Pregnant in America



  • chazsucks
    chazsucks Posts: 170
    My C-section wasn't elective.... I had high blood pressure and was trying to deliver a 9lb 11oz baby.. so they didn't give me a choice... .. and I've never had a vaginal delivery.. but my friends who have seemed to be back up on their feet alot quicker than I was with a C-section.. so I don't really think it's the easy way out.... just sayin...

    I'm sorry but PIT and a larger than average baby don't mean that you have to have a section - you have a choice - its your body. Its just sad that so many women think they don't have choices
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,228 Member
    Oh I just saw who the op is:laugh:
    Im sorry I will take my dire warnings from someone that actually follows what is going on in the world

    Good point! I forgot about that.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,228 Member
    My C-section wasn't elective.... I had high blood pressure and was trying to deliver a 9lb 11oz baby.. so they didn't give me a choice... .. and I've never had a vaginal delivery.. but my friends who have seemed to be back up on their feet alot quicker than I was with a C-section.. so I don't really think it's the easy way out.... just sayin...

    I'm sorry but PIT and a larger than average baby don't mean that you have to have a section - you have a choice - its your body. Its just sad that so many women think they don't have choices

    I suppose when a woman is told "You have to have a c-section or you and your baby will die." Then it kind of feels like its not a choice. But I guess no one could really understand that unless they were put in that position.
  • DieVixen
    DieVixen Posts: 790 Member
    My C-section wasn't elective.... I had high blood pressure and was trying to deliver a 9lb 11oz baby.. so they didn't give me a choice... .. and I've never had a vaginal delivery.. but my friends who have seemed to be back up on their feet alot quicker than I was with a C-section.. so I don't really think it's the easy way out.... just sayin...

    I'm sorry but PIT and a larger than average baby don't mean that you have to have a section - you have a choice - its your body. Its just sad that so many women think they don't have choices

    oh lets see what was my choice again....oh yeah a beautifull healthy little girl who will be five next week or a tiny casket
  • I call BS. They do not give tummy tucks during c/s.
  • rextcat
    rextcat Posts: 1,408 Member
    to the op ::coughcoughBS!coughcough::

    Alright here are my unfortunate stories (TMI WARNING):

    Baby #1: My water broke on Wednesday, I went to the hospital, I got sent home from said hospital because I wasn't "progressing" as quickly as they would have liked. Thursday ....was unpleasent, Friday I went back to the same hospital at 2 am, I was FINALLY admitted. I told them I did not want a pitocin drip after I had "read up on" delivery procedures and was immedatly given pitocin. I was very mad and was told that since they had started it, it could not be stopped..which is a bunch of BS. I refused the epidural (they kept asking me to get one) for 6 hours, then the doctor came in and "manually" dialated me, so, oh yeah and I got an epidural then and it was FRIGGIN AWESOME, at about 8 or 9 it was the big time and.......4 1/2 %@&()(@&$*@&$*@$ hours later they (standing room only now since it was a teaching hospital) tried forceps, and a vacuum, the head doctor finally agread with me that the baby, #1: was not coming out and, I could have a cesarean. !!!Yeah!!! 1 hour later I got to see (but not hold) my 9 pound baby. I'll save the c-section details, as they are WAY TMI, LOL Although, instead of the doctor saying "great it's a ____", I got "MY GOD THAT'S A BIG HEAD!!, Hey tell _____ to come see this kids head...." LOL

    After I get home my incision gets infected and bursts before I can get back in to see my doctor, and it takes about 3 months to heal....

    Baby#2: I have a new doc that really wanted me to schedule a cesarean, but I said no. Everything was going awesome! Like, OMFG awesome: natural, barely any pain with the contractions: awesome! Then the nurse was ordered to give me a pill that if I had not been a vbac would have only softened my cervix, however in vbac's when you're given this it causes your scar to open and you run the risk of death... So, we never got to hear from that doctor again and the head of labor and delivery personally apologized to us. We ended up having to have the cesarean anyway because the baby had turned and was coming out butt first. This time i got to hold my baby right after though!! And, once again, I got an infection and it took forever to heal.

