BeachBody Programs and Results


Who is doing / has done Beachbody programs? What type of success have you had?

I've been doing them since February and my results have blown me away. I did Power 90, followed by P90X. I have one month left of P90X. I've lost 41 lbs so far, 10.5" inches from my waist, 5.5" from my chest, and I've got a six pack for the first time in my LIFE!

I've heard varying opinions, but I'd love to hear about success, and failure stories. FYI - I've been using MFP the whole time which has been a huge help!


  • holly3585
    holly3585 Posts: 282 Member
    I am smack dab in the middle of Insanity Asylum right now. I love the Beach Body videos. Every one that I have tried is super intense, but each has interesting little kicks that keep you going!

    Congrats on your loss!!! I have the P90X videos......but someone gave them to me on my laptop, so I do not have any of the material of scheduals that came w/ if you buy it....but I swear that won't be my excuse forever :~) Maybe in about 2 1/2 weeks when I finish my litte Insanity month!
  • taxidermist15
    taxidermist15 Posts: 677 Member
    ive been doing p90x for 2 months now. and followed the nutrition plan. no measurement change, no weight change

    so beach body can go stuff themselves :)
  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    I tried numerous Beachbody programs but was not able to stick with any as I found the movements required to be too difficult for someone with motor control problems like myself. I managed to make it two weeks into Insanity before suffering any injuries and I did see some visible results after only a week. I have since then switched to suspension trainer based programs and love them.
  • rshuherk
    rshuherk Posts: 1 Member
    I am on my last week of Power 90 and have lost 15 pounds and have gained a lot of muscle definition. I am moving on to P90X as soon as I am done. Glad to hear it has worked for you as I seem to be on the same path! I also have friends who have done Insanity and their results are amazing.
  • ActiveGuy81
    ActiveGuy81 Posts: 705 Member
    I lost 42 lbs doing P90X two times. Went from a 44 waist down to 37 now. I got great results!

    I tried Insanity once and was expecting more results. Only lost 7 lbs but I did have better stamina and energy from all of the cardio.

    I am starting a P90X/Insanity Hybrid next week. I expect great results from that.
  • Kenzieb07
    Kenzieb07 Posts: 207 Member
    I did the 90-day TurboFire program and lost 8lbs (which is a lot, considering I wasn't overweight to begin with!). I've done P90X in the past (only made it through 60 days) and lost about 5lbs. I'm starting ChaLEAN Extreme next week and hoping to tone up!! I swear by BeachBody programs... won't ever buy anything else!
  • bceagleace
    bceagleace Posts: 22
    Cool everyone! Some quick thoughts:

    1) if you didn't get results on programs as intense as P90x, I have to assume you weren't a) sticking with the workouts, or b) following the nutrition properly. These are pretty hard core workouts, and if you are fueling your body properly, you will see changes.

    2) Shakeology? I have used it since February and I have seen great results. Anybody use it, not use, or use it and stop, or introduce it mid way through a program? I have nothing to compare against, but curious to know if people found it helpful, not at all, etc.
  • peachprl
    peachprl Posts: 119 Member
    I'm on week 15 of 20 right now of Turbofire and love it. I lost 26 pounds so far since I have started, which is 7 pounds from my goal (though I am at a healthy weight for my height and frame now and in the best shape of my life). I'm debating on doing P90X next or branching out to Tapout XT which I have heard great reviews of.

    To answer your question, I never got into the Shakeology thing. I just stick to healthy eating and drink protein shakes. I drink a cheaper energy powder I mix in with water (Amino Energy) when I need an extra boost (which is rare).
  • jmdax
    jmdax Posts: 119 Member
    I did a round of P90X starting this past February. That combined with a more healthy diet (didn't necessarily follow the P90X meal plan) allowed me to lose 23 lbs. Didn't take any arm/waist/chest/etc measurements, but the jeans I was wearing at the beginning of the year are way to big on me now. On top of that, I have more strength, more stamina, more flexibility, more toned muscles and at nights, I sleep like a baby!

    I'm now in the second week of P90X/Insanity Hybrid program. This gives me the weight training and yoga/stretching that Insanity alone doesn't. It also ups the cardio work with Insanity workouts in place of P90X Plyo & Kenpo. Lost 2lbs the first week of the program.

    Haven't used any of the Beachbody products like Shakeology, or Recovery Drink. Like another poster stated, I just have been eating healthier since starting the workouts. Seems to work for me.
  • southpaw211
    southpaw211 Posts: 385 Member
    My husband and I are on day 17 of Power 90. Haven't seen the scale move too much yet (4 pounds), but I noticed yesterday that I actually have a bicep, so that was pretty thrilling. Also, my chubby-even-as-a-skinny-kid face seems less puffy. I can smile for the camera and not have to stick my neck out (though I still have a little bit of extra chub under my chin that needs to go away).

    I liked the sample of Shakeology okay, just not ready to fork over $120/month for it. I'm drinking met-rx meal replacement shakes after our workouts (we do the program at 6am) and that seems to be working fine.

