How many of us are Autism Moms?



  • Erisad
    Erisad Posts: 1,580
    I'm a 22 year old with Asperger's. I don't have my license yet, I have a job and a Bachelor's degree though. I was a very difficult child to raise as I was constantly screaming and escaping from the house when I was a toddler. I want to be independent so I can prove that I don't need to rely on others for everything. My mother and I are on this weight loss journey together so I'll do my best to support her and be helpful to make up for if I screwed up her life for being born this way.

    I was a difficult child too. I was not an escape artist though. I liked to hide. And I was good at it.

    I climbed, I escaped, sometimes I was a hider but not as much. I also got into fights at school a lot because people were either picking on me or my other friends. College helped me develop as a person quite a bit, even if I'm not working in my field at the moment. :)
  • manda1002
    manda1002 Posts: 178 Member
    My almost 2yr old son isn't Autistic, but he is special needs. We actually just got a call this week with results from DNA testing, and he's got a 3p25 deletion, which I guess is very rare. He doesn't speak, and for the most part doesn't seem to understand much either. If you ask "where is mama" or "where is your cup" he just smiles and walks away. We're trying to find ways to help him understand us and vice versa. We're working on sign language, and he only recently just started doing please with prompting from us. He does however enjoy music, lights and particular cartoons (Pocoyo to name one). He currently gets therapy once a week, but it's mostly for fine motor skills, which he's improved on a lot in the last 7 months. He doesn't kiss you, but he will give you his cheek if you ask for it. He doesn't hug. Heartbreaking for me, heh.

    Anyway, that's my ramble.
  • nicholawelch
    nicholawelch Posts: 74 Member
    I have a 10 yr old son who has ADHD and is currently being assessed for ASD.
  • TaxGirlxo
    TaxGirlxo Posts: 27
    My little boy, Joey, is 4 and has Down Syndrome <3

    Working out and staying healthy is my #1 de-stressor, because it does get tough at times!
  • GurleyGirl524
    GurleyGirl524 Posts: 578 Member
    My husband and I have custody of our special needs grandson. He has autistic characteristics but not to the extent of being diagnosed with autism. He is 10 years old and non-verbal. He is happy and the light of our lives. His comprehension of things is so so, but his overall mental development ranges from a months old to a few years old. He is "officially" diagnosed as mentally retarded. They thought at one time he would not even walk but now he RUNS. Raising a special needs child is very challenging but also has great rewards. I feel so bad for him sometimes because I feel like he misses so much. He does not understand holidays and such. Santa or the Easter Bunny mean nothing to him. On the other hand, all he knows is love. He has no comprehension of hatred or sadness. He has an atonic (head drop) seizure disorder and although the physical symptoms of his seizures are controlled with meds, his last EEG still showed his brain was having LOTS of seizure activity. A side effect of his condition is a sleeping disorder, so sleeping through the night is a rare occassion. He also is on meds to help him sleep. Even though he is my "step" grandson, I love him with all of my heart like he is my own son. We have had him since he was 13 months old. I would not take anything for him. I love my Ely.
  • Kasm296
    Kasm296 Posts: 33 Member
    I am the mom of a child on the ASD spectrum...difficult at times but a joy to raise. She passed away last summer at the age of 18. She was /is an amazing gift and there probably will never be another person who will teach me as much about myself and what I am capable of handling then her...
  • Misbehavin_Red
    Like many others here, I'm a single mom of an 8 year old who has been diangnosed through the realm as well. Started off with Sensory Processing issues, and poor fine motor skills. Did OT twice a week for about 8 months. Next step ended up being an ADHD diagnosis, and when he started having issues again had another evaluation completed through school. Diagnosis ended up being mild Asperger's. I was devastated, only because having been a psych major in college, I thought I would've known the signs better. Nope, no such luck.

    5 years later, we've had our ups and our downs. He goes to a charter school (public, basically non-unionized school) which is fairly small so can provide him with the special attention and teacher matching that he requires. He has good days. He has bad days. For the most part, he's been stabilized, but let me tell you, deciding to medicate has caused major anxiety for me.

    Stepping back to about 12 years ago, let me mention his older brother (who is now 19) was diagnosed with ADD, and I now question Asperger's. He's also been slow to develop, slow to get his license. Slow with the empathy and social skills (which I've always struggled with because I find that I'm uber-empathetic...or at least try to be). I had decided not to medicate him all those years ago, and now I'm thinking that although the past 12 years still would have been a struggle, they might not have been as difficult as they were.

    Live and learn, we never know until 20 years later that our choices may have put our children on a more difficult path. Eh, I suppose that's what therapy is for! As far as I'm concerned, having been a single mom for almost 20 years, I've done the best I could with the resources and knowledge that I had.

    As for me, here I am 8 years later with 26 more pounds to lose, and I've only recently gotten back into the exercise thing. I'm an emotional eater, so that's been my biggest struggle. After 2 weeks of regular exercise, and losing 15 pounds so far, even if no one else notices I FEEL better......THAT'S what matters to me since I'm doing this for no one else but me.

    Feel free to friend me....
  • Misbehavin_Red
    I am the mom of a child on the ASD spectrum...difficult at times but a joy to raise. She passed away last summer at the age of 18. She was /is an amazing gift and there probably will never be another person who will teach me as much about myself and what I am capable of handling then her...