    My point is that only after you have a "difficult" pregnacy or delivery do they start to push for a c-section, but, oh yeah, they do push and push you to get an epidural, pitocin and the like. AND IN NO WAY IS ANY TYPE OF CHILDBIRTH TOTALY PAINLESS!

    Now that everyone can actually read what you attempted to say, here are my points.....NO doctor or nurse can administer any type of medication without your agreement. It is illegal and they can be sued for malpractice. How did they "force" you to get an epidural?? You have to sit up, in a certain position, and be completely still....if you didn't want it, they couldn't have made you do those things. Secondly, many doctors actually push for first-born cesarean's because it is easier on THEM (the doctor's). Could your incision have possibly gotten infected because you didn't take care of it properly? Just a thought.

    1)ever had your cervics manualy dialated? its when they stick a hand in there and streach it. oh and it hurts like heck for a long time after.

    2) they also tend to gloss over some of the side effects by telling you how "rare" they are or just not telling you at all as they did with my 2nd. and after a few days of labor pains yes your are more willing to get one after they make it hurt oh so much more

    3)oh and i did follow their directions to the T for cleaning it, but you see i left out that i had been in labor of so long that both my children and my self had gotten the ifection internaly, and the docs had thought that it had cleared up when we left the hospital

    4) also i had mine in a millitary hospital. so yes they can do things with out asking first, i beleave its one of those forms you sign....

    5) why am i defending my self to you?
  • You know what - OBs make close to the same amount of reimbursement regardless of delivery method. gets more follow up care than a vaginal delivery mom.

    BOBB is some crazy propaganda based in....well nothing really.
  • mommy7
    mommy7 Posts: 153
    Perhaps women don't THINK they have choices because of people who constantly tell them they don't have choices and propaganda tells them the same??? No, that couldn't make sense, could it??

    On Macrosmia- Now, it's not a doCRAPumentary, but a real medical website
  • chazsucks
    chazsucks Posts: 170
    And no, doctors aren't slicing and dicing women to hurry them up. There is a reason doctors don't push for moms to labor for days. This is, yet another, death topic. Do you know how many women and babies die because mom doesn't have access to the wonderful medical facilities and care that we do??? When mothers labor for days, babies do die, mothers die. Mothers deal with PPH, which also can kill them. Preventing death should be a good thing, but then again, I guess you can move to a third world country and take your chances.

    America actually has a much worse rate of maternal and neonatal morbidity and mortality than other 1st world countries; who mainly use midwifery led models of care with much lower rates of induction, caesarean, intervention, epidurals etc. Coincidence? Highly doubtful.

    The reasons mothers and baby's die in 3rd world countries are complete polar opposites to in 1st world countries. CMACE found the highest causes of maternal death is actually 1. sepsis 2. mental health and 3. communication barriers such as not using interpreters with women who don't speak the language. In the 3rd world its as you say - things like labouring with baby stuck in a bad position and unable to get out.

    The thing that gets confused is that emergencies during childbirth are generally always resolved in the 1st world - by forceps, caesarean etc. In the 3rd world they do not have skills, equipment, healthcare practitioners etc and so these emergencies lead to death.

    Procedures that used to be carried out in life or death emergency situations have now become normal - oh look the baby might be big, lets just do some major abdominal surgery rather than letting you labour. Oh its twins. Gosh, people must NEVER have given birth to twins in the past, we must cut you open!!!! Etc.

    In the 1930s there were only 3 medical indications for a caesarean - eclamspia, contracted pelvis and placenta praevia. Funny how now around 30% of women in the first world 'need' one
  • Shannon2714
    Shannon2714 Posts: 843 Member
    to the op ::coughcoughBS!coughcough::

    Alright here are my unfortunate stories (TMI WARNING):

