Excessive Hair Loss-How To Reverse It?

janemem Posts: 575 Member
Sensitive subject I know but is anyone else experiencing OTT hair loss since embarking on their diets/eating plans?
For the past 6 years or so I have been mildly concerned about the rate that I shed hair but always found an excuse for it but lately I am becoming increasingly concerned about the quantity of hair I lose each day.
Every time I wash my hair with the hose over the bath I have to clear the plug hole at least 3/4 times.
Afterwards when I blow dry my hair I have to clean my brush 3/4 times again.
All day, every day I am constantly shedding.
I tie my hair back ever time I am preparing food and yet still the kitchen is covered in my hairs.
I have just past shoulder length hair so I suppose it is more noticeable but what really worries me is that what's left on my head is feeling thinner by the day.
Any tips on what to eat to aid hair growth???


  • ieva015
    ieva015 Posts: 93 Member
    bump, i started to get this problem two weeks ago, i think that was because i took oxyelite pro, i stopped a week ago but i'm still losing hair like crazy. this never happened before in my life!!! :( the rate at which i lose my hair is really concerning me, after every brush i have handful of hair, every time, every day... im so scared :(
  • gingerveg
    gingerveg Posts: 748 Member
    #1 Rule out anything medical (thyroid etc)
    #2 Try to cut down on processing your hair (straightening, blow drying, and or stripping it with dye/bleach, use very gentle shampoos conditioners with little to no fragrance you might even try diluting your current shampoo with water. A lot of shampoo and conditioners are really harsh--keep it simple).
    #3 Don't condition your scalp and don't shampoo your length. Shampoo your scalp and the first couple of inches of hair and condition your length only (the condition will wash your hair).
    #4 try adding more silica and biotin to your diet (either through foods or supplements)
    #5 Be sure you are getting enough protein
    #6 Don't tie your hair back the same way and check your ties for metal. Don't use metal. If your hair is long enough, learn how to use hair sticks they are the best for your hair. But even with sticks don't tie your hair the same way everyday. Also don't tie it too tight because you could give yourself traction alopecia.

    Some things (other than rogaine) you can try that might help grow your hair:

    -scalp massages

    -Try castor oil mixed with jojoba oil (or just castor oil but the stuff is thick) massage onto scalp, leave overnight (covered or uncovered) wash the next day. You can even leave this on your head for a few days if you stretch your washes. The castor oil stimulates the scalp and promotes growth (I've tried this and it made my hair grow faster).

    -Another weird one that I've heard (but not tried) is massage monistat on scalp. Apparently it stimulates the scalp to grow.

    If your hair is longer than you are used to it might appear you are losing hair when you are not. I think we lose about 100 hairs a day, so you can actually collect and count them to see if you are actually losing hairs.

    I have not had this particular problem, but I have grown my hair down to my butt and so not losing it from breakage and whatnot was very important to me. My hair is now extra long and healthy. I learned a lot along the way. I have some other tips but I don't want to overwhelm you!
  • janemem
    janemem Posts: 575 Member
    bump, i started to get this problem two weeks ago, i think that was because i took oxyelite pro, i stopped a week ago but i'm still losing hair like crazy. this never happened before in my life!!! :( the rate at which i lose my hair is really concerning me, after every brush i have handful of hair, every time, every day... im so scared :(

    What is oxeylite pro? I have never heard of it. If I were you I would look into the ingredients and check if there is any evidence linking this with hair loss.
    I'm the same as you though, every time I brush or stroke my hair I get a fist full. When I am washing my hair my hands are just covered in loose hairs, it's disgusting and really frightening.
    I'm almost tempted to collect the stray hairs for a day, well the ones I can anyway, from washing (what gets trapped in the plug hole), blow drying, brushing (I've even thought of collecting the hairs from my clothes on some Sellotape!) and showing it to my doctor byt I wouldn't want to gross him out. :(
  • janemem
    janemem Posts: 575 Member
    #1 Rule out anything medical (thyroid etc)
    #2 Try to cut down on processing your hair (straightening, blow drying, and or stripping it with dye/bleach, use very gentle shampoos conditioners with little to no fragrance you might even try diluting your current shampoo with water. A lot of shampoo and conditioners are really harsh--keep it simple).
    #3 Don't condition your scalp and don't shampoo your length. Shampoo your scalp and the first couple of inches of hair and condition your length only (the condition will wash your hair).
    #4 try adding more silica and biotin to your diet (either through foods or supplements)
    #5 Be sure you are getting enough protein
    #6 Don't tie your hair back the same way and check your ties for metal. Don't use metal. If your hair is long enough, learn how to use hair sticks they are the best for your hair. But even with sticks don't tie your hair the same way everyday. Also don't tie it too tight because you could give yourself traction alopecia.