    I'm so sorry to hear of her passing....
  • emilylacey1010
    Hi, I am a mother of a 7 year old daughter with autism and a 3 year old daughter
    with sensory processing disorder along with a few other developmental problems and sever allergies to foods Like Everything!. Feel free to add me its just us 3 and we have

    been through it all.
  • Kasm296
    Kasm296 Posts: 33 Member
    Thank you..
  • AlicynH
    AlicynH Posts: 201 Member
    My son is not autistic but he is Fetal Alcohol and also bi-polar plus ADHD. We adopted him through foster care. He was three days old when we got him. The mom had also used meth, cocaine, marijuana, and prescription drugs. We went through drug with drawls with him. It was horrible. He now had learning disabilities because of everything. We also can't give him anything for his ADHD because of his bi-polar. We tried and it made him manic to where he was putting holes in my walls. Luckily my school district has a wonderful school for special needs children. It's hard to be in public when he throws his fits because people don't realize he has problems. Physically he looks like any other 8 year old. Parents just assume I'm a horrible mother. I've even had a lady down the street from us call the cops on him because he punched her son and gave him a bloody nose. Every day is a roller coaster. Especially with the bi-polar.
  • kktoland
    kktoland Posts: 7

    I'm the mom of a 16 yr old asperger daughter. She also has ADHD, OCD, ODD and Bi-polar tendencies. She is doing really well now thanks to wonderful doctors and therapists but I've let myself go over the years - taking care of everyone's needs but not taking care of my health. A recent surgery finally convinced me that I need to shed the extra 70 lbs I'm carrying before I start having more health issues. So far, I love this website and have seen so many good ideas on these forums.
  • lisa1231
    lisa1231 Posts: 16
    I have an 11 yr old son with Autism. He has PDD-NOS to be exact. He was diagnosed around 2 1/2 to 3 yrs old. He is verbal, but speech is one of his major issues. Also his lack of focus. He doesn't need medication, thankfully. He is my everything. That's one of the major reasons that I am committed to getting myself in shape. I need to be the best me for myself but also for him. Whoever started this thread - thank you so much. It really helps to know I'm not alone. :flowerforyou:
  • gemaudlin
    gemaudlin Posts: 81
    My son is almost 3 years old and he was just diagnosed with Autism. I'm recently divorced as well. Trying to raise a child being a single parent isn't easy, but it definitely isn't easy with an Autistic child. I had gained 50 pounds in the last year just due to all the stress and depression. But I'm back on track! It's great when you have support and motivation from other people in the same situation as you. Right now I'm dealing with all the added stress of getting insurance to pay for his 2 speech thereapy sessions a week and just got told on Friday that he is a "distraction" to other kids at his daycare. It's comforting to know that I'm not alone in this!
    Feel free to add me.:smile:
  • Jagreene62
    Jagreene62 Posts: 4,782 Member
    Hello everyone, it looks like a lot of these comments are really old but if you are still on MFP I would like to invite you to join a new group specifically for special needs parents it's called SNAP.

    There is an INTRODUCTION topic that you can use to see what some of the members are living and for you to introduce yourself.

    Hope to see you soon,
    Judy from Florida
  • Tyandnatesmom
    Tyandnatesmom Posts: 23 Member
    I have a 12 year old (and totally amazing) son who has autism. I turned to food when he was being diagnosed and raising him and two siblings while going through a divorce. Since then he has made strides but still needs constant assistance which has limited my time. I have just now been able to start doing things for myself (thanks largely to my amazing new husband). One of them is getting healthy. I started last year and fell off the wagon, so to speak, when I got laid off from work. I used this as an excuse and stopped my healthy lifestyle. I am ready to get back to it. My son is going to need care into adulthood and I would like to be the one around to do it!
  • Jagreene62
    Jagreene62 Posts: 4,782 Member
    I have a 12 year old (and totally amazing) son who has autism. I turned to food when he was being diagnosed and raising him and two siblings while going through a divorce. Since then he has made strides but still needs constant assistance which has limited my time. I have just now been able to start doing things for myself (thanks largely to my amazing new husband). One of them is getting healthy. I started last year and fell off the wagon, so to speak, when I got laid off from work. I used this as an excuse and stopped my healthy lifestyle. I am ready to get back to it. My son is going to need care into adulthood and I would like to be the one around to do it!

    TOTALLY AGREE!! My son is 24 with many disabilities and will need me for the rest of his life. I HAVE to be here for him. If not me than who? Stay strong for him. Stay focused for him. Always remember your WHY!! Good Luck!! :flowerforyou:
  • Shannonsto
    Shannonsto Posts: 450 Member

    I will definitely check out these links. I'm a single mom to 5 year old twins, one of whom has Asperger's. I am also prone to anxiety and depression, which, coupled with the challenging behaviors, helped contribute to my difficulties sticking with a weight loss regimen. I am all my girls have, so I really need to get healthy and strong so that I can always be there for them.
  • RuthRW
    RuthRW Posts: 247 Member
    Hi, I am a mom of a six year old daughter who has autism. She was flagged on the spectrum tests at her 18 and 24 month checkups but because of severe vision problems we hoped it was something else. After seeing developmental specialists she has been diagnosed with autism, apraxia and sensory processing disorders. Her speech is very garbled, she is developing language but mostly parrots back the last words spoken to her. We had her in Help Me Grow since she was 2, then special education pre-kindergarten, then a private ABS school for a year and a half. But this year she is in an all day program through the county specifically for autistic children who are unable to be integrated into the multi-disability classrooms in local school systems because they need intensive intervention. There are six students in her class, a teacher and three aids. She gets Speech, Occupational therapy and Physical therapy every week. She's been getting speech therapy since she was two.

    It's been a struggle but I love my daughter with all my heart. She has an 8yr. old sister who is typical and they get along well though it can be hard on her sister. My husband helps but it's a daily grind, especially since we are still potty training. She is obsessed with textures and that includes her bowel movements. I won't get more specific but I do go through a lot of bleach, LOL.

    On the other side she has just started kissing us this year and LOVES being tickled. She laughs and sees more beauty in the world around her than I understand but that's part of what makes her so amazing. I have learned more about patience and joy in small victories than I ever thought possible.