Will Power...where can I buy some?



  • katejenkins1
    katejenkins1 Posts: 210 Member
    I have motivational exersize posters taped to my bedroom wall next to my vanity, helps me get up in the morning. Plus I bought these frozen popcicles that are only 40 cals each so if I'm feeling like I have to binge I eat 2 of them and it helps.

    Once you get started and get into a routine, it'll be second nature. It takes a while to change how you think and act, but it does get better.

    Good luck!!!
  • RedBull0512
    When I need some more motivation I go to the gym and push myself to the limit... When I find out what I can do and that I can reach greater goals I get really happy and find that inner strength that gets me going... :D
  • gatecityradio
    It was something that kinda just switched on for me one day. Also having the MFP app help me realize how much I was eating and I felt kinda gross after that. It really hit home for me when I started my new job and saw some of the overweight people here having to go out on DB because of illness due to their weight and eating habits. I realized then that I wanted to be healthy and not be sick from diabetes or have heart problems.
  • nu2012
    nu2012 Posts: 562 Member
    Join a weight loss challenge on MFP. Though my diet isn't "perfect" yet, and I struggle with it but I am so dedicated to exercising now. Since I joined many challenges and some of them are team challenges, I was motivated to reach the challenge goal of the day or burn more calories because they mean more miles for the team. I really can't let my teammates down, now can I?

    Some are food challenges also.....that has got me really good with drinking water and controlling sodium...

    Phew! I can't spell today!
  • saraann4
    saraann4 Posts: 1,312 Member
    Thinking this is something to do with willpower is where you're going wrong.

    Success is about slow, gentle, sustainable habit change and forgiveness to yourself when you slip. Willpower indicates self denial, and all that will get you is a head of binge-steam built up.

    Completely disagree. You have to have some type of willpower to start off with or else you are setting yourself up to fail. "Success is about slow, gentle, sustainable habit change and forgiveness to yourself when you slip"....how do you get to success without willpower? And how in the world is willpower "self denial"? I don't think of it that way. Willpower to me is power. It makes me think with my mind instead of my stomach. If I didn't have willpower, I would have drank a couple of real Cokes, went to Taco Bell for lunch and ordered carry out from a restaurant for dinner. I also had the opportunity to order pizza tonight. I happily declined. That is willpower. I also believe there is wiggle room for willpower. You can allow yourself small rewards such as chocolate and whatever else. If I didn't have willpower, I would binge.

    Where can you buy willpower? from me...I have tons.
  • annabellj
    annabellj Posts: 1,337 Member
    bump for ideas!
  • katejenkins1
    katejenkins1 Posts: 210 Member
    I couldn't find my willpower for the longest time. It wasn't on the couch or in the fridge!

    Love this!