    Baby #1: My water broke on Wednesday, I went to the hospital, I got sent home from said hospital because I wasn't "progressing" as quickly as they would have liked. Thursday ....was unpleasent, Friday I went back to the same hospital at 2 am, I was FINALLY admitted. I told them I did not want a pitocin drip after I had "read up on" delivery procedures and was immedatly given pitocin. I was very mad and was told that since they had started it, it could not be stopped..which is a bunch of BS. I refused the epidural (they kept asking me to get one) for 6 hours, then the doctor came in and "manually" dialated me, so, oh yeah and I got an epidural then and it was FRIGGIN AWESOME, at about 8 or 9 it was the big time and.......4 1/2 %@&()(@&$*@&$*@$ hours later they (standing room only now since it was a teaching hospital) tried forceps, and a vacuum, the head doctor finally agread with me that the baby, #1: was not coming out and, I could have a cesarean. !!!Yeah!!! 1 hour later I got to see (but not hold) my 9 pound baby. I'll save the c-section details, as they are WAY TMI, LOL Although, instead of the doctor saying "great it's a ____", I got "MY GOD THAT'S A BIG HEAD!!, Hey tell _____ to come see this kids head...." LOL

    After I get home my incision gets infected and bursts before I can get back in to see my doctor, and it takes about 3 months to heal....

    Baby#2: I have a new doc that really wanted me to schedule a cesarean, but I said no. Everything was going awesome! Like, OMFG awesome: natural, barely any pain with the contractions: awesome! Then the nurse was ordered to give me a pill that if I had not been a vbac would have only softened my cervix, however in vbac's when you're given this it causes your scar to open and you run the risk of death... So, we never got to hear from that doctor again and the head of labor and delivery personally apologized to us. We ended up having to have the cesarean anyway because the baby had turned and was coming out butt first. This time i got to hold my baby right after though!! And, once again, I got an infection and it took forever to heal.

    My point is that only after you have a "difficult" pregnacy or delivery do they start to push for a c-section, but, oh yeah, they do push and push you to get an epidural, pitocin and the like. AND IN NO WAY IS ANY TYPE OF CHILDBIRTH TOTALY PAINLESS!

    Now that everyone can actually read what you attempted to say, here are my points.....NO doctor or nurse can administer any type of medication without your agreement. It is illegal and they can be sued for malpractice. How did they "force" you to get an epidural?? You have to sit up, in a certain position, and be completely still....if you didn't want it, they couldn't have made you do those things. Secondly, many doctors actually push for first-born cesarean's because it is easier on THEM (the doctor's). Could your incision have possibly gotten infected because you didn't take care of it properly? Just a thought.

    1)ever had your cervics manualy dialated? its when they stick a hand in there and streach it. oh and it hurts like heck for a long time after.

    2) they also tend to gloss over some of the side effects by telling you how "rare" they are or just not telling you at all as they did with my 2nd. and after a few days of labor pains yes your are more willing to get one after they make it hurt oh so much more

    3)oh and i did follow their directions to the T for cleaning it, but you see i left out that i had been in labor of so long that both my children and my self had gotten the ifection internaly, and the docs had thought that it had cleared up when we left the hospital

    4) also i had mine in a millitary hospital. so yes they can do things with out asking first, i beleave its one of those forms you sign....

    5) why am i defending my self to you?

    Amusing! Let's see:

    1) Yes, I have.

    2) I had 3 weeks of labor pains before my first child. If you can't bear a few days, you should rethink getting pregnant.

    3) That sucks. Did you go to the ER for the infections? Take antibiotics at the first sign of redness or soreness?

    4) I've gone to nothing but military hospitals for over 20 years, as a Marine brat and an Army wife.

    5) Apparently you have nothing better to do.
  • Shannon2714
    Shannon2714 Posts: 843 Member
    I call BS. They do not give tummy tucks during c/s.

    Depends on the doctor. I know more than one woman who got exactly this.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,228 Member

    It should be pretty obvious at this point that women don't really ELECT to have surgery over natural child-birth. The belief that SO many women in America are electing this is purely propaganda. In recent years, the rich and famous have trended towards this, but like I said in the first post, they wouldn't be able to do this unless they were paying for the surgery out-of-pocket. No insurance would ever pay for an ELECTED c-section delivery.

