C25K Challenge



  • tauny78
    tauny78 Posts: 180 Member
    im on W4D2.... I feel its where the program starts to get tough ..... you feel great when you get done though ..Feel free to add me if you want

    I agree...I mean, the previous weeks have been hard for me (I've never been a runner) but this week is getting tougher. Although I've noticed it's not so much my breathing now, it's my legs getting tired. So I guess that's better? But, I also feel great afterwords! I think it's boosting my mood and energy! I'm just not sure how I'm going to do the 8 minutes next week...and then the 20 on day 3! If I have to I'll repeat W5....I'm fully expecting to repeat :ohwell:
  • Madux1818
    Madux1818 Posts: 307 Member
    Just finished my official first day. Boy, that was much harder than my trial run!

    I almost didn't finish, but I pushed myself to the very end. I run outside, up and down my dead end street (because it's mostly flat), and could really feel it on the one little hill. I'm looking into getting good running shoes; I could feel it in my ankles today. Hopefully, this poor college student can afford it.

    Where did you find the playlists that give you cues for c25k? I dont have an iphone but I have an ipod. Thanx.
  • rachey_v
    rachey_v Posts: 127 Member
    I did this!! WOOFREAKINHOO!!! Well day 1 week 1 anyway but I an NOT a runner so was very pleased :D
  • rachey_v
    rachey_v Posts: 127 Member
    By the way you are all so inspiring!!
  • SRH7
    SRH7 Posts: 2,037 Member
    Count me in! I'm another one on Week 3 (due to do Day 3 tomorrow) who is thinking of doing this week a bit longer. Was going really well until yesterday when I ran out of energy. Had a rest day today (did Jillian Michaels No More Trouble Zones instead) so hoping tomorrow will be better.

    There's a really good group on here - c'mon everyone, join in!

  • darkknightfan
    darkknightfan Posts: 396 Member
    im on W4D2.... I feel its where the program starts to get tough ..... you feel great when you get done though ..Feel free to add me if you want

    I agree...I mean, the previous weeks have been hard for me (I've never been a runner) but this week is getting tougher. Although I've noticed it's not so much my breathing now, it's my legs getting tired. So I guess that's better? But, I also feel great afterwords! I think it's boosting my mood and energy! I'm just not sure how I'm going to do the 8 minutes next week...and then the 20 on day 3! If I have to I'll repeat W5....I'm fully expecting to repeat :ohwell:

    I found that I had to drop the walking and running speeds back a lil bit helps give you the endurance to go the whole time..
  • cllovesdw4eva
    I just started last Friday and have done 2 complete days. I am going to upgrade to the full version soon, so I dont mind starting over. I hate running, but I love C25K
  • fittertanme
    fittertanme Posts: 259 Member
    this is great if your new to running and a nice way to start I compleated this about 3 months ago but at times I go back to parts of it and now do running most saturdays doing a 5k run in the park with others at parkrun have a look at there site and see if you want to or are ready the web site is called parkrun but have fun
  • Lesley2901
    Lesley2901 Posts: 372 Member
    Would love to do this. Hoping to start at week five as I am able to run for 15 minutes but can't seem to manage any longer so was hoping this would help.
  • tauny78
    tauny78 Posts: 180 Member
    im on W4D2.... I feel its where the program starts to get tough ..... you feel great when you get done though ..Feel free to add me if you want

    I agree...I mean, the previous weeks have been hard for me (I've never been a runner) but this week is getting tougher. Although I've noticed it's not so much my breathing now, it's my legs getting tired. So I guess that's better? But, I also feel great afterwords! I think it's boosting my mood and energy! I'm just not sure how I'm going to do the 8 minutes next week...and then the 20 on day 3! If I have to I'll repeat W5....I'm fully expecting to repeat :ohwell:

    I found that I had to drop the walking and running speeds back a lil bit helps give you the endurance to go the whole time..

    Same here....I know I'm not moving very fast, but hey, I'm moving!
  • morkiemama
    morkiemama Posts: 894 Member

    Where did you find the playlists that give you cues for c25k? I dont have an iphone but I have an ipod. Thanx.

    Please see my previous post #3 below. Hope this helps :)
    Best advice I can give is DON'T SKIMP ON PROPER EQUIPMENT just because you are a beginner. I've tried running in the past and always quit. Why? I was in pain. Both from muscles/knees/ankles and blisters. :(

    Proper footwear and socks are VERY important. Go to a runners store and get properly fitted by a professional for running shoes and ONLY wear them for running. It can be pricey, but it is more than worth it to spare yourself some serious injury. Buy some non-cotton socks to go along with those new kicks. Your feet will thank you. They help keep moisture away and prevent foot issues. They should have some at the running store as well. :) They average about 10 bucks for 3 pairs.

    This has made a HUGE difference in my runs and I find I enjoy them now. :)

    Now for the less awesome, but still good advice:

    1. Study up on proper running form and try to improve yours. It makes a difference. :) You won't be a pro right out of the gate, but you will improve slowly if you try to concentrate on it during your runs. Hint: I try to work on it at the beginning when I'm not exhausted yet, ha ha :P
    (Some links: http://www.sparkpeople.com/resource/fitness_articles.asp?id=823
    http://video.about.com/running/Proper-Running-Form.htm )

    2. STRETCH before and after for at least 10 minutes. Stretching is VERY important and most people skimp on it. Do not skimp on it. Your body will thank you.