    I'm having trouble keeping my sugar in line with MFP's recommendation, but I'm eating as clean as I can so at least it's from good sources, and not over by much.

    The video itself is a little bland, luckily we have Tony's goofiness and Lisa's robotic moves to entertain us.

    Now the question is - where do we go next? My husband is leaning toward P90X... I'm kind of looking at ChaLEAN Extreme. I'm not a fan of cardio but I love lifting weights. I'll have to do some more searching on youtube... we might end up with both!
  • My significant other did P90X and loved it. He had a significant improvement in his upper body strength and flexibility. His waist became even more slim... but when he stopped doing it consistently he lost some of the definition.

    I had been doing the kenpo and plyo workouts with him which were fun.

    I have a lot of weight to lose and the absolute most time I can muster daily for working out is 1hr. I was thinking that Insanity would be the most effecient for me. Any suggestions?
  • smaller_mel
    smaller_mel Posts: 10 Member
    I'm very much a beginner at fitness so I am starting with 10 Minute Trainer. My goal is to eventually move on to P90X and maybe even Insanity. I am significantly overweight now, so I don't want to over-do it. I have a few friends (non-MFP) that have done P90X and Insanity/Insanity Asylum. They didn't have a lot of weight to lose, but more tone up and they had fantastic results. I think they are probably fantastic programs if you do the work and give all your effort to it.
  • bceagleace
    bceagleace Posts: 22
    Wow - glad to hear so many successes with the programs.

    In general, I find that I talk to people with a range of opinions. The common factor which determines success is how well they stick to the program (nutrition and exercise). Like so many things, you get out what you put into it!
  • hongruss
    hongruss Posts: 389 Member
    I am smack dab in the middle of Insanity Asylum right now. I love the Beach Body videos. Every one that I have tried is super intense, but each has interesting little kicks that keep you going!

    Congrats on your loss!!! I have the P90X videos......but someone gave them to me on my laptop, so I do not have any of the material of scheduals that came w/ if you buy it....but I swear that won't be my excuse forever :~) Maybe in about 2 1/2 weeks when I finish my litte Insanity month!

    HOLLY - Just log on to & all the tracker sheets are downloadable or just Google P90X W/Out sheets & you can get them from many of the coaches for free, with no strings & no signing in lol :)

  • zombiefarmboy
    zombiefarmboy Posts: 221 Member
    I'm mid-way through my third week of Insanity. I'm seeing increased cardio already and have dropped about 9 pounds. The mirror is also being much more kind to me as of late. I'm not following any specific diet, just eating better, no fast food or fried crap and monitoring my caloric intake with MFP.
  • vbcoach25
    vbcoach25 Posts: 27 Member
    I love the BB programs! I started using them in 2007 and had lost 50 lbs the first year using Slim in 6 and Power 90. It was awesome! Unfortunately I let myself get away from the programs and BB community when other priorities took my attention. It was where I needed to be at the time and with that departure I put almost 40 lbs back on.

    Well I'm back on track now. I've lost 10 lbs since the new year. I am on Day 14 of P90X and on 96 days straight of logging my foods on MFP. I love the combination of using both tools. I can feel the results I am getting from P90X and I am beginning to see the toning as well. I don't think the scale has moved much yet, but I know I am creating more lean muscle mass which I need to tone and rev up my metabolism. I'll be posting updates later for sure!

    I have tried many of the other programs (Slim Series, Turbo Jam, Turbo Fire, Hip Hop Abs, etc.) and they are quality programs as well. It all depends the type of workout you enjoy and works for you AND your commitment level. The support here on MFP is great to help with motivation and commitment.

    We're in this together!
    Julie (aka VBCoach25)
  • GasMasterFlash
    GasMasterFlash Posts: 2,206 Member
  • ohmissemily
    ohmissemily Posts: 73 Member
    i love shakeology i have been using it for going on 3 months. im a very pissy gal if i dont have it. im working on my binge eating and my diet in general to get it going and see results. for workouts i do bb turbo jam 3x a week and the brazilian butt lift hight and tight dvd 1x a week along with jillian miachaels no more trouble zones.. when i follow my diet i have amazing results but when i dont and my diet is whack nothing seems to work. but yes i swear by beachbody products, at least the ones i was satisfied with :)
  • ehg87
    ehg87 Posts: 430 Member
    I am halfway thru week 2 of Power 90 as of today, and I LOVE IT! Lost 3lbs during the first week :) It's very doable, and I also feel like by the time I'm done I'll be strong enough to pursue a more intense program. I considered P90X a long time before finally deciding I wasn't quite in shape enough for it, and I'm happy with my decision as Power 90 is kickin my tushie right now :)
  • Smuterella
    Smuterella Posts: 1,623 Member
    Hmph - well I've done Power 90 and Chalean and had no results from either HOWEVER, I'm not blaming the programmes, my body is just messed up it seems. Sigh.