awful fatigue and constant need to sleep or lie down that I had. Hope all works out well!
  • Amber0318C
    I absolutely have this problem too. I don't drink Coffee but I do drink energy drinks daily and it's to the point that they are no help anymore. I've asked the doctor but she hasn't really recommended anything other than lowering my stress, lowering my weight, and exercising more. I'm trying to do that but still having an issue. Sorry I am not able to help but you arent alone.
  • dmpizza
    dmpizza Posts: 3,321 Member
    See a DR, you could have other issues, or its just carrying the extra weight that is tiring to you.
  • kdeaux1959
    kdeaux1959 Posts: 2,675 Member
    Chronic fatigue is also a major symptom of Depression and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome as well as Bipolar Disorder. I agree. See a doctor and let them know. Excessive stress can also cause it... usually because it is beginning to affect your emotional well-being. No way any of us can adequately diagnose you. See your doctor.
  • kdeaux1959
    kdeaux1959 Posts: 2,675 Member
    I absolutely have this problem too. I don't drink Coffee but I do drink energy drinks daily and it's to the point that they are no help anymore. I've asked the doctor but she hasn't really recommended anything other than lowering my stress, lowering my weight, and exercising more. I'm trying to do that but still having an issue. Sorry I am not able to help but you arent alone.

    Energy drinks have far more caffeine that coffee or soft drinks. You really need to decrease your caffeine intake. Often we use caffeine to try to pick us up when what we really need is vitamins and such. Also an assessment of your thyroid, and other symptoms that may be indicative of other problems would be helpful.
  • penrbrown
    penrbrown Posts: 2,685 Member
    Nah, I'm like that too! I ONLY exercise at night because I get SOOO tired after that I literally crash.

    I try to work around it as much as I can. By keeping my workouts short. By never pushing too hard. By working out at night so i can go to bed right after (if I try working out in the morning I'm so exhausted all day that I can barely function).

    I agree with others... see your doctor... but if your doctor has no definitive answer then don't despair. Just find ways to work around it.
  • Atalante
    Atalante Posts: 9 Member
    I have felt extremely tired for years. I have tried almost everything and my doctor has checked almost everything, and there seems to be nothing wrong except an extremely low energy level. When I try to eat less it gets even worse, and work-out is no help at all. My own theory is that I suffer from permanent mild depression. But is is sometimes extremely difficult to have to kick myself to do even the smallest thing. So you're not alone in this. The only thing is, please do not stop doing things like exercise, work and socialising even though you do not feel like it at all. The tiredness only gets worse if you let yourself go.
  • delilah47
    delilah47 Posts: 1,658
    A lot of people who can't stay awake during the day have sleep apnea. Sleep apnea is a very serious condition where your throat closes up during sleep which prevents you from inhaling. You can die in your sleep from sleep apnea, so I would be heading to the doctor and let him refer you to a sleep study. I have a friend who was always nodding off and he had sleep apnea. He got the C-PAP mask to wear while he is sleeping and he is a totally different guy. He's awake, alert, and actually has a personality! Just do it.