Couch to 5k



  • I am currently in week 7 of the couch to 5k program and though the program was tough at first it has gotten a lot better. I just ran 25 minutes straight without stopping and that is a huge deal for me. When I first started the program I couldn't run longer than 60 seconds without feeling like I was going to die and my legs killing me. I can now run 25 minutes without feeling winded or tired and my legs don't hurt at all. I use to think I was having shin splint problems but I soon realized that it was just my legs adjusting to the fact that I was a new runner. I never in my life ever thought I would be a runner but I'm almost done with the program and running for 25 minutes is such a huge success. Keep with the program you will do great and like other posters have said you can repeat weeks if you need to.
  • jehembee
    jehembee Posts: 114
    I haven't repeated any weeks yet, but I do find that it is getting easier. I'm only on week 2 day 3, so I can't talk much about it. But, I have a deadline. I signed up for a zombie 5 k run in September, so that's when I have to be trained by.
  • jaimrlx
    jaimrlx Posts: 426 Member
    W2D2 today. I'm getting much better at it. I love it!! :) I think it's so fantastic. I'm signing up to do the Color Run (5k) in October, so I've given myself plenty of time to condition for it. C25k is super awesome and I would recommend it to everyone!
  • dbevisjr
    dbevisjr Posts: 183
    I finished C25K in April. Your legs will come around soon. No problem with repeating workouts or weeks if it is needed. What I will suggest to anybody doing the program is this:

    I used the time option for most workouts (ie: run 90 seconds, walk 2 mnutes) instead of the distance option. Until I reached the workouts that have no walk time. For those workouts I ran the distance requirement.

    The end goal is to be able to run 3.1 miles without having to walk part of it. The time option for the final week is to run 30 minutes which assumes you will be running a 10 minute/mile pace. That's quick for somebody just getting started. But if you're running a 12 minute/mile pace for 30 minutes you will only reach 2.5 miles. So for week 5 day 3, week 6 day 3 and all of weeks 7, 8 and 9 (no walk breaks) I ran the distance option. If you're planning a 5k after you finish the program you won't be suprised to find that you still have more than half a mile to go when you reach the limits of what you did in training.
  • sugarandspice27
    sugarandspice27 Posts: 521 Member
    I started Week 2 this week. I won't say it's easy, but I won't say it's misery either. I LOVE this program, it really pushes me. I've had to consciously slow myself down or else I get out of breathe too easily. I would say work on speed later, it will come with time.

    The upside is that it's really jump-started my weight loss again.

    which program you doing?

    C25K.. Week 1 was last week, Week 2, this week.
  • shabbychick81
    shabbychick81 Posts: 168 Member
    hey all! i am new here! i started couch to 5K 3 weeks ago. it was way too much on my knees and i was so disappointed. i got to where i could only run 3 or 4 of the times. i have 100 lbs to lose. so i did some digging and found this. it has made a huge huge difference in what i can do and since in is shorter in time, it is way better on my knees. so i think this may help some of you that are having a harder time with the knee pain
  • Riskay123
    Riskay123 Posts: 159 Member
    I have been doing this program for 5 weeks but I am still on week 2. I got sick so that shelved me for at least a week. I also struggle with trying to get time to go out and run. I have a young child who will not run with me but is to little be left alone. My partners shifts make it difficult some times hence why I have taken this long. I do enjoy it though. I always feel so amazing once I have finished a run. I love this program. I can't wait till I can run the full 30 min.
  • Takatora
    Takatora Posts: 10
    I just "finished" the C25k program, to the extent that I'm now using the Vancouver Sun Run training program to work up to 10k. It took me about 15-16 calender weeks to do the 9 week program, however I had also broken my foot around week 5ish, and went on vacation for 2 weeks in there as well.

    A couple of notes on my experience:
    - I had never run any "significant" distance non-stop in my life. (football conditioning was all sprints)
    - I had repeat week 5 for a couple of weeks in a row. Running for more than 5 minutes at a time seemed to be a barrier for me that I had to finally break through.
    - I used the elliptical machine 2-3 times a week in addition to the prescribed running plan to increase my cardio fitness while avoiding back-to-back high impact days
    - Just as dbevisjr mentioned, when you start getting to the point that you're running for 20+ minutes, you may prefer to switch to running by distance as opposed to time. Your time/range will begin to increase dramatically during these weeks. I was amazed.

    Best of luck, it's a great program if you work for it.
  • souper71
    souper71 Posts: 21
    Thanks for all the great comments. As a former football player and body builder I'm used to short bursts. the longest I've ever run is 100 yds. It seems as soon as I hit that threshold my ankles tighten up and it feels like my feet are flopping around. It flattens out my landing and jars my whole body. Im sure the strength will come but its rough right now. As soon as I'm done with the run its gone.

    Ive been doing the run 3 times a week and walking on my lunch at work everyday about 3/4 mile. I wouldnt think the walk is overkill but maybe it is.

    I have a 5k scheduled for mid-October so I am encouraged by your results. Im not looking to win the first one but to finish without stopping.

