85% OR 90% Dark chocolate



  • acarter72
    acarter72 Posts: 117 Member
    90% - one square after my workout as it tends to lower oxidative stress which can cause oxidative damage to proteins, membranes and genes.

    I never knew this! I will have to eat a square post runs!
  • acarter72
    acarter72 Posts: 117 Member
    Try eating dark chocolate with a banana. Yummy ;)

    I will...do you eat the banana or chocolate first?
  • acarter72
    acarter72 Posts: 117 Member
    I buy the Endangered Species and Paul Newman Chocolate from Kroger's (grocery store). I like that they are both creamy.


    They are great bars too....a little bit more pricey but a GREAT cause indeed!
  • acarter72
    acarter72 Posts: 117 Member
    If I have extra calories, I often dip a 85% lindt dark chocolate bar into almond butter. It's pretty high calorie, but they're good calories and taste great! I doubt 90% would be that much different than 85%, but they say the darker it is, the healthier it is.

    There is a difference between 85% and 90% but I will eat either. It is all good stuff indeed!!!!!!!!
  • Instead of just eating the square of chocolate, melt it, fry bacon (uncured bacon), dip the bacon in the melted dark chocolate, let the chocolate cool and enjoy.

    Best. Snack. Ever.
  • utoxin
    utoxin Posts: 14
    Tip I've learned for dark chocolate fans (got this from Amano Chocolates), don't /chew/ the square of dark chocolate. Just let it melt on your tongue. The new flavor profiles you discover are amazing, especially with high quality chocolates. Also, chewing is what releases a lot of the 'bitter' flavors that many people associate with dark chocolate.
  • kcoftx
    kcoftx Posts: 765 Member
    I double heart chocolate. It is my vice. BUT...

    I.would.not.touch.dark.chocolate. until..

    I discovered Hershey's Bliss Dark Chocolate. It is 70%. Now I eat it most nights. Now that I've gotten used to the flavor, I might try going up a bit. I like Lindt chocolates usually more than Girdella so I think I will start there. Maybe Dove has something.
  • utoxin
    utoxin Posts: 14
    I STRONGLY recommend you find a dark chocolate specialist that isn't one of the big international brands. They're more expensive, (but that can work in your favor, by making you not eat a whole bar at once...), but the flavor is usually FAR FAR better. I've been /ruined/ for mainstream chocolate by Amano Chocolates. They specialize in 'single origin' chocolate bars, where all the beans for a line of chocolate come from the same small region of the world.

    Amano's Website: https://www.amanochocolate.com/
  • I loveeeeee the 86% Dark Cocoa Midnight Reverie. I forgot who it's from...might be Lindt, but I don't think so. Ghirdalli! Or however you spell it.

    There is also one that's 70 something percent with cranberries or some fruit in it - amazing.

    I don't eat too much of it. I keep it in my nightstand drawer, and I tend to eat full bars since I'm on ambien. Plus, I tend to break out more.

    So good, though.
  • Tip I've learned for dark chocolate fans (got this from Amano Chocolates), don't /chew/ the square of dark chocolate. Just let it melt on your tongue. The new flavor profiles you discover are amazing, especially with high quality chocolates. Also, chewing is what releases a lot of the 'bitter' flavors that many people associate with dark chocolate.

    Totally agree about letting the chocolate melt in your mouth. I never chew up my dark chocolate. For one thing, you miss all the wonderful taste sensations and it goes to fast. Might as well savor it.
  • celticmuse
    celticmuse Posts: 492 Member
    I eat 2 dark chocolate covered almonds after lunch every day. Tames my sweet tooth and lowers my blood pressure. And only 50 calories....
  • I am surprised no one has mentioned the Moser Roth 85% available at Aldi grocery stores. It's only $1.99 a pack -- and you get 5 bars (each just under an ounce). I'm never without them in my desk at work -- along with raw almonds. Yum!