    Some things (other than rogaine) you can try that might help grow your hair:

    -scalp massages

    -Try castor oil mixed with jojoba oil (or just castor oil but the stuff is thick) massage onto scalp, leave overnight (covered or uncovered) wash the next day. You can even leave this on your head for a few days if you stretch your washes. The castor oil stimulates the scalp and promotes growth (I've tried this and it made my hair grow faster).

    -Another weird one that I've heard (but not tried) is massage monistat on scalp. Apparently it stimulates the scalp to grow.

    If your hair is longer than you are used to it might appear you are losing hair when you are not. I think we lose about 100 hairs a day, so you can actually collect and count them to see if you are actually losing hairs.

    I have not had this particular problem, but I have grown my hair down to my butt and so not losing it from breakage and whatnot was very important to me. My hair is now extra long and healthy. I learned a lot along the way. I have some other tips but I don't want to overwhelm you!

    Thanks for that gingerveg, that certainly is a lot of information but it's greatly appreciated. :)
    I haven't had any medical tests but I really dont think I have any serious conditions that may cause this hair loss.
    I don't mess with my hair too much. I try to only wash it once or twice a week (especially since becoming really concerned).
    I use a really gentle shampoo and I only condition the ends as they are a bit fly away.
    I lightly blow dry, usually I will have my wet hair in a towel until almost dry and then I only need to style with a brush for a minute or so.
    Since using MFP I have come to realise that my diet is crazily low in protein as I try to eat as low cal as possible (getting as much food for my lb as I can) so I onlu eat meant once a week and have very little protein in between these meat treats.
    This is something I intend to work on improving. I never realised it could effect my hair so I will certainly make sure to improve that situation.
    I have never heard of monistat but I will research it now.
    I can honestly say if I only lost 100 hairs a day I wouldn't be worrying at all as I know we have natural loss but this is something that has been going on for years to a certain degree (mildly alarming) but I learnt to just accept it as I was a bit embarrassed but for the past year or so it has gotten to be beyond a joke and there's no way on earth I can try to pretend it's not happening.
    It's gotten to the stage where my neither my son or my husband even bother to comment when they find hairs in their food as it's such a regular thing but it's mortifying for me.
    I'll certainly be looking into your suggestions, thanks once again. :)
  • kalynn06
    kalynn06 Posts: 368 Member
    There are a lot of reasons your hair could fall out. For me it was an iron deficiency (confirmed). Starting a multi with iron solved the problem.
  • angieleighbyrd
    angieleighbyrd Posts: 989 Member
    Stop using shampoo. Wash with conditioner.

    When you can avoid it, don't put your hair in a pony tail. It causes breakage.

    Take biotin.

    Also, if you are losing that much hair, you need to see a doctor. Make sure there isn't an underlying medical condition.

    Stop blow drying.
    TONYAGOOCH Posts: 470 Member
    How many calories are you eating a day? If you have been on a real low calorie diet, that can also cause hair loss.
  • Spanaval
    Spanaval Posts: 1,200 Member
    How many calories are you eating a day? If you have been on a real low calorie diet, that can also cause hair loss.

    This is what I'm wondering as well. If you consistently eat under your goals, and by large margins, that would do it. Opening up your diary would help see if this is diet related.
  • gingerveg
    gingerveg Posts: 748 Member
    You are welcome! I hope you find some answers soon. One more thing I want to add is there could be an allergy here too. Not sure if you drink diet soda but some people have complained about hair loss related to artificial sweeteners too. I would just try to eliminate/add one thing at a time and see if anything helps. The way you can tell new hairs is they are tapered at the ends (not split or blunt). So if you start sprouting hairs with tapers you'll know you have new growth. Good luck darling.
  • Robin_Bin
    Robin_Bin Posts: 1,046 Member
    Not just number of calories, but what are you eating? Sounds like you're probably missing some key nutrients. The USDA site has some food tracking tools that aren't as easy to use as MFP, but will give you information about how you're doing on far more nutrients.
    Good luck and stay healthy!
  • kaddydaddy
    kaddydaddy Posts: 60 Member
    Fresh sage helps with hair growth. If you live in an area where it grows wild, that stuff works the best. Boil it up and make almost a tea out of it, then work some into your hair everyday. You most likely will start seeing some new hairs growing!