    Good luck to all and keep feeding the updates.
  • laneydawn
    laneydawn Posts: 64
    I went through this program once before, but after tearing my rotator cuff had to give it up for a while. I had surgery 12 weeks ago, and am starting back on the program again. Tried running the other day, didnt go so well. My surgeon said my rotator cuff isnt strong enough yet, so will start the C25K by walking. But once the ol' cuff is strong enough I will be back at it full bore! Its a great program, and the best part is it allows you to work at your own pace. If you need 3 weeks to comfortably progress to week 2, then so be it. Do what you can and you'll be doing 5 k in no time!
  • I'm on Week 3 Day 2. So far I haven't had too much trouble keeping up, but will probably repeat this week at least once or twice. I'm 62 years old and have been sedentary all my life, so am taking it easy. I have been walking a lot for the last year or so. I'm so encouraged by those who have completed this program! Can't wait to sign up for my first 5k.
  • shabbychick81
    shabbychick81 Posts: 168 Member
    my husband and i are doing our first one too
    in october
    Thanks for all the great comments. As a former football player and body builder I'm used to short bursts. the longest I've ever run is 100 yds. It seems as soon as I hit that threshold my ankles tighten up and it feels like my feet are flopping around. It flattens out my landing and jars my whole body. Im sure the strength will come but its rough right now. As soon as I'm done with the run its gone.

    Ive been doing the run 3 times a week and walking on my lunch at work everyday about 3/4 mile. I wouldnt think the walk is overkill but maybe it is.

    I have a 5k scheduled for mid-October so I am encouraged by your results. Im not looking to win the first one but to finish without stopping.

    Good luck to all and keep feeding the updates.
  • lyttlewon
    lyttlewon Posts: 1,118 Member
    The goal is not to run FAST. This is the hardest thing to remember. I started week 4 this week and was running so slow I could have walked faster. The point is to condition yourself. If you don't do this you will burn out too soon.
  • januadiaboli
    januadiaboli Posts: 117 Member
    Glad to hear that I'm not the only one who's had to repeat a week. Between family, work, and other commitments, the last couple of weeks have been crazy, so this is my third week on week 1. Can't wait for Monday so I can say I've moved on to week two!
  • Cheeta_HH
    Cheeta_HH Posts: 489 Member
    Hang in there! It sounds like you are off to a good start! I agree with other posters- repeat if you need to! It took me from Halloween to New Year's to complete. I've tried running in the past and could never do it, but C25K worked. There were a couple days that I repeated 5 times because it was so difficult. Then, at some point, it just all fell into place. I've been running regularly ever since, and I'm amazed by how much stronger I am now. And faster. (Not fast, by any means, but a few minutes faster per minute than when I started.)

    Keep doing what you are doing, and good luck! There is a Couch to 5K group on here that you should check out if you haven't already. I found it motivating as I was going through the program.
  • waldo56
    waldo56 Posts: 1,861 Member
    I actually did a similar program at a pretty high speed (not realizing any better), 6.0 mph on the treadmill. As I got toward the end I tried running outside and realized I could just go and go and go, of course slower though (<5.5 mph). I jumped head a couple weeks toward the end and finished when I dropped the speed on the treadmill to 5.5 mph.

    I did it on a treadmill, which the C25K program really isn't ideal for. Instead I made my own where I always went at least 5K walking+running, each week I added 0.25 mile to the total running distance (toward the end I was actually going a lot further than 5K due to the walking). How the running was split up and the walking interval length was totally up to me, figuring out the scheme for the day kept me interested.

    I finished last Dec. Today I'm running about 26:00 flat in the 5K outside on a very hilly course. I could probably run it in 25:00 or less on a treadmill. I love the distance because once you get used to it its nothing, you can concentrate on running fast instead of finishing.
  • thatblueyedchic
    thatblueyedchic Posts: 128 Member
    I'm in week 2 and this is my second time with the program. Last time, I was in week 6 and was thrown off when I started grad school.

    This time around I'm having a much easier time. I can run further and faster, and I think a lot of it is because of three things:

    1. Get good shoes. Invest in some running shoes with the right kind of support. They say that arches in running shoes only last about 6 months, so if you are running in shoes that are several years old, you are not doing yourself any favors. Running is hard on the body, so give yourself the right cushion.

    2. Read up on running form. I used to be very tense when I ran, and would continually look at the ground. BAD BAD BAD Read up on how to run with good form and look straight ahead.

    3. Learn to control your breathing. Shallow, quick breathing can cut your run short.
  • PMPB7
    PMPB7 Posts: 43 Member
    You are doing great. I would not think that the walks are harming your stride, but you know your body. I use to be a huge runner from about age 13 to 25, then just stopped when I got married and had kids.

    I am with you, I just want to finish one again without stopping.
  • realrayne10
    realrayne10 Posts: 388 Member
    I was never a runner growing up, in fact I avoided it like the plague. I was all legs and so awkward that my own mother used to make fun of the way I ran.

    Anyway, I finished the C25K program in December and have since completed 12 races: 9 5K, 1 4.2 Mile and 2 10K - all with ZERO walking. I am now training for a Half Marathon in October. I am not a fast runner, but I can get to the finish line without stopping.

    Good luck!
  • yogibella
    yogibella Posts: 321 Member
    First off, congrats on starting the program!

    I have never, ever, been a runner and I'm loving the program. Every week has been a challenge but always surprised to see the progress! I'm doing the distance, outside on the trails and it's been great. I'm on Week 5 with the big 20min run coming up later this week...eek!! Stretch well and do a proper warm-up/cool down. It seems to make quite a difference:)

    I joined this C25K group:
    (I'm sure there are several out there)

    good luck! :flowerforyou: