Eating while on vacation, would this option be rude?

My husband and I are going on vacation on Friday, we are going to see his dad where the rest of his family will join us. His dad is now a monk, so we get to stay in a guest house at the monastery and we have a couple women who prepare us meals. Well some of the meals we have had in the past aren't the healthiest, or they just are a huge temptation for me, and I'm afraid that I will fall off track while down there. I'm so fresh into this journey, I can't ruin it now.

So I have some meal replacement shake products I used before that I was thinking of taking with me, and when I had one of those times when I just didn't know what to eat, or there wasn't really any healthy options, do you think it would be okay to just make a "shake" for the meal instead? My family is supportive, but I'm just afraid it would be rude since everyone else would be eating a meal and there I am drinking a shake, or that the women who make the food would think I'm being rude

Any input would be helpful???


  • I think you should sit them down, and talk to them when you get there. Let them know you appericate everything they do for you, and your family(making meals), and the food is very good.
    Then explain to them your weight loss goals, how important they are to you, and that you don't want to offend them but would rather make your shakes, and eat your food because of your diet.
    If they respect, and understand(which I'm sure they will)
    Then go ahead, and make your shakes for meals, and enjoy:)

    I don't think it's rude at all:)
  • yorkienme
    yorkienme Posts: 3
    I would not have a problem doing this, nor would I have a problem if I were the one preparing your meals. I have taken my own food/drink to restaurants.

    Good luck!
  • toysbigkid
    toysbigkid Posts: 545 Member
    can you ask them to make you something heathier just for you (low calorie) and explain your journey to a heathier you
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,423 Member
    I don't know if it's rude...but it is possible that you would make them feel uncomfortable that what they are providing is not good enough for you. I don't know where in the world you are, but there is a very good chance that it will be great home-prepared relatively unprocessed food. Why you would possibly prefer a processed shake over real food is something I find hard to understand.... but then that's my food philosophy, which you may not share.

    If it was me, I would eat the food that was provided but just watch the portion sizes. Life is full of occasions where other people cook for you and you have to find strategies to deal with it. You aren't always going to have a protein shake handy. Treat it as a learning experience.

    And remember that you should be able to eat up to your maintenance calories (including exercise cals) without putting on weight, so this gives you plenty of leeway to get through a couple of days where you don't have control over the food - and still not put any weight on. Would that be a big problem?
  • mamamudbug
    mamamudbug Posts: 572 Member
    I'm sure they would be helpful if you talked to them. Most people don't have a problem with things like this if you approach them the right way.

    Eta: Rubybelle, has some really good points about portion size and eating to maintenance.
  • ktanderson05
    ktanderson05 Posts: 207 Member
    can you ask them to make you something heathier just for you (low calorie) and explain your journey to a heathier you
    I probably could but were talking that they are already preparing food for at least 15 people every meal, so I really don't want to make them go out of there way anymore than what they already do. So that is why I would feel better when I need to have a shake, rather than the meal prepared. I'm going to make this work. I will talk with my husband about it in the morning, and I'm also going to send my father in law an email and ask him about it and see what he thinks.

    Thanks for the input everyone!
  • ktanderson05
    ktanderson05 Posts: 207 Member
    I don't know if it's rude...but it is possible that you would make them feel uncomfortable that what they are providing is not good enough for you. I don't know where in the world you are, but there is a very good chance that it will be great home-prepared relatively unprocessed food. Why you would possibly prefer a processed shake over real food is something I find hard to understand.... but then that's my food philosophy, which you may not share.

    If it was me, I would eat the food that was provided but just watch the portion sizes. Life is full of occasions where other people cook for you and you have to find strategies to deal with it. You aren't always going to have a protein shake handy. Treat it as a learning experience.

    And remember that you should be able to eat up to your maintenance calories (including exercise cals) without putting on weight, so this gives you plenty of leeway to get through a couple of days where you don't have control over the food - and still not put any weight on. Would that be a big problem?
    I wish it was that easy, but I'm still learning about portion sizes and all that. I will be there for a week, and I'm very afraid that if I ate every meal they prepared I wouldn't be able to get back on track, so no I don't plan on having a shake for every meal, but when I just don't feel like I can have what they have made I would like that option. Like for example one day we usually have a spaghetti day for lunch, and there is no way I can eat that and have portion control let alone know how much is a portion and all that. So I wish it was as easy as you make it sound, but for me right now I just don't feel like it would be. Hope that makes sense!
  • purpleipod
    purpleipod Posts: 1,147 Member
    Could you not just eat less of what they're serving instead? Portion control?
  • sprota813
    sprota813 Posts: 3
    While I agree that if you explained your situation they would probably understand and not be offended I also agree with the fact that this could be a good learning experience about portion control. If you concentrate on that then you can be successful in other situations too. Isn't that what this journey is all about? Now just to lose the weight but to lern to keep it off too.
  • iWaffle
    iWaffle Posts: 2,208 Member
    If it was me, I would eat the food that was provided but just watch the portion sizes.

    And remember that you should be able to eat up to your maintenance calories (including exercise cals) without putting on weight,
    Exactly what I would do. I just got back from a week long vacation and the only meal I could control was breakfast. Other than that I just watched my portion size and ate what was available in moderation when it was really fattening. I was surprised to find that after an entire week of not knowing the exact calorie content I was eating I came back weighing exactly the same as the day I left.

    There were a few meals I went a little overboard in but it's about your average for each day. Eat healthy when you can, push the food around the table and maybe just have a shake later after dinner or before when it's not right there in their face. I went to In-N-Out burgers today with some people at work. I just had an ice tea and didn't order a burger or fries. Once everyone else started eating it wasn't even brought up so they'll probably be too busy eating and talking to know you're just eating really light.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Out of curiosity what are they serving at the monastery?

    My inlaws are pretty hard core. But visiting them is good for my calorie count.
  • tulsasleepgirl
    tulsasleepgirl Posts: 1 Member
    :flowerforyou: I hope you have a fantastic time and take care of yourself in the process. After all isnt this journey about learning how to best take care of ourselves? I think you have made great progress no matter where your weight loss number is, your thinking about whats best for you and that rocks! Good Job!
  • vice1989
    vice1989 Posts: 34 Member
    the processed shakes and meal replacements you buy at the store arent really good for you, Any way you can make your own food and just tell them your loseing weight, I have had the same problem, going to family dinners, I brought my own lean cuisine turkey diner once to thanksgiving (those things are just garbage food and I would never touch them again though)
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,423 Member
    I don't know if it's rude...but it is possible that you would make them feel uncomfortable that what they are providing is not good enough for you. I don't know where in the world you are, but there is a very good chance that it will be great home-prepared relatively unprocessed food. Why you would possibly prefer a processed shake over real food is something I find hard to understand.... but then that's my food philosophy, which you may not share.

    If it was me, I would eat the food that was provided but just watch the portion sizes. Life is full of occasions where other people cook for you and you have to find strategies to deal with it. You aren't always going to have a protein shake handy. Treat it as a learning experience.

    And remember that you should be able to eat up to your maintenance calories (including exercise cals) without putting on weight, so this gives you plenty of leeway to get through a couple of days where you don't have control over the food - and still not put any weight on. Would that be a big problem?
    I wish it was that easy, but I'm still learning about portion sizes and all that. I will be there for a week, and I'm very afraid that if I ate every meal they prepared I wouldn't be able to get back on track, so no I don't plan on having a shake for every meal, but when I just don't feel like I can have what they have made I would like that option. Like for example one day we usually have a spaghetti day for lunch, and there is no way I can eat that and have portion control let alone know how much is a portion and all that. So I wish it was as easy as you make it sound, but for me right now I just don't feel like it would be. Hope that makes sense!

    I understand that learning portion control isn't easy... but surely that is all the more reason to practice it?

    If we all said "riding a bike is too hard, I don't want to try because I won't be able to do it" - then we would never learn. Instead we hop on that bike, we fall off, we try again - and then it clicks and we feel fantastic because we tried something hard and succeeded!
    To continue with the "riding a bike" analogy - most of us learn by having our mum or dad hold the back of the bike and run alongside - in other words we have support. It sounds as though your husband is supportive - could you ask him to serve out your meals and make a rule (in your own head) that you will only eat what he serves? Everyone else will think he is the most loving and helpful husband and you'll have support while you learn.

    My other comment is that this process of losing weight is for you - it has an impact on the rest of your family but it isn't their "journey", it is yours. If it was me, I wouldn't turn my issue into their issue - emailing your father in law and making a big deal of it is making it a big issue for everyone and that just seems unneccessary. (Again) if it was me - I would talk about it with your husband then just get on and do it, don't make everyone else feel uncomfortable that they aren't eating healthy stuff and that the food isnt' good enough and that you are better (not saying you think you are, but that's how it can come across once people start talking about their diet, everyone else feels guilty and inadequate).

    Of course, it's entirely your decision and I hope you find a solution that works for you. And that you enjoy your break, it sounds like a rare and special experience.
  • morgenes
    morgenes Posts: 1
    Eat less and go for long walks. I'd think it might be a bit rude to be picky about food prepared for you. It's only for a short period of time, so it should be ok.
  • ktanderson05
    ktanderson05 Posts: 207 Member
    Yeah after looking at what everyone has said I need to have confidence that I can make the right choice, I have made great strides in just one week so I can do it there too. It will all work out the way it is supposed to and so much property there for me to not workout. Can't wait to update you guys that I didn't gain weight while on vacation, maybe even lost!!! It is all about the positive attitude and not living in fear. Whether I'm visiting our family, or eating out with friends, etc....I will have to learn to make healthy choices, and learn what my options are.
  • josyjozy
    josyjozy Posts: 117 Member
    Sometimes just having a back up plan helps, even if you don't have to use it. Take your shakes a a security blanket and then try not to use them.
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,423 Member
    Yeah after looking at what everyone has said I need to have confidence that I can make the right choice, I have made great strides in just one week so I can do it there too. It will all work out the way it is supposed to and so much property there for me to not workout. Can't wait to update you guys that I didn't gain weight while on vacation, maybe even lost!!! It is all about the positive attitude and not living in fear. Whether I'm visiting our family, or eating out with friends, etc....I will have to learn to make healthy choices, and learn what my options are.

    That's a great attitude, thinking like that - you've already succeeded!!
  • bm99
    bm99 Posts: 597 Member
    Yes, I think that would be perceived as rude.

    When all else fails, make up a food allergy.
  • concavity
    concavity Posts: 143 Member
    Instead of asking them to change the meals, possibly arrange so they can give you small portions? And not give you things like bread with the meal?