Over 50

Hi, rhonda here and looking for support buddies.

I prefer female only please.

I am looking for easy fix menus to take to work and for at home that are inexpensive and yet healthy.

I am also looking to share day to day experiences with exercises, will power, grocery shopping and any thing else in our daily lives.

I am over 50 and need the support even if it is just chat.


  • etremoi53
    etremoi53 Posts: 45 Member
    Hi Rhonda,
    I am 54 and need some more friendly support for my weight loss efforts. I try to log on every day. I could use the support of someone my own age and gender. There are definitely issues that are unique to this stage of life.

  • carpetbagger12000
    carpetbagger12000 Posts: 41 Member
    Hi. I’m Eleanor and I’m also over 50. While my weight has always been within “acceptable” parameters, I am only 5'0" tall and the gaining of a single pound makes a difference in how my clothes fit and how I feel about myself. At the moment I am 10+ pounds overweight and find that it doesn’t come off as easily as it used to. The extra weight has started collecting on my stomach in a big way, exactly where the medical profession is telling us to get rid of it, the place which affects vascular health most of all. I’m rather sedentary, although now that summer is here I’m trying to get out for a walk everyday. To make things more complicated, I’m a vegetarian and have always relied on carbs for much of my protein (brown rice, pasta, quinoa, etc.). I have a family history of high cholesterol, so tend to stay away from cheese and eggs. I do, however, eat fish, so this is one area of compromise.

    I’m looking for friends who are in a similar situation, i.e. middle-aged, short, and with dietary restrictions.
  • tevra
    tevra Posts: 17
    Hi Eleanor, My name is Jacquie and I am over 50 also. While I am a bit taller then you are, I to have noticed the belly roll comming upon me. Never had that problem in life till I hit my 50's. I eat mostly fish and grains, cheese and eggs. My problem is trying to make compact meals for work. I leave the house at 11 am to reach my job by noon. I work about 4-5 hours then have an hour lunch, then back to work for another 4 hours, all the while, taking care of customers. It's kinda hard to shove a piece of food in your mouth when a customer is on the other side of the counter, watching you! By the time I get home around 10 pm, I am to tired to fix dinner. Jacquie
  • db56
    db56 Posts: 31 Member
    Hi,, I am 57 and wanting ot lose 21 lbs. Believe me I understand the issues we have on weight..Not fun..

  • mdianne58
    mdianne58 Posts: 51 Member
    Hi Rhonda, welcome to mfp! Feel free to add me, I am 54 & always looking for support from others around my age. Anyone else can add me too.
  • MrsT83
    MrsT83 Posts: 1 Member
    I just celebrated my 53rd birthday recently. I need to lose 100 pounds and I'm overwhelmed with the thought of it. I think the biggest weight I need to lose is the lack of self-esteem at this point. Right now, it feels like such an uphill journey... but I'm believing that, with God's help, this mountain CAN be moved. I am usually a very private person, but I'm thinking I'll be more successful if I have someone walking along this road with me. <><