Couch to 5k

Hello everyone. Ive just recently started a "Couch to 5k" program. I could use some motivation to help me through it. Please share your successes and your progress.


  • souper71
    souper71 Posts: 21
    So far I am about a week and a half into the program. My leg muscles are rejecting the program so I'm doing every week twice. So far so good (aside from the muscle stiffness).
  • PMPB7
    PMPB7 Posts: 43 Member
    This will be great. Now I just need to find a race for a goal to shoot for. I know of the program, but seem to be running farther these days. Granted, it's not a full run, but getting there. Slowly but surely.

    Today I did 30 min on the treadmill. 12 min running at 3.5 and the rest walking at 3.2. Determined!

    I hope your legs strengthen for you and stop given you trouble.

    Have a great day everyone who joins in.

    Bernie (aka. PMPB7)
  • joybedford
    joybedford Posts: 1,680 Member
    Your legs will get stronger don,t go too fast too soon stick to the programme and repeat weeks if necessary nothing says you have to finish it in a certain time scale. When I first started running the pain in my calfs nearly finished me off I had to really focus on stretching and leg strengthening doing sqauts and lunges etc. I found it very tempting to think I could run a bit further and then suffer the next day. Pain is to be expected but any swelling or excrutiating pain should not be ignored. Always a rest day between runs as well you will need it. Hope this helps.
  • Di3012
    Di3012 Posts: 2,247 Member
    So far I am about a week and a half into the program. My leg muscles are rejecting the program so I'm doing every week twice. So far so good (aside from the muscle stiffness).

    It doesn't matter if you had to do the same week three times, go as your own pace and eventually you will be running the full distance.

    Ensure you get your rest days in though, those rest days are vitally important :)
  • Brenda_Pancakes
    Brenda_Pancakes Posts: 288 Member
    I'm going super slow at it. Which may not be the *recommended* way of doing it, but I've repeated nearly all the weeks I've done. Sometimes repeated more than once or twice.

    I've never jogged before in my life - and my breathing gets really quick and pant-like/eratic if I push past a certain point.

    So I say - repeat the weeks as much as you need too. You'll probably need to if you're anything like me and just flat out haven't done anything like this before.

    I can do a solid 3 minutes without feeling like I'm going to die now... Which is absolute and total progress for me - someone who couldn't go 30 seconds a few weeks ago. :)
  • SKHaz1
    SKHaz1 Posts: 145 Member
    Yayy love this thread!!
    I just started and did the first week last week. Still havn't done the 2nd week yet. Im going to try the workout 1 of week 2 and see if I can manage. Are you all moving on once the workout gets easy? Week one wasnt easy for me but definitely doable. Suggestions?
  • bisland
    bisland Posts: 245 Member
    I did the program starting January 1, Repeat weeks as needed. It seemed to me the first 4 weeks were the hardest. It does get easier & again do not be afraid to repeat a week. When I started I could not run across the street, but this past Saturday ran my first 5K & finished smack in the middle of the pack. I can not wait to sign up for another race.
  • sugarandspice27
    sugarandspice27 Posts: 521 Member
    I started Week 2 this week. I won't say it's easy, but I won't say it's misery either. I LOVE this program, it really pushes me. I've had to consciously slow myself down or else I get out of breath too easily. I would say work on speed later, it will come with time.

    The upside is that it's really jump-started my weight loss again.
  • speechsteff
    speechsteff Posts: 21 Member
    I just started Monday..and I'm so slow! Walking at a 3.3 and jogging at a 3.5. On Tuesday I did a beginning Kettlebell workout that left me incredibly sore....way too many squats. I was a little nervous about jogging today but after I started it actually helped with the soreness...who knew???
  • munkey418
    munkey418 Posts: 139
    So far I am about a week and a half into the program. My leg muscles are rejecting the program so I'm doing every week twice. So far so good (aside from the muscle stiffness).

