Are you CRAZY?



  • JaceyMarieS
    JaceyMarieS Posts: 692 Member
    I've been at that level for 6 months. I eat quite a bit of food. I don't eat much junk or "empty" all - there's simply not room for them. Lots of vegetables and protein. I strictly limit non-veg carbs, which makes it much easier.

    I can't say that I've been cranky; in fact, I've been in a much better mood due to shedding some poundage and having fewer aches and pains.
  • carisadepew
    carisadepew Posts: 17 Member
    Why yes I am!
  • queenpushycat
    queenpushycat Posts: 761 Member
    nope. apparently my bf gave me an advice this afternoon which cause us to fight again; i need to go lesser calories than 1200 and workout more. :/
  • ejleadley
    ejleadley Posts: 12
    I'm not new to this, started just before Xmas but It's off and on really becuase It's not feasible to follow this all the time.
    Anyway, Im scrolling through the topics and there are girls here saying that they aim for 1200 kcal a day... ARE YOU CRAZY?!

    I eat healthily, my standard day includes cornflakes for breakfast, a reasonable lunch and then a scrummy (but healthy) dinner, my aim is 1600 kcal but there's some days and I just find it damn near impossible to achieve.

    My aim is 0.5lb a week so I dont rapidly change my bosy and put a load of pressure on my organs/muscles, so i know im eating more than what I would if i was aiming for 2lb but really? 1200 kcal is barely enough calories for a good pizza!!

    Are these people CRAZY?
    Or do they just not like food? haha!

    I think my point was missed!
    It wasn't about loosing weight or the lack of- so the grumpy pants people out there can bugger off! I was just saying that I dont know how people can manage it! I don't eat fast food rubbish or anything fried really, but once you've added a knob of butter to your cooking thats it- the calories are right up there!
  • Cliffslosinit
    Cliffslosinit Posts: 5,044 Member
    *sits down and waits*
  • nammer79
    nammer79 Posts: 707 Member
    its all about what you eat I aim for 1810 calories a day but sometimes I get 1300 and others ill go into 2000 or so ... eehhhh I'm not a marksman thats for sure but its working for me and I am never low on energy its all about a mind set and how you feel sure if I'm hungry I'll eat and well hell if I'm not hungry and under calories Ill eat if I remember to these days. I'm a greedy mofo and with that said don't be upset with someone else if they aren't as greedy as you.
  • HeathArrow478
    I NET 1200 a day but that's not what I eat. I'm an avid runner so I usually eat (in total) 1800-1900 calories a day and I struggle sometimes to get in 1200 net after running so much. Each person is different, what works for one doesn't work for another so as long as people are happy and healthy, it doesn't really matter in my opinion.

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  • Stace5
    Stace5 Posts: 70 Member
    I am only 5'1 and i'm not overweight. I aim for 1200 and when that is full of healthy wholesome food it is definitely filling enough and sustainable.

    1600 calories a day is more than my maintenance. So no i'm not crazy, i'm doing whats neccessary.

    As someone else already said, what works for you doesn't necessarily work for others.,
  • MileyClimb
    MileyClimb Posts: 414 Member
    a former lady who ate 1200 calories it was not intentional at all. some have eating disorders and are seeking help for it. I had no idea until coming here that I was eating under calorie 800 calories under. like the other lady said our body, height are all different. I have a friend who is only 4"10 and 122 pounds so she eats 1200 calories. it wouldn't be realistic for her to eat 1700 calories like me.

    I wouldn't call them crazy at all. we don't know their situation we are not them. we are not in their shoes. so we really don't have a place or right to judge them .
  • Crochetluvr
    Crochetluvr Posts: 3,143 Member
    No....I am not crazy. I eat about 1000 calories a day....healthy calories. I dont feel hungry, I am not dropping 5 pounds a week, my blood sugar is down, my digestion is back on track and I feel good. I am doing what works for me. It doesnt work for everyone and I wouldnt tell anyone what to do.

    I do it because I have diabetes and I need to lose weight and get off the damn meds and not end up a fat old woman. Sheer determination. I dont need a lot of food....I have been through this before and I know I can do it. I havent had any white carbs or refined sugar for 16 days and its a good feeling.

    ETA - because I didnt want to come across as being snarky....heaven forbid on MFP. :laugh:
  • sweetsarahj
    sweetsarahj Posts: 701 Member
    what works for one will not work for all..... anyone have some popcorn to share?

