How do you get calories in when eating healthy?

Im having a difficult time getting in all my calories in for the day, especially when I add back my exercise calories for the day. Without exercise my caloric intake should be 1400 according to MFP, but after exercise is added in it sometimes jumps to over 1900 calories. I dont really eat many carbohydrates. I eat lean chicken breast, spinach, cottage cheese, almonds, eggs, protein shakes, but by the end of the day I feel STUFFED to the max and dont know what to eat to get to my goal. What can I add in that wont be so high in carbs during my meals? Im definitely not hungry because I eat alot.


  • iysys
    iysys Posts: 524
    i am right there with you. i have asked this question a few times and everyone always responds "eat a hand full of nuts or a spoon of peanut butter" i don't like eating when i am not hungry.
  • 4myhealth77
    4myhealth77 Posts: 77 Member
    I mean, Im literally eating every three hours from the time I get up, and in order for me to get my calories in I need to eat till midnight, lol. I obviously need to add something into my meals, but Im not sure what I can add that my stomach wont feel like its going to explode.
  • Meg_78
    Meg_78 Posts: 998 Member
    Even just a sprinkling of nuts or seeds in a few meals can help. 10g of roasted almonds which is like 9 almonds is 60+ calories (and about 5g of good fats) mixed sunflower and pumpkin seeds at about 10g (about a tablespoon) is 50 cals (5g fat), that's something you can sprinkle on yoghurt or salads. A tablespoon of chia seeds is about 60-70 cals (5g fat) and can be added to protein shakes or salads or oatmeal, linseeds: a tablespoon is about 45 cals (3g fat) again good with oatmeal, on cottage cheese, in salad. Avacado's, half is about 120 cals, (11g fats), coconut oil or olive oil: half a tablespoon is 60-65 cals (7 g fat) add to a salad as a dressing or cook in it.

    Its not that hard to add some small calorie dense additions to your regular meals through out the day, and they all contain good healthy fats.
  • 4myhealth77
    4myhealth77 Posts: 77 Member
    Those are some good ideas, and thats what I was already contemplating. I forgot about avocado's. Thanks!
  • GelinaKnows
    Simple--I DON'T!! It's a mfp MYTH. I always ignore the extra ones, its done well for me.
  • babycook
    babycook Posts: 172 Member
    I have the same problem. I'm switching to full fat milk products. I eat nuts everyday. I started adding coconut oil to my smoothies. I guess it's all healthy fats. :)
  • UrbanRunner81
    UrbanRunner81 Posts: 1,207 Member
    if you can't eat what you burn, maybe you should cut back on the cardio?

    I eat to my goal usually. I use Bodymedia fit to know how much I burn. I've heard mfp exercise calories aren't accurate, so maybe get a HRM so you know for sure. I have no problem usually reaching my goal... I eat over 2000 daily. sometimes I have treats but I do overall getting healthy stuff in. I do protein shakes and snacks throughout the day.