Low carb girl new to MFP

JCWANNABE Posts: 15 Member
I'm just saying hi. I joined up to keep better tabs on my carb and total food intake. I started Atkins (this time) on April 28th and have lost almost 25 pounds in the past almost 8 weeks. I was only able to start exercising last week. So most all of that weight was lost sitting on my butt chowing on cheese and nuts and all that. I want to up my game by tracking my food and exercise on MFP daily.

I had lost over 100 pounds doing atkins before I got married. My now hubby did not like me doing atkins, so I stopped (big mistake!). Then I gained it all back within a year and a half of eating "healthy". Like whole grains, fruits, veggies, all that. I have figured out that I'm allergic to carbs, they make me break out in fat!

So say hi or send a friend request!


  • mebuthalf
    mebuthalf Posts: 167 Member
    Awesome! I just started induction ... Day 3. I did low carb earlier in the year, but I didn't do it right, so I'm looking forward to this time. Also doing 30DS. I'll send you a friend request.
    JCWANNABE Posts: 15 Member
  • eaddyphd
    eaddyphd Posts: 6
    look up ketosis (be careful from a balanced diet perspective on the low carbohydrates eating plans...) you need carbs to burn fat... be glad to explain more if you need me to...
  • Bub1971
    Bub1971 Posts: 106 Member
    I live on a low carb diet I have had no problems with it other than running out of energy on extreme workouts. Feel free to add me if you would like.:smile:
    JCWANNABE Posts: 15 Member
    Thank you for you genuine concern. I appreciate the fact that you are trying to help, but I'll be a low carb girl for the rest of my life. Low carb is the only way I have ever been able to lose weight and stay on track. I've lost 26 pounds in the past 8 weeks eating low carb, and I was only able to start exercising last week! So most of that was me sitting on my butt due to back pain issues. On low carb I eat the same or more (usually a lot more) amount of calories than I could gain or maintain on. The only other way I could maintain or lose very slowly was to be constantly starving.
    Sorry, I tend to get kind of soap box-ish. I've just lived my life as fat for so long because of all the high carb low fat stuff people have believed from propaganda for so long.