Do you ever just want to say F*** it and



  • shady1987dre
    shady1987dre Posts: 186 Member
    Hell no. I didnt work my butt off to get where i am just to so something stupid like that.
  • heykaraoke
    heykaraoke Posts: 191 Member
    Yes, yes, yes. Every time I pass the candy-bar aisle in a store, I just want to grab one of EVERYTHING and take it home and hide in my bathroom and stuff my face.

    But then I think of how crappy I will feel about myself afterwards and I get it under control, haha.
  • Cake, yes please!! And ice cream... hmmm.. haven't had ice cream in AGES! D;
  • michellelhartwig
    michellelhartwig Posts: 486 Member
    mmmm yes!, specially in days when ppl continue to piss you off since you wake up... or when you feel sick.

    ^^^THIS!!! TODAY!!!!
  • supertracylynn
    supertracylynn Posts: 1,338 Member
    Please give me cream filled cake, pudding, almond butter with honey, rare steak, chive mashed potatoes, and cheez-its!
  • DaughterOfTheMostHighKing
    DaughterOfTheMostHighKing Posts: 1,436 Member
    more like "WHATEVERS!!!!" and eat ice cream. but I always seem to stop myself... :P
  • focus4fitness
    focus4fitness Posts: 551 Member
    F*** no. I might say f*** it and make myself a sammich but I don't want to sit in front of the teevee and eat and eat and eat. Think about it, it actually sounds like a SAD thing to do. That's doesn't sound fun or happy or anything good.
  • baroquetrained
    baroquetrained Posts: 4 Member
    Sure-I want to say f*** it just to give myself permission to cheat myself out of my goals. More often though, I go into this checked out state of mind- where the thought of f*** it isn't even conscious. That's when I'm at my most dangerous to my weight loss plan. I've done this same thing over & over for years. Lose & gain the same 20 lbs 10x. Why? What am I afraid of? It's not like exercise at my current weight isn't tough- for some reason it's tougher to say "have a healthier snack, then decide if you still want to give up." today I won that battle. I hope you win today too.
  • oh yes! but with a large tub of ice cream! that is my ultimate down fall
  • hungergames324
    hungergames324 Posts: 240 Member
    My students were eating donuts today for a special treat for the end of the year. As I was bringing them in to work this morning I was thinking how I should just eat the donuts! I was good, and didn't even have a taste.
  • JensQi
    JensQi Posts: 169 Member
    Peanut Butter and Jelly when I get a Hankerin!!:drinker:
  • HOHO I did that not but a few days ago, during one of my chronic depression days, only it was a tub of peanut butter, oranges, and saltine crackers for me.

    And yeah, I felt like a fat slob, only, I didn't want to give up--more like I felt trapped in my own bad habits. :(
  • laurenms88
    laurenms88 Posts: 10 Member
    Yes, yes, yes. Every time I pass the candy-bar aisle in a store, I just want to grab one of EVERYTHING and take it home and hide in my bathroom and stuff my face.

    But then I think of how crappy I will feel about myself afterwards and I get it under control, haha.

    Yeah I agree here but I have learned to not completely cut it out rather just limit my potions. I also don't buy the stuff I can't control myself with like chips and dip yum!
  • suzanne_oh
    suzanne_oh Posts: 95 Member
    I have 1-2 days "off" from counting calories and strict healthy eating. It keeps me from getting burnt out.

    That must have been what I was doing today! :sad:
  • moochachip
    moochachip Posts: 237 Member
    I have 1-2 days "off" from counting calories and strict healthy eating. It keeps me from getting burnt out.

    Same. It also tricks your system and doesn't allow it to get use to a routine and not change at all.
  • BAMFMeredith
    BAMFMeredith Posts: 2,810 Member

    Hahahahaaha idk why this made me laugh so hard.

    But yeah, sometimes I wanna just say screw it and be lazy. And sometimes I do just that. I had 2 beers this past sunday and laid on the couch instead of going to the gym. No biggee!
  • Kimberz6
    Kimberz6 Posts: 15 Member
    Unfortunately I do that too much. That is why I still can't get under 200 pounds :sad:
  • monette13
    monette13 Posts: 40 Member
    Heck yeah!! My weakness are carbs.. bread, salty, crunchy things. I love my bread and pasta. I should have been Italian!! I know people say moderation, but you would have to pull me away from the table if there was a bowl of chicken fettuchini alfredo!
  • kristen6022
    kristen6022 Posts: 1,923 Member
    Everyday. But my drug of choice is a big bag of salt and vinegar chips.
  • rebeccap13
    rebeccap13 Posts: 754 Member

    Hate that saying.

    I want to say eff it and chow down on a box of Cheez Its.