Advice from those who have done it > those who haven't

jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
I doubt this will be popular, but I'm going to say it anyhow. First, yes, everyone has an opinion and all are welcome to share their opinion. Remember that when you jump all over my opinion. =) However, I consistently see people who are at the very beginning of their journey giving advice as if it were Gospel fact and often in direct contradiction to those who have actually accomplished their goal. While I don't really have a solution to this, and I'm not saying that only those who have succeeded should have a voice here, but I would ask those who are just setting out on their journey to hesitate just a moment before sharing what they are absolutely convinced they think is true if they haven't actually seen it through to the end yet to really know if what they *think* works actually *does* work.

Am I the only one? Should I have kept this opinion to myself? Am I a bad bad person for saying this? Go ahead, say what's on your mind.

Oh, and here's a smiley in case I sounded like a jerk and made you mad: :smile:


  • runfatmanrun
    runfatmanrun Posts: 1,090 Member
    It's kind of a valid point. People who have had success appear to know what they are doing. However, those new to the healthy living weight loss phenomenon can frequently offer up new suggestions or ways to do thing that those who are successful may not have known about. As for my opinion you should always take it as gospel, I do.:tongue:
  • Jacwhite22
    Jacwhite22 Posts: 7,012 Member
    The one exception I would make to this is people who have done it before. There are lots of people who know how to lose weight.......They have done it before......some people many times.......Maybe they are just starting another "losing" cycle. They might be more qualified to talk about losing weight than someone who has only done it once. They probably should not offer any advice on keeping it off.
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    The one exception I would make to this is people who have done it before. There are lots of people who know how to lose weight.......They have done it before......some people many times.......Maybe they are just starting another "losing" cycle. They might be more qualified to talk about losing weight than someone who has only done it once. They probably should not offer any advice on keeping it off.


    Also, there are a lot of people who have lost a lot of weight who are full of crap too.

    Judge the information given to you on its merit alone, not necessarily from who gives it.
  • runfatmanrun
    runfatmanrun Posts: 1,090 Member
    The one exception I would make to this is people who have done it before. There are lots of people who know how to lose weight.......They have done it before......some people many times.......Maybe they are just starting another "losing" cycle. They might be more qualified to talk about losing weight than someone who has only done it once. They probably should not offer any advice on keeping it off.

    This. Just because you are good at failing does make you an expert at succeeding.
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    What you say may not be very sensitive and heartwarming, but it's true. I honestly would not take advice from a person who hadn't been in my position and succeeded.
  • carrie_eggo
    carrie_eggo Posts: 1,396 Member
    The one exception I would make to this is people who have done it before. There are lots of people who know how to lose weight.......They have done it before......some people many times.......Maybe they are just starting another "losing" cycle. They might be more qualified to talk about losing weight than someone who has only done it once. They probably should not offer any advice on keeping it off.


    Also, there are a lot of people who have lost a lot of weight who are full of crap too.

    Judge the information given to you on its merit alone, not necessarily from who gives it.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    The one exception I would make to this is people who have done it before. There are lots of people who know how to lose weight.......They have done it before......some people many times.......Maybe they are just starting another "losing" cycle. They might be more qualified to talk about losing weight than someone who has only done it once. They probably should not offer any advice on keeping it off.

    I think this is my point. That the opinion of those who have actually done the thing once (or more) maybe...*maybe*...should be regarded with more weight than those who are actually doing it the first time and are basing their opinion on what they *think* should be true.

    That said, there is the danger of those who have actually done the thing believing that the way they accomplished it is the "one true way" even if it was less than optimal.
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    The one exception I would make to this is people who have done it before. There are lots of people who know how to lose weight.......They have done it before......some people many times.......Maybe they are just starting another "losing" cycle. They might be more qualified to talk about losing weight than someone who has only done it once. They probably should not offer any advice on keeping it off.


    Also, there are a lot of people who have lost a lot of weight who are full of crap too.

