Exercise question... Please help!

I love to exercise and obviously do it too much because I keep injuring my hips. There was a time I was riding 16 miles a day and doing at home workouts such as push ups, sit ups, etc. I even have Jillian Michaels workout videos. But I can only do so much. Just the other day I was in my classroom (I work with school-age kids in the summer) and we were doing our exercises and I had to show them how to do a proper sit up. I did 10 of them and I haven't been able to walk right since. I have no idea why that affected my hip like it did, maybe I got up wrong afterward but I literally walk like Dr. House and have been calling myself a Gimp ever since. I feel useless and lazy and I hate the pain. X-rays show nothing so it's not bone related. Planning an MRI to check for other causes but I don't want to stop exercising! I need something I can do that still will burn calories but not be too hard on my joints. I do have Crohn's related arthritis and deteriation of cartlidge from years of steroids and other health issues. So I'm a pretty old 32 year old but mentally I can not allow myself to follow suite with my body. I'm trying my hardest to fight this. I was a heavy girl when I was in my teens (it seems to be a genetic thing, mother was heavy, brother and sister both heavy to this day, etc.), but lost a lot of weight really fast due to Crohn's. I now fluctuate between 150 and 165 but that is still overweight for my 5'5" self. I'd like to be about 135-140 area to feel a bit more comfortable. I'm trying to make any drastic changes but I want to try to be as healthy as I can be! I'm working towards starting a family, I have my wedding in January, and we really want to have children together. I have a 50/50 chance of having an easy pregnancy, I figure keeping myself as healthy as possible will increase the odds in my favor. Soooooooo, very long story and I apologize (I tend not to shut up when I should make a long story short) but does anyone have any easy exercises I can do while my hip is healing from it's latest trauma? I gain weight when I look at food so I'd like to keep working towards my goal any way possible! Any advice would be very much appreciated! Thank you in advance!


  • s1lence
    s1lence Posts: 493
    Try swimming. Great calorie burn and it's easier on the joints.
  • D0minionconquest
    D0minionconquest Posts: 18 Member
    Thank you for the reply! I plan on going swimming this weekend for sure! Figured that was good but can't do it daily unfortunately.
  • Spanaval
    Spanaval Posts: 1,200 Member
    Your body is trying to tell you something, so listen to it. You're not doing yourself any favors by overworking and injuring yourself. IMO, do stuff like swimming where you are less likely to hurt yourself. Do yoga maybe, or pilates. Both can help you with your posture, balance, flexibility and coordination, and might help lessen your injuries.
  • D0minionconquest
    D0minionconquest Posts: 18 Member
    Thank you! Swimming is a definite on the weekends, I'll put forth as much time into it as I can. Pilates and me didn't get along last time I tried, I wound up with severe migraines (maybe I was doing it wrong), but yoga sounds great! Thanks for the input!