Pole Dancing



  • JAllen32
    JAllen32 Posts: 991 Member
    I want to take it, but I would prefer to go with a friend, and I just don't have any IRL. lol Who wants to come join me?? :bigsmile:
  • christinehetz80
    christinehetz80 Posts: 490 Member
    LOVE it and have a pole at home because I don't have studios close by, BUT GINORMOUS bruises from it. Fantastic upper body workout though for me. I have most of my strength in my legs so I like the fact that it varies my workouts.
  • Maiducali
    Maiducali Posts: 35
    The Pros about pole dancing is that it is a good workout! It's not always a cardio type of workout, but you can gain muscle similar to pilates. You are using your body weight, which helps tone you all over. The bad thing is that you will bruise, especially the first time you do it. One time I did upside, and it took a while, but I bruised the hell out of my side! If you do it all the time you will get bruises mostly in the inner leg and ankles. It's where you are holding the pole. More and more fitness studios are expanding pole dancing to different things, such as simple pole dancing and cardio work with heels and such. I bet if you keep on doing it, you'll go and buy a pole like I did. It's really the only exercise you will do every day, because it's fun.
  • thelovecatway
    I have a pole and videos from Flirty Girl Fitness! Love infomercials, they're my weakness, haha. But beware, I live in apartments, and was able to fill the hole the first time (but certain ceilings don't hold the weight well). Very easy to do the dances, but the tricks had a tendency to yank the pole from the ceiling since I can't permanently install it. So I definitely suggest going to classes at a studio if you want to try it out. Super fun, a ridiculous tough workout, and some added benefits... ; )
  • supermom2002
    supermom2002 Posts: 180 Member
    I liked it...but I was left with a LOT of bruises on my inner thighs and ankles. I was in pain for days after too...lol

    Excellent workout though.

    The bruises were fun to explain...
  • marywanoKC
    marywanoKC Posts: 176
    *lmao* I told my husband that once I lose all of this weight and reveal my awesome muscles underneath it that I was going to be a stripper for fun. I might be old and busted by the time that happens (I'll be nearly thirty) but I'm totally down for it. *chuckle*
  • jackieatx
    jackieatx Posts: 578 Member
    It gives you a whole new respect for strippers, doesn't it?

    When I was younger I could do a bunch of pole tricks, but nowadays I'd be lucky if I could walk around for an hour in eight inch heels.

    Some classes are a joke though, all you do is walk around for a month of classes.

    Take the hardcore ones that actual strippers teach and you will get BUFF.
  • DrivenDiva
    DrivenDiva Posts: 233 Member
    Pole dancing is not for the weak or faint of heart! I have a new found respect for strippers. LOL That upper body strength it takes to life all your body weight into the air is amazing!

    I'll stick with the chair dancing at Flirty Girl Fitness. I've gone a couple times to their classes in the Chicago facility and it's mad fun and you do get a good sweat going on. Sometimes though the people there aren't there for the fitness part of it can be distracting to those there purely for the workout, e.g. drunken bachelorette parties. They should pay for a private class...off topic and IJS....
  • jackieatx
    jackieatx Posts: 578 Member

    Your low self esteem is showing
  • Tay617
    Tay617 Posts: 70 Member
    I would love to go; they also have a chair dancing class at our gym I want to try!

    chair dancing sounds fun also
  • Witchhazel74
    I've been doing pole dancing for about 6 months now, and I love it! I've found a class locally where the ladies are all different shapes and sizes. I'm in my mid 30s and a petite size 14 so not what you'd expect, but I have noticed a real difference in my upper body strength that is truly motivating. I've put a pole up in the spare bedroom, and love to freestyle with it. I'm just not sure how to account for it on my exercise diary - any suggestions? :)
  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,843 Member
    I want to take a class. I have a pole in my living room (seriously!) and I can do some basic stuff: spins, flips, climbing but I really want to learn how to do more. It is an awesome workout. The amount of upper body strength that is needed to do the moves is insane.
  • Louise1247
    Louise1247 Posts: 670 Member
    Ive just got a pole and find it really hard to grip- even climbing is hard! I was fine with it before when I tried it though.
  • ahsats
    ahsats Posts: 75 Member
    Ive just got a pole and find it really hard to grip- even climbing is hard! I was fine with it before when I tried it though.

    Buy you some DryHands!
  • KetoBella
    KetoBella Posts: 141 Member
    Until I saw them doing it at a girls only fitness club I never realized how hard it would be to do it. It is a perfect workout and I would think you would have tons of fun doing it.
  • Curvimami
    Curvimami Posts: 1,853 Member
    I've tried it right before I had my son and put on all this weight I have yet to take off. I loved it!!! And cant wait to get back to it when Im halfway to my goal, so 25lbs and I back on the pole!!! :laugh:
  • Nurse_krissy
    Nurse_krissy Posts: 102 Member
    For my bachelorette party, we are doing a private lesson with me and my closest 7 friends (it's only an 8-pole studio). I'm totally pumped because I think it's going to be a blast! If I love it as much as I think I will, I'll sign up for weekly classes even though the studio is 30 min from my house (time isn't as big of deal as much as $4.50/gal of gas is!)
  • Jodi_83
    Jodi_83 Posts: 44 Member
    I've done pole off and on for the last 3 years (mostly before I gained weight) and would absolutely recommend it, both for the strength and fitness you get from it as well as the motivation

    The studio I went to in Australia, did a dance routine mixed in with tricks, the one in the UK just did tricks (with a warm up / cool down). I think there are positives to both. Personally I don't like the dancey side of it as I have no co-ordination and I have no desire to perform the routines, but it does give you more of a cardio work out than straight tricks

    The higher level you get the less clothes you wear (in that you grip the pole with different parts of your body) so great motivation from both a “the other skinny girls in the class are going to see me in this” kind of way, as well as holding yourself whether it’s upside down or sideways on a pole – is a lot harder the heavier you are .