    Judge the information given to you on its merit alone, not necessarily from who gives it.

    Yup. That's a great post!
  • kaydensmom12
    kaydensmom12 Posts: 338
    I would not listen to someone just because they made it to goal, losing a lot of weight and being healthy can be two completely different things. I have seen people on here that have lost 100+ lbs, but they only eat 1000 calories a day and are 5'5. On here everyone seems to have different opinions, with rarely any evidence to back up their statements, or evidence that they are biasing towards their side of the argument. If we really want advice we should just do some research ourselves and form our own opinion, unless we are basing our opinion based on experience:)
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    The one exception I would make to this is people who have done it before. There are lots of people who know how to lose weight.......They have done it before......some people many times.......Maybe they are just starting another "losing" cycle. They might be more qualified to talk about losing weight than someone who has only done it once. They probably should not offer any advice on keeping it off.


    Also, there are a lot of people who have lost a lot of weight who are full of crap too.

    Judge the information given to you on its merit alone, not necessarily from who gives it.

    Thanks. I must have missed that on my search for an existing topic on this...(er, uh, okay, fine...maybe I didn't actually search at all).

    I'll give that a read through now...and I'll be more inclined to listen to what he says because he looks to be in better shape than me. :tongue:
  • smileylittleorange
    smileylittleorange Posts: 45 Member
    YOU Jerk ! :-) Lol. No it is a valid point and from one point of view sometimes I admit to seeing someone give advice but then realising they are not v far along their journey and it does kind of discredit . BUT I have lost a weight before and read/studied loads (lots of theory v little practice) and I would hate to think my opinion wouldn't count for anything. (even though my ticker tells you all how I failed at this weight loss thing).

    And yeah there are a lot of people who have lost loads who should be heavier because they are full of crap!
  • Shannon2714
    Shannon2714 Posts: 843 Member
    I doubt this will be popular, but I'm going to say it anyhow. First, yes, everyone has an opinion and all are welcome to share their opinion. Remember that when you jump all over my opinion. =) However, I consistently see people who are at the very beginning of their journey giving advice as if it were Gospel fact and often in direct contradiction to those who have actually accomplished their goal. While I don't really have a solution to this, and I'm not saying that only those who have succeeded should have a voice here, but I would ask those who are just setting out on their journey to hesitate just a moment before sharing what they are absolutely convinced they think is true if they haven't actually seen it through to the end yet to really know if what they *think* works actually *does* work.

    Am I the only one? Should I have kept this opinion to myself? Am I a bad bad person for saying this? Go ahead, say what's on your mind.

    Oh, and here's a smiley in case I sounded like a jerk and made you mad: :smile:

    I love people that speak their minds. All of these whiny brats that will reply that you have somehow offended them are simply amusing :-)

    I am one of those that has lost before and is now losing again. I know what worked for me before and I know what happened that I gained it back. I don't give advice unless it is asked for, and even then I make sure to specify that it happened to work for me and doesn't mean it will work for someone else.
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    The one exception I would make to this is people who have done it before. There are lots of people who know how to lose weight.......They have done it before......some people many times.......Maybe they are just starting another "losing" cycle. They might be more qualified to talk about losing weight than someone who has only done it once. They probably should not offer any advice on keeping it off.


    Also, there are a lot of people who have lost a lot of weight who are full of crap too.

    Judge the information given to you on its merit alone, not necessarily from who gives it.

    Thanks. I must have missed that on my search for an existing topic on this...(er, uh, okay, fine...maybe I didn't actually search at all).

    I'll give that a read through now...and I'll be more inclined to listen to what he says because he looks to be in better shape than me. :tongue:

    HAHAH! :) I don't think your post is jerk-ish at all really, and I think there's some merit to listening to people who are fitter and leaner and doing the things you want to be doing for yourself, but take that advice with some consideration also. I've heard some total bull**** from superfit people before.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    YOU Jerk ! :-) Lol. No it is a valid point and from one point of view sometimes I admit to seeing someone give advice but then realising they are not v far along their journey and it does kind of discredit . BUT I have lost a weight before and read/studied loads (lots of theory v little practice) and I would hate to think my opinion wouldn't count for anything. (even though my ticker tells you all how I failed at this weight loss thing).