    NO! Popcorn has evil carbs You know this woman!

    Carbs aren't evil! They're vital!!
    You cant cut out a whole food group either, it stops your body being able to metabolise the food and it just turns into sugar and then unused energy ultimately which means a weight gain.

    LMAO! where did you get this lame psuedo science?
  • AmberJslimsAWAY
    AmberJslimsAWAY Posts: 2,468 Member
    what works for one will not work for all..... anyone have some popcorn to share?

    NO! Popcorn has evil carbs You know this woman!

    Carbs aren't evil! They're vital!!
    You cant cut out a whole food group either, it stops your body being able to metabolise the food and it just turns into sugar and then unused energy ultimately which means a weight gain.

    this made me facepalm... :flowerforyou:
  • mlewon
    mlewon Posts: 343 Member
    Hahaha, your post is kindof fantastic.

    However, just remember that everyone's body is different and everyone has to find their own way that works for them to lose weight and get healthy. 1200 is definitely not unreasonable for some, but for others it might be ludicrous. We all gotta do our own thing to achieve our goals :)
  • patchesgizmo
    patchesgizmo Posts: 244 Member
    what works for one will not work for all..... anyone have some popcorn to share?

    NO! Popcorn has evil carbs You know this woman!

    Carbs aren't evil! They're vital!!
    You cant cut out a whole food group either, it stops your body being able to metabolise the food and it just turns into sugar and then unused energy ultimately which means a weight gain.

    oooooh pass the popcorn my way, I loooooooooooooooove it. It is a lot healthier then eating some other crap.
  • ♥Faerie♥
    ♥Faerie♥ Posts: 14,053 Member
    Why yes.....I am crazy......
  • nashai01
    nashai01 Posts: 536 Member
    i'm going to vote "crazy" but also state that this may not be the reason/proof of their craziness.

    the proof is that they are women.

    i keed, i keed

    I even had to laugh at this
  • Cliffslosinit
    Cliffslosinit Posts: 5,044 Member
    what works for one will not work for all..... anyone have some popcorn to share?

    NO! Popcorn has evil carbs You know this woman!

    Carbs aren't evil! They're vital!!
    You cant cut out a whole food group either, it stops your body being able to metabolise the food and it just turns into sugar and then unused energy ultimately which means a weight gain.

    Is this that Bro-Science I hear of?
    Now let me sit back down and watch the show.
  • sweetsarahj
    sweetsarahj Posts: 701 Member
    The most hilarious and dumb threads in these forums are when people become Judgy McJudgersons. Live and let live. I'll eat what I like and what works for me, you go ahead and do the same.

    I've noticed the McJudgersons out there also seem to be diet and fitness experts as well..... where do you find the time ? LOL
  • Wonderob
    Wonderob Posts: 1,372 Member
    a former lady who ate 1200 calories it was not intentional at all.

    Please clarify for us

    Are you now a man but used to be a lady?
    Are you stil a female but no longer a lady!
    Are a lady, used to be a lady, and used to eat 1200 calories a day?
  • JenAiMarres
    JenAiMarres Posts: 767 Member
    I'm not new to this, started just before Xmas but It's off and on really becuase It's not feasible to follow this all the time.
    Anyway, Im scrolling through the topics and there are girls here saying that they aim for 1200 kcal a day... ARE YOU CRAZY?!

    I eat healthily, my standard day includes cornflakes for breakfast, a reasonable lunch and then a scrummy (but healthy) dinner, my aim is 1600 kcal but there's some days and I just find it damn near impossible to achieve.

    My aim is 0.5lb a week so I dont rapidly change my bosy and put a load of pressure on my organs/muscles, so i know im eating more than what I would if i was aiming for 2lb but really? 1200 kcal is barely enough calories for a good pizza!!

    Are these people CRAZY?
    Or do they just not like food? haha!

    I think my point was missed!
    It wasn't about loosing weight or the lack of- so the grumpy pants people out there can bugger off! I was just saying that I dont know how people can manage it! I don't eat fast food rubbish or anything fried really, but once you've added a knob of butter to your cooking thats it- the calories are right up there!

    butter isnt high in calories if you use a pat, its high in fat...just make your food choices wisely and its not hard! I cook with coconut oil...tastes way better than butter and is GREAT!