    I learned this from the daughter of a medicine man, and it's been proven. If you look at some hair growth medications and tonics, they have sage in them...

    Hope this helps!
  • K1mmer
    K1mmer Posts: 68 Member
    I have had thin, to very thin hair on the top of my head for years. In the past year I have dramatically reduced my stress at work and at home and have been making keeping my stress levels low a priority. The new hair growth I have seen in the last 6 months is very noticeable. Not sure how your stress has been, but you might want to consider if this could be an issue for you. I no longer say yes to everything and do not feel responsible for everything I am involved in. I take time during the day to breathe, I do some yoga, have more fun. I don't take on too much anymore and can recognize when I am starting to feel out of balance.
    A few weeks ago I had a rollerblading fall and was moderately hurt. I noticed some hair loss for a couple weeks afterwards but it stopped and seems to be filling in again. Physical and mental stress seems to cause hairloss for me. Bummer, but at least I know now and can try and manage it. Maybe something to think about along with all the other suggestions.
  • mommamuscles
    mommamuscles Posts: 584 Member
    I am sorry, but I am 99% positive that in the majority of these cases, you are losing your hair because you are undereating and starving yourself. I've been there, and had people tell me it was my thyroid, vitamins,etc. etc. Interestingly enough, when I started properly fueling my body my hair loss stopped.

    Check out the Eat More to Weigh Less Board on MFP. Do your homework on why you should never eat under your BMR. There is a ton of good information out there, but unfortunately, a lot of horrible advice gets handed out on these boards. We need to fuel our bodies properly if we are going to get them to work hard for us. Seriously it was the best decision I've ever made for my health, fitness, and life.
  • Aspynmom
    Aspynmom Posts: 166 Member
    I started noticing excessive hair loss a few years ago. Mine was coupled with adult acne along my jawline and neck. Had some tests run by an Endo and I had elevated testosterone levels (oh boy, yay me! LOL). This is what caused mine. It's been reversed by taking Spironolactone, washing every other day with a sulfate-free shampoo, and taking a good multi with iron. I still shed and my hair is not as gloriously thick as it once was, but it's better and I'm not worried I'm going bald . If making the dietary and styling changes don't help, I recommend seeing your doc for some blood tests!
  • bradphil87
    bradphil87 Posts: 617 Member
    My sister started shedding hair when she tried a vegetarian diet. The doctor told her she needed to eat more protein. Needless to say she's back to her carnivorous way lol
  • abutterflyemerges
    abutterflyemerges Posts: 101 Member
    Take Biotin. It will actually cause your hair to grow and thicken. I know, been taking it for a year after my surgery. My sister in law was getting thin hair and I got her on it and now her hair is thick and growing.
  • Jamee_J
    Jamee_J Posts: 63
    how is your stress level?. a lot of women will lose hair do to stress. Then they start losing hair and get even more stressed. But really, scalp stimulation: massages, and they have the electro shock thing that also stimulates hair growth.
    one other thing I heard was this:
    "men that are starting to lose their hair usually try to cover it with hats, but really the hats can stunt the hair growth."
    also, sometimes cutting your hair 1 or 2 inches can help.
    Good luck
  • YoYo1951
    YoYo1951 Posts: 370
    I was on HCG a year ago, and lost so much hair I became frightened, and stopped dieting altogether. I look like I have frog fur now and my hair is always a mess, as little stray hairs are trying to grow back. I know it was from HCG and lack of nutients. I also ruined my metabolism, and my muscle mass. It sure was not worth it, even tho I lost forty pounds, I have almost put all of it back on. Never a half backed diet again
  • Umeboshi
    Umeboshi Posts: 1,637 Member
    How many calories are you eating a day? If you have been on a real low calorie diet, that can also cause hair loss.

    This is what I'm wondering as well. If you consistently eat under your goals, and by large margins, that would do it. Opening up your diary would help see if this is diet related.

    My first reaction if someone is on MFP and losing hair. Definitely make sure you're eating enough, OP. And make sure to see a doctor to rule out anything serious.
  • Neahpata
    Neahpata Posts: 322 Member
    OP, I take a hair, skin, and nails pill as well as a multivitamin. Beautiful hair and skin are not high priorities for the body so in times of a calorie deficit they may be neglected.