    3. Warm up/Cool down walking. A good thing to do. The podcasts I use have them programmed in. You can find them here: http://www.djsteveboy.com/1day25k.html

    4. Hydrate. Drink plenty of water before and bring a bottle with you on runs. :)

    5. Lastly, DON'T GIVE UP. If you can't keep up the jog, walk fast and try again on the next interval. If you need to repeat a week, do it! Just keep pushing forward. We can all finish :D

    I have severe asthma and running has to be THE most challenging activity for me (especially outdoors with my allergies), but I push through it. Remember, if my lungs haven't given out on me yet, yours will probably make it too, ha ha ;)

    I used to hate running with a passion, and I am learning to love it <3:D
  • kimlight2
    kimlight2 Posts: 483 Member
    I completed week 1 day 3 this morning and I feel great! I am ready to go out for another run right now. I was struggling through my run and went a little slower because I was having a hard time catching my breath but I think it is because I skipped my inhaler yesterday and woke up a little congested. I can't wait to do week 2 day 1, I may try to fit in another shorter run tomorrow morning instead of waiting until Saturday.
  • tinana_RN
    tinana_RN Posts: 541 Member
    <---- c25k success story right here! I just graduated last week. :drinker:
  • joconnor09
    joconnor09 Posts: 124
    I started once, did one day and got busy. I just restarted last week, did two days, and got lazy. I think it would be really good for me to have someone to do it with, someone telling me to go get out there when I feel like just sitting at home and eating snacks. Add me if you want!
  • bluefox9er
    bluefox9er Posts: 2,917 Member
    To all of you guys out there on the c25k journey...I was that fat guy on the couch that was a smoker and who never ever in a zillion years would even dare to dream of running, and QUIT c25k 3 times last year after week 1. I finished the program about a month ago and run a 10k at least twice a week now. My tips are simple...

    1. DO warm up...and COOL down effectively. I tend to stretch AFTER the exercise is over. A good warm up to get your heartr ate moving..jump rope or walk at a brisk pace :-)

    2. DO run outdoors, as most 5k races are NOT on treadmills. Also, the outdoors will offer you with different challenges like terrain, weather,stray dogs etc!!!

    3. Hydrate properly..c25k is a short workout, you wont die from thirst in 30 minutes, so unless you REALLY need to carry a bulky water bottle with you, drink gatorade or water as soon as you are done. also, a Protein shake to help repair your muscles..try and drink the shake within 20 minutes of finishing the workout.

    4.DO wear proper running shoes...crocs etc simply will NOT DO. you can get bewildered by the choices on offer, and most shops will analyse your running style on a treadmill and make suggestions. sounds great, but a lot of the time, the sales people are incentivised to sell certain brands and makes.

    5.DO repeat any day or even a week that you find difficult or struggled with as often as you like. There is absolutely NO SHAME in doing this at all!!! In the same breath, if you get deep into the program and feel you have a little 'extra' left in the tank, you can also add a day from one of the earlier weeks as a little extra workout.

    6.DO wear glasses/sunglasses especially if you are running in a park etc..you REALLY don't want those little insects getting stuck in your eye.

    7.DO use a c25k app on your smart phone. the 'bluefin' c25k app is superb..it gives voice prompts over your music play list so you know exactly when to walk and when to run.

    8.DO Listen to your body. If you feel you are hurting more than is usual or more than you can take, then stop and rest. Rest days are AS Important as the days you exercise.

    9.DO Enjoy the exercises..yes, there are times when it is SO hard, but don't clock-watch if you can help it and run at a comfortable pace..here is no stipulated running 'speed' in c25k so please don't think you need to go hell for leather!

    10. Check your heels. after 2 or 3 weeks into this program, you might notice little wings growing on your heels. you are becoming a RUNNER!!!!

    Good luck to all of you and sincerely , I truly hope you get as much satisfaction and amazing sense of achievement from c25k as I did.

    Oh...'Park runs' are a great first race..google them :-)
  • mrsp1123
    mrsp1123 Posts: 8 Member
    Just did Week 1 day 2 yesterday! I was sore and tired so my distance really slowed. I have the C25K app for my smart phone, and I think it really helps while running - that and good music! I'm gearing up to do my first 5k ( The Color Run) in August!
  • alltalk199
    alltalk199 Posts: 275
    Hey babe! I finished the c25k program and I loved it and would recommend it to everyone, starting off or wanting to learn to run, it's awesome.

    You can join me on the C210k app, when your done, it's even better and very challenging for me! All the best!
  • LatinaGordita
    LatinaGordita Posts: 377 Member
    I just did day 1 of week 4! I really had to push on the last 5 minute run! I do not go fast at all I pace myself and focus on my breathing. Everyone did awesome this week! Doing a new week is challenging!
  • Cheshire_Kat
    Cheshire_Kat Posts: 69 Member
    I have been putting off doing this for a few months, telling myself i will cause myself pain because i am to big :( but maybe this is just the motivation i need. you can add me if you like, just add c25k in the comments =]
  • SRH7
    SRH7 Posts: 2,037 Member
    Just finished my official first day. Boy, that was much harder than my trial run!

    I almost didn't finish, but I pushed myself to the very end. I run outside, up and down my dead end street (because it's mostly flat), and could really feel it on the one little hill. I'm looking into getting good running shoes; I could feel it in my ankles today. Hopefully, this poor college student can afford it.

    Where did you find the playlists that give you cues for c25k? I dont have an iphone but I have an ipod. Thanx.

    I've tried a couple of different apps and the NHS podcasts are my favourite (you can download them from iTunes for free): http://www.nhs.uk/Tools/Pages/couch-5K-running-plan.aspx

    It has background music that changes pace for each section of the walk/jog and has really useful tips over the top (as well as a voiceover cheering you on when you are halfway through). My favourite tip? Pretend you are running alongside a hedge and there is someone on the other side. If they can see your head bobbing up and down you are using up too much energy - stop bouncing, take it easier and you will complete C25K!

    There is also loads of other helpful info on the site: http://www.nhs.uk/LiveWell/c25k/Pages/couch-to-5k.aspx