Reply if you are 5'6!



  • erin_zuk
    erin_zuk Posts: 226 Member
    I'm 5'6 and a half.

    SW 217

    CW 176

    GW about 155-160.
  • road2peachtree
    road2peachtree Posts: 294 Member
    5'6" and 238--praying that before I turn 50 (17 years from now) I'll be back at 140...17 years is long enough right?
  • wihappycow
    wihappycow Posts: 8 Member
    5'6 1/2 ....I don't like to say i'm 5'6 cause i'm taller then that, but 5'7 makes me feel like i'm lying

    Current weight is 155

    Goal weight is 140

    So much depends on your frame at this height!! I could NEVER be 120, unless I lost a good majority of my muscle mass and starved myself. I have felt my absolute best at 138!
  • megsi474
    megsi474 Posts: 370 Member
    I'm 5'6" and weigh 129 but wear an 8/10 because of how untoned I am around the midsection. Always looking for good and motivational loggers and supporters!
  • Tebbspcad
    Tebbspcad Posts: 233
    Hey, I'm 5'6 (and three quarters) and weigh around 152lbs and i'm aiming for 142lb as I think that suits me, any less and I start to look ill :happy:
  • saintspoon
    saintspoon Posts: 242 Member
    I'm 5'6!!

    Currently I am 208.5 lbs ..... my highest weight was 260, I joined MFP @ 232. My goal is to be in the 150's :drinker:
    SPBROOKS68 Posts: 561 Member
    I am 5'6" per my last doctor's appointment was always 5'7" so I guess I am shrinking. I currently weigh 144, started at 153 and would like to get to 140 or 135.
  • Tandi_S
    Tandi_S Posts: 439 Member
    5'6" here as well!

    Started on here at 175 lb after my second daughter was born. I'm currently (and very frustratingly) STUCK at 160-161. My goal is 145. Once I get there I will re-assess. Pleatau's stink!

    Anyone feel free to add me for support! I'm around a lot, especially throughout the week. :drinker:
  • carrollel
    carrollel Posts: 57 Member
    Im 5'6 and something, not quite 5'7 though
    Was: 155lbs
    Goal: 125

    i measured myself a few weeks back and the only thing i know is accurate is my 34" bust :(

    I do mostly cardio 3X week for 2 hours, should i start including weight training to see results? I recently up'ed my cal intake from 1200 to 1450 but have been plateaued at current weight for at least a month now. Any suggestions?
    MISSLJW Posts: 1
    I'm 5'6 and 130lbs. UK dress size 8.

    Aiming for 124lbs. Already lost 15lbs - in 3 months without exercising! just a change in daily eating habits. From what I can see, I have dropped eating high carb meals for high fat meals?! not sure this is necessary right! but working!
  • mommyred35
    mommyred35 Posts: 275 Member
    I'm 5'6". Current weight 236.6, my goal Is150.
  • yehughes
    yehughes Posts: 1
    I'm 5'6 and i am hoping to lose about 20lbs! I have lost 3lbs in 3 weeks so far!
  • fitby35
    fitby35 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm 5'6" and I've never weighed 144lbs in my adult life. I'm currently at 220. mY lowest was 150lbs-10yrs ago, I'm working my way back to that, slooowwly.
  • Klem4
    Klem4 Posts: 399 Member
    5'6 here too. :) started at 178ish, currently bounce between 158-160. my body doesn't seem to be wanting to let go. I will get there though! goal is 140. i'd like to be there by the end of the year. anyways, anyone is welcome to add me! on everyday.
  • New to this....I am 5'6" and 186 lbs. Trying really hard to focus and loose weight. It's hard with 3 little guys running around :)
  • QuirkyPanda
    QuirkyPanda Posts: 44 Member
    I'm 5' 5.5" -- does that count? :) I started at 135, but am now at 125 with a BF% of 26%. I'm looking to lower my BF% more than the scale number.
  • Julissagood
    Julissagood Posts: 10 Member
    I'm 5'6' and currently at 144 lbs. My initial weight : 150. My goal is to get back to 135 or even 130. I have been doing the 30-Day Shred DVD with Jillian Michaels, but not daily. I find that too boring. I'm getting leaner and enjoy jogging once again. I have had NSV's such as holding a plank pose for an entire minute and being able to jog up a very challenging hill near my house.

    Next I would like to start weights.

    If you've had success with a workout or changed nutrition, please share!
  • sheinric13
    sheinric13 Posts: 4 Member
    I am 5'6 and weigh 170. My goal is 140.
  • I'm 5'6" too! I weigh 146 pounds at the minute, but I'm pregnant so that's only going to go up. Hopefully it will stay reasonable this time, and I'll have an easier time losing the preggo pounds once it's all over! Last time I was carrying about 60 pounds excess weight after my daughter was born, and it took me 7 months to get down to a healthy weight. I think that's a healthy amount of time to take over losing it though!
    I could definitely use some help staying motivated and on track, it's even more important during these next few months :)
    Good luck everyone x
  • I am 5'6 @ 178. Quit smoking 3 years ago & want to lose the 30+ lbs I put on from that!! So first goal is 160 then hopefully 145ish!! I just discovered MFP & loving it!! Just the site I need.