    ugh totally wish i was doing that! even if it took longer I bet itd be a heck of a lot easier. Might have to anyway and just let my running buddy follow the program as designed :/
  • jss150
    jss150 Posts: 14 Member
    Ive used this successfully for the 5k and 10K programs - it works! Its not about speed its about time. Don't worry about speed. I like doing it outside better than on a treadmill. If you find one week particularly hard its better to repeat it.
  • lanzaroteblue
    lanzaroteblue Posts: 198 Member
    Hi there,
    I've just finished week 3. It's def NOT easy. Keep going, I'm
    concentrating on endurance rather than speed (for now). I've
    signed up for my 1st 5K on 27Oct so aiming to have an okay
    time by then.. I love the podcast from and
    I'm not sure if I could have got this far without it.
    Good luck and make sure you are having rest days and
    stretching properly to help with stiffness.
    All the best
    Nicola x
  • TheKitsune6
    TheKitsune6 Posts: 5,798 Member
    I completed C25K in August/September of last year. I remember on one of the weeks I had to keep doing it for an entire month before I was able to move on! It was a struggle what with being an asthmatic ex-smoker, but I did it and since then have done Warrior Dash, Pendleton 10k Mudrun and the Safari Park half marathon. I -love- it and I recommend the program to anyone looking to take up running. I had to learn how to breath, I had to learn that shoes are a GREAT investment (I am a hardcore penny pincher, this was a hard lesson to learn, but it was the best $80 I ever spent), and I had to learn when my body just didn't want to go anymore (I'm tired, I'm achy, this is boring) and when my body literally could not go anymore (literally vomiting after a 9 mile run due to poor hydration and bad breakfast).

    If you keep with it, if you finish it, if you keep going... you will feel pride and amazement. You will learn that you're not always motivated and it's HARD to put on those shoes and get out the door but as long as you go, perseverance is more important. Anyone can do something when they're motivated but when you do something despite it being difficult, despite not wanting to and despite it being hard that's when you're at your best.

    GO! PUSH! RUN!
  • Hickyvikki69
    Hickyvikki69 Posts: 371 Member
    hey, i started my couch to 5k, 6 weeks ago. that said i am on week 6. i am motivated to finish this program...i jog at 4.0 to 4.4mph. i currently finished running 11min. n tomorrow day off. then i get upped to 13min. i hope we can motivate each other!
  • LatinaGordita
    LatinaGordita Posts: 377 Member
    I've been doing C25K for 4 weeks now. I did day 1 of week 4 today during lunch! WOW. It had two different running intervals 2/5min and 2/3 minute, and it looks like walking was minimal. I had to push myself in the last run, but I made it!

    I usually do a week at least 3 times before moving on to the next week. I do not run fast, I pace myself and push towards the end a little faster. I focus on my breathing and endurance.

    Good job on your progress. Your legs will get use to it! Trying putting more days in between your runs. For example instead of doing it every Monday, Wednesday and Friday maybe do it Sunday, Wednesday, Sunday, so you really do 2 a week and start your following week on a wednesday.

    Add me if you like! I post my C25K on my exercise log and we can motivate each other!
  • Hickyvikki69
    Hickyvikki69 Posts: 371 Member
    I started Week 2 this week. I won't say it's easy, but I won't say it's misery either. I LOVE this program, it really pushes me. I've had to consciously slow myself down or else I get out of breathe too easily. I would say work on speed later, it will come with time.

    The upside is that it's really jump-started my weight loss again.

    which program you doing?
  • bluefox9er
    bluefox9er Posts: 2,917 Member
    do as others have suggested..there is NO SHAME at all in repeating a day or even a week as often as you like. yes, the legs will ache, so do warm up..I used to do about 10 minutes of jump rope then walk 5 minutes before starting. also, stretch when you finsih.

    Most important of all, ENJOY c25k, and check out your heels from time to might notice they are growing tiny wings :-)
  • jhungate
    jhungate Posts: 95 Member
    I started with it, now run 45-50 miles a week. My weightloss speaks for itself and running has been a big part of my ability to maintain it.
  • paperstars
    paperstars Posts: 76 Member
    Hi! I am in the middle of week five and cannot say enough amazing things about the program. I have never been a runner. I remember being so embarrassed when I had to run in middle school because I just couldn't do it! When I started week 1, I did struggle. Over time, I have slowly and surely improved. Today I ran 3 8 minute intervals with relative ease! And more than that, I'm really beginning to look forward to going to the track and using it as stress relief. My biggest tip (and the one I failed to take until recently) is take it slow! The program is not about going fast, but building endurance. Good luck, and I hope you enjoy it as much as I do!
  • definitelyval
    definitelyval Posts: 104 Member
    Tomorrow I will complete day 3 of week 3. I love the program, and I can feel my prorgress. Each day of the week, I can feel my recovery time shortening. It's awesome. I intend to sign up for a 5K once I'm done and running the 3.1 miles regularly. A good tip: make sure you're using the correct running form, and go as slow as you need to! I repeated week 2, and will repeat any weeks that challenge me more than I think they should. Anyone locally interested in a C25K in-person group??