    And honestly, any woman who has had a c-section would tell you that if they felt that their child could be safely delivered naturally then they would have done so. Your choice was a unique case. While you might have wanted that surgery, I imagine that your doctor would have had to justify it to your insurance company in some way... unless the surgery was covered by private adoption. Either way, it is ignorant to use only one statistical increase to support the statement that women elect to have surgery. The rise in c-sections is not from elected surgeries, but from an increase in complicated deliveries and the medical industry's preference to ere on the side of caution. I would rather hear of an increase in c-section deliveries than increase in childbirth related deaths.
  • maddymama
    maddymama Posts: 1,183 Member
    I call BS. They do not give tummy tucks during c/s.

    Three of my acquaintances (I'm not really ready to call them friends) have been able to schedule their c-sections at 37 weeks (before stretch marks get too bad) for no medically indicated reason, and then get mini-tummy tucks while the doc was already there. It totally does happen.
  • LoggingForLife
    LoggingForLife Posts: 504 Member
    As for "our health being for profit", did you think a person would go to eight years of medical school, devote his or her life to practicing medicine for more hours in a week than I work in a month and then cut you open, remove the most precious thing that will ever happen to you, all while keeping you from bleeding to death for no charge? Of course it costs money. How do you think they run a hospital?
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,228 Member
    37 weeks (before stretch marks get too bad)

    BS... my stretch marks began to appear in the second trimester... long before 37 weeks.
  • chazsucks
    chazsucks Posts: 170
    Do you know what happens when a doctor/hospital/"midwife"/CNM/L&D nurse shoots for the lowest amount of c-sections while pushing for all vaginal deliveries??? Babies die or are brain damaged. Sad, but incredibly true. I do know women who had nurses in a hospital that SAW decels but denied mom a c-section and the babies are now dead. The homebirth crowd and their poorly undertrained and uneducated midwives try their darndest to prevent c-sections and transfers. What happens?? Oh, that's right, DEATH. Once your baby dies, that's it, no do-overs and it flipping sucks. I can promise that we would choose one hundred c-sections over our babies being gone.

    Erm babies die or are brain damaged from normal deliveries? Babies can die in caesareans too, mothers can die, they could end up with an emergency total hysterectomy, the baby could end up cut, one of the biggest causes of maternal death is sepsis which can come from caesarean wounds, swabs get left inside of women and turn into a nasty infection, there are lower rates of breastfeeding which in turn lead to higher rates of infant illnesses and maternal cancers, higher rates of postnatal mental illess - another one of the biggest causes of maternal deaths
  • DieVixen
    DieVixen Posts: 790 Member
    Do you know what happens when a doctor/hospital/"midwife"/CNM/L&D nurse shoots for the lowest amount of c-sections while pushing for all vaginal deliveries??? Babies die or are brain damaged. Sad, but incredibly true. I do know women who had nurses in a hospital that SAW decels but denied mom a c-section and the babies are now dead. The homebirth crowd and their poorly undertrained and uneducated midwives try their darndest to prevent c-sections and transfers. What happens?? Oh, that's right, DEATH. Once your baby dies, that's it, no do-overs and it flipping sucks. I can promise that we would choose one hundred c-sections over our babies being gone.

    Erm babies die or are brain damaged from normal deliveries? Babies can die in caesareans too, mothers can die, they could end up with an emergency total hysterectomy, the baby could end up cut, one of the biggest causes of maternal death is sepsis which can come from caesarean wounds, swabs get left inside of women and turn into a nasty infection, there are lower rates of breastfeeding which in turn lead to higher rates of infant illnesses and maternal cancers, higher rates of postnatal mental illess - another one of the biggest causes of maternal deaths

    My daughter had the cord wrapped around her neck,everytime i had a contraction her heart rate dropped to nothing,my contractions were coming closer and more frequintly yet she wasnt moving and her vitales were crashing,but yeah totally a choice
  • maddymama
    maddymama Posts: 1,183 Member

    It should be pretty obvious at this point that women don't really ELECT to have surgery over natural child-birth. The belief that SO many women in America are electing this is purely propaganda. In recent years, the rich and famous have trended towards this, but like I said in the first post, they wouldn't be able to do this unless they were paying for the surgery out-of-pocket. No insurance would ever pay for an ELECTED c-section delivery.

