Any one else doing Tapout Xt?

Just completed day 6 of tapout xt. Anyone else doing Tapout? If so, what are your thoughts about it? I'm finding a lot of the exercises to be difficult but not impossible - I'm just not at the fitness level to do all of them yet.




  • erinmel00
    erinmel00 Posts: 18 Member
    Hi Cyn,
    My husband and I are just a week out to completing our 90 days with TapoutXT. Stick with it, you won't regret it. I started out at 183 and I'm currently 166. That's 17 pounds for me. My husband has lost 30! I started out doing push ups on my knees and can now do them on my toes. I think I hit that benchmark around day 30 or so. When we finish next saturday, I'll post our before and after pics. I think they tell a better story for me. I started out at a 38 waist and I'm down to 31.25. Pushing play is half the battle. Just keep at it!
  • Nianthis
    Nianthis Posts: 16 Member
    Hi Erin! Thank you for the encouragement! And, wow you guys are doing awesome! Can't wait to see your before/after pics!

    Did you stick with the meal plan? I thought my calorie levels were okay, so I have been doing my own calorie count, but I've only lost like a pound in the first week... Any thoughts?
  • erinmel00
    erinmel00 Posts: 18 Member
    No, we didn't really stick with the meal plan. The only things I tried to do were make sure I ate some sort of protein with every meal and stay within 1200 - 1500 calories. I still had sweets when I wanted them, just tried to keep them to a minimum and only on the weekends. It seemed to work for me. I probably could have lost more had I stuck with their nutritional plan, but I just knew I wouldn't be able to stick with it if I did that.

    Could it be possible that you gained muscle in the first week? You should make sure to take your measurements because I noticed the weeks I didn't lose anything on the scale, I usually lost inches. I lost 3 inches around my chest after the first 10 days!
  • Nianthis
    Nianthis Posts: 16 Member
    Yes, I had thought that and was looking forward to day 10 (which is on Tuesday) when I will retake my measurements to see how I've done so far. Also, I'll probably look over my meals that I've been eating to see where I can add more fruits/veg / protein. I tend to eat the same things so maybe I need to just "mix it up" some more. :)
  • mjfearing
    mjfearing Posts: 3 Member
    I just finished day 6, myself. Tomorrow is my first rest day, although I think I'll do something... even if it's just a leisurly "stroll" on the stationary bike while watching the morning news. I know that some people have dramatic results in 10 days, but I haven't noticed any major visible changes, including on the scale, but can feel a difference... especially hobbling around from being so sore!!
  • Nianthis
    Nianthis Posts: 16 Member
    I know what you mean! The soreness has lessened for me (I just finished day 9 today), but I'm still fairly sore! I wished I would have exercised somewhat on my rest day - I felt very sluggish that whole day. I might add some walking on my rest day next time to see if that would help too.

    Yeah, I haven't noticed a lot of changes yet either - but I'm keeping at it! :)

    Good luck to you!

  • brandyirigoyen
    I just hit day 50 :) Stick to it, it is very worth it! I have seen a big difference in size, strength, and all over goodness. Can't wait to do day 60 measurements :0) Keep up the good work!
  • Nianthis
    Nianthis Posts: 16 Member
    That's awesome! :) Congrats on hitting day 50!

    So far, I've lost 2 lbs by day 10 ! Yay! I did the plyo xt video for the 2nd time today and I've already noticed a big difference in my endurance!
  • crazy8ts
    crazy8ts Posts: 360
    I'm anxiously waiting for mine to be delivered... I'm a huge martial arts nut, so it looks like it's right up my alley.... can't frickin' wait (or should I say weight??:laugh: )!
  • drotarthebarbarian
    drotarthebarbarian Posts: 39 Member
    I'm in my first week, sore as hello but LOVING it. Question for you guys further in: My knees aren't great. Not bad, just not great. Should I skip the Plying and just do the Muay Thai or Buns & Guns in it's place, or am I being a scaredy cat? Any input would be appreciated.
  • peeneenut
    peeneenut Posts: 11 Member
    My husband & I are trying to decide between ordering the tap-out plan or Rushfit.... The Rushfit is a little less expensive, & all the reviews on amazon seem good.... Just can't decide which way to go.....:ohwell:
  • Nianthis
    Nianthis Posts: 16 Member
    Today is day 14 for me & a rest day! Which I needed after yesterday's workout - CardioXT/Ult. Abs!
  • jlavore
    jlavore Posts: 2 Member
    I just ordered that! Please tell me what you think!!!!!!
  • Altruista75
    Altruista75 Posts: 409 Member
    I just completed month 1 today!! Loving this program SO much!
  • blessingsx2
    blessingsx2 Posts: 119 Member
    How long are the workouts?
  • Altruista75
    Altruista75 Posts: 409 Member
    How long are the workouts?

    They are all under an hour. The days you are scheduled to do the extra ab workout along with a few of the others can be a hair over an hour long total though.
  • ksibley012709
    I am purchased Tapout XT awhile back and started it then stopped. But I have moved since then and lost the Food Plan does anyone have a PDF file they would be able to upload for me? I am wanting to start again I had my son 7 months ago and think its time to get back in shape.
  • Drod914
    Hi Everyone,

    I am pleased to say, I just recieved my TapOut XT workout set, can't wait to get started tonight. I will not be doing the meal plan just because it is difficult for me to try and fit this kind of meal preparation into my busy work schedule, hopefully just eating right and counting calories works out for me. I am kind of nervous because mostly everyone who has tried tapout say it is hard exercise, I just don't want to start then quit. During this process of working out for 90 days I hope to lose 25lbs, my current weight is 145 reaching 120lbs is a dream come true. Being so young I would like to wear cute stuff and feel comfortable in it, I will be checking in when I reach the ten day mark.
  • jhillman201
    So I have had Tapout XT for about 2 months now. Never Opend it, I know wtf right. I have a complex that i will not like it and just stop, what if i wake up my housemates, the dogs might bark, i may jiggle to much. I guess I am more worried about sticking to it

    Any pointers for those "AHHH!!< I HATE THIS" days?

    Thank you

  • BeABetterGuy
    Great tips and progress from you guys! My wife and I just finished week #1. We're sore but nothing crazy. We've found this program to move much faster and basically more interesting than P90X though we know both programs are fantastic. For whatever reason though hitting play in week one for Tapout seemed a bit easier.

    Good news in week one: Tons of variety in the moves, workouts moved fast, and by the end of the workouts we were feeling it something fierce but not wasted for the rest of the day. Workout length is great! With the exception of one longer day early in the week, everything was right around 50 minutes. Victory!

    Neutral News: I'm not saying bad news, way too early for that. I'm not supposed to weigh until day 10 but hopped on the scale this morning just to check things out and I haven't lost a single ounce. I'm not sweating (pardon the workout pun) this yet at all. This program is 90 days not 6 days. We've got a good rhythm going and we're committed. I'm convinced pounds will go away eventually.

    Excited for all of you guys and gals! Look forward to sharing our stories and hearing yours.

    Rest day on Thanksgiving = Winning! Happy Turkey Day folks!
