Hi all!

Dchurch24 Posts: 16 Member

I'm Dave, I'm from the South of England. I'm 40.

About 6 weeks ago I weighed 240lb. I stopped smoking in Feb (5th), and figured that I might put weight on, so I took up squash again with a friend. Then my long-term (nearly 6 years) girlfriend left.
To stave of any depression, I stepped up the squash and started to eat healthily(er) - I was never a huge fan of junk/processed food anyway.
Last week, I weighed just over 223lb, so a step in the right direction.
I'm now stepping up the squash once again and have recently bought an exercise bike (I don't do a lot of that, maybe 10 minutes per day).

I've been using the MFP Android app for my phone and if anything, it really makes me stop and think "should I be eating this?"

It says that my daily goal is 1440 and on weekdays I'm finding this easy to stick to, but at weekends I am out and about a lot with friends and with my children and I find it difficult to stay under the 1440, although it's rarely more than 150 cals above - for the week it more-or-less evens out.

So, in short, a little about me and just saying "Hi" really.


  • charanne52
    charanne52 Posts: 88 Member
    Hi Dave,

    I'm another reformed smoker and will have been quit for 5 years in September and yes, I am now packing around an extra 50 pounds as a result of that. It took me a while but I have finally decided to do something about it.

    There are a lot of people here who will mix up (or zigzag) their calorie intake to "fool" their bodies into using up the stored calories by eating over their recommended amount a few times during the week (not exceeding what is required for maintaining their present weight). This seems to be common practice when one reaches a plateau in the hopes of getting the scale to move again and it seems to be successful for many. It sounds like you are doing this unknowingly and you seem to be losing weight so obviously you are doing something right.
  • Dchurch24
    Dchurch24 Posts: 16 Member
    Hi, and thanks for the encouragement!

    I hadn't realised that's what I was doing, but rather figured that the extra excercise and simply watching what I was eating (cut back on the bread and having salads for lunch etc...) was responsible for the weight loss (plus the decreased appetite after my GF leaving).

    I'm playing squash again tonight (2 games instead of the usual 1), so will pop upstairs to the gym and weigh myself again (as I do after every game).
  • Dchurch24
    Dchurch24 Posts: 16 Member
    Get in! Down to 15 stone 7 tonight!
  • tawny2727
    tawny2727 Posts: 35 Member
    Congrats! Keep up the good work. I started using my stationary bike a month ago and could only ride 10 mins., now I am up to 70 mins./day, usually 40 in the morning and 30 in the evening. You will definitely notice a difference.....keep at it :)
  • tinaruby
    tinaruby Posts: 74 Member
    Quit smoking March 14th when my stomach bug turned into a Gall Bladder removal surgery... :-) Luckily I started my weight loss journey in January and down 50 lbs. Feel free to add if you would like!
  • 14Carrots
    14Carrots Posts: 8
    Congratulations on the progress you have made already and on quitting smoking! That is a great achievement!

    Keep on keepin' on, best of luck!