    And honestly, any woman who has had a c-section would tell you that if they felt that their child could be safely delivered naturally then they would have done so. Your choice was a unique case. While you might have wanted that surgery, I imagine that your doctor would have had to justify it to your insurance company in some way... unless the surgery was covered by private adoption. Either way, it is ignorant to use only one statistical increase to support the statement that women elect to have surgery. The rise in c-sections is not from elected surgeries, but from an increase in complicated deliveries and the medical industry's preference to ere on the side of caution. I would rather hear of an increase in c-section deliveries than increase in childbirth related deaths.

    While I wish this was the thought process for many women, it truly isn't. It is for me- I'd much rather be natural and vaginal than an elective c-section. That said, many women do opt for a scheduled c-section without medical need if the option is given to them. So many of my friends have opted to do so, which is sad for me to hear. And, truly, they all admit there was no reason for it, other than they were "done" being pregnant and Friday was a good day to have the child. And, given enough drugs and enough help post-operation, a few of them would rather do it c-section than vaginal next time--- much more help around the clock for the first few weeks for them than with the vaginal birth scenarios. It makes me sad, truly it does.

    I wish the OBs wouldn't give so many women the option for an elective c-section. And I do truly mean elective and not medically indicated (laboring toooo long, eclampsia, baby in distress, etc.). And to many of the women here, I don't think anyone is bashing you if you had a scary situation. I think people are frustrated with the truly elective portion of it.
  • chazsucks
    chazsucks Posts: 170
    Do you know what happens when a doctor/hospital/"midwife"/CNM/L&D nurse shoots for the lowest amount of c-sections while pushing for all vaginal deliveries??? Babies die or are brain damaged. Sad, but incredibly true. I do know women who had nurses in a hospital that SAW decels but denied mom a c-section and the babies are now dead. The homebirth crowd and their poorly undertrained and uneducated midwives try their darndest to prevent c-sections and transfers. What happens?? Oh, that's right, DEATH. Once your baby dies, that's it, no do-overs and it flipping sucks. I can promise that we would choose one hundred c-sections over our babies being gone.

    Erm babies die or are brain damaged from normal deliveries? Babies can die in caesareans too, mothers can die, they could end up with an emergency total hysterectomy, the baby could end up cut, one of the biggest causes of maternal death is sepsis which can come from caesarean wounds, swabs get left inside of women and turn into a nasty infection, there are lower rates of breastfeeding which in turn lead to higher rates of infant illnesses and maternal cancers, higher rates of postnatal mental illess - another one of the biggest causes of maternal deaths

    My daughter had the cord wrapped around her neck,everytime i had a contraction her heart rate dropped to nothing,my contractions were coming closer and more frequintly yet she wasnt moving and her vitales were crashing,but yeah totally a choice

    Most babies are born with the cord around their neck at least once, or around their abdomen. It can be a problem occasionally (my second child had the cord round his neck too and would have needed a section if it had gone on much longer) however there are things you can try before resorting to a section - unfortunately in the US they don't have a midwifery led model of care and obstetricians prefer to jump right to surgery or intervention like forceps
  • LemonsAndCoffee
    LemonsAndCoffee Posts: 313 Member
    Having a baby in the United States is not all it's cracked up to be:

    "In the United States, mothers face a 1 in 2,100 risk of maternal death – the highest of any industrialized nation. In fact, only three developed countries – Albania, Moldova and the Russian Federation – perform worse than the United States on this indicator. A woman in the U.S. is more than 7 times as likely as a woman in Ireland or Italy to die from a pregnancy-related cause and her risk of maternal death is 15 times that of a woman in Greece

    The U.S. under-5 mortality rate is 8 per 1,000 births. This is on par with rates in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Slovakia and Qatar. Forty countries performed better than the U.S. on this indicator. This means that a child in the U.S. is four times as likely as a child in Iceland to die before his or her 5th birthday."