    And yeah there are a lot of people who have lost loads who should be heavier because they are full of crap!

    To be clear, even if my post is a valid point, that doesn't necessarily mean that I'm not still a jerk.

  • kgprice11
    kgprice11 Posts: 750 Member
    I doubt this will be popular, but I'm going to say it anyhow. First, yes, everyone has an opinion and all are welcome to share their opinion. Remember that when you jump all over my opinion. =) However, I consistently see people who are at the very beginning of their journey giving advice as if it were Gospel fact and often in direct contradiction to those who have actually accomplished their goal. While I don't really have a solution to this, and I'm not saying that only those who have succeeded should have a voice here, but I would ask those who are just setting out on their journey to hesitate just a moment before sharing what they are absolutely convinced they think is true if they haven't actually seen it through to the end yet to really know if what they *think* works actually *does* work.

    Am I the only one? Should I have kept this opinion to myself? Am I a bad bad person for saying this? Go ahead, say what's on your mind.

    Oh, and here's a smiley in case I sounded like a jerk and made you mad: :smile:

    You have a very valid point buddy. Even though I am just starting to lose weight I have been lifting and running for 8-10 years now and know alittle bit about nutrition and exercising, but then their are people that just started completely that state their opinions and points on subjects that they have no clue the actual consequences that occur. Many times their completely wrong and can harm someone that takes their opinion. Thanks for voicing a valid poind
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member

    HAHAH! :) I don't think your post is jerk-ish at all really, and I think there's some merit to listening to people who are fitter and leaner and doing the things you want to be doing for yourself, but take that advice with some consideration also. I've heard some total bull**** from superfit people before.

    Indeed. This is likely going to be the topic of the *next* topic I start.
  • Shawneb66
    Shawneb66 Posts: 124
    I have lost 19lbs in 2 months...I wouldn't even begin to tell someone else what to do to achieve their goal. In reading the boards I noticed the same thing, people that have only lost a few pounds giving advice. It seemed a little weird to me!
  • slkehl
    slkehl Posts: 3,801 Member
    As a nutrition science major, I've seen a lot of people on here who have lost a decent amount of weight posting advice that is not scientifically sound. They may have good general suggestions, but that doesn't mean they're necessarily more well informed than those who haven't lost the weight.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    The simple fact is that there are a lot of right ways to lose weight. Low carb, low fat, primal, paleo, high protein, low calories, vegetarian, vegan, just meet your macros, not obsessing over fat, carbs, protein or calories, exercising a lot, exercising a little or not at all. It can all work.

    Take everything as a suggestion only. If it sounds too good to be true, assume it is. If it sounds reasonable and like something you could live with long term, give it a try. If it's not working, give something else a try.

    The only right way to lose weight is that one that works for you long term.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    As a nutrition science major, I've seen a lot of people on here who have lost a decent amount of weight posting advice that is not scientifically sound. They may have good general suggestions, but that doesn't mean they're necessarily more well informed than those who haven't lost the weight.

    Good point. Maybe I should have broadened my complaint to the quality of *all* advice on the MFP forums...(but I think that dead horse has been sufficiently beaten).

    Now I'm thinking about the advice/information/opinions *I've* given on MFP wondering if I've ever been guilty of this.

    EDIT: But maybe I have somewhat of an out because of my own "success" story...6', reasonably lean guy, dieted down from 183ish (7/2011) to 150ish (1/2012) and have been intentionally slowly gaining from there to 162ish now...both directions with a change in both what (which I believe significantly affects your ability to stay "on plan") and how much I ate (which ultimately drives either weight gain or loss).