Afraid to be seen working out..



  • Littlesmile
    Littlesmile Posts: 99 Member
    Ok Honestly , when i had started running i was running in dark so that no one can see me.
    but still my residential complex guys deliberately use to hangout there to watch a FAT RAG SACK running.
    initially i use to freak out and headed back to home..
    but my hubby told me that the biggest worry will always be that WHAT PEOPLE WILL SAY... Get Past This..
    keeping this in mind, i kept on running , and soon the guys got bored out of my persistent running and they gave up...
    and i continue running..

    now when slowly i am switching to morning runs, people cum and tells me that i inspire them to get out and do some workout...

    so just start ... and dont give up... no matter what.... u r running for U.... and No One Else should matter...
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    And read this...

    Every runner started somewhere.
  • You guys are awesome!! Every single post made me feel a lot better about this! Although I'll still need to push myself out that front door I'm going to try it out tomorrow.. and keep all of what you guys said in my mind and try not to focus on anyone else.
    Thanks so much!! xox
  • suiteblooms
    suiteblooms Posts: 100
    I can't seem to make myself work out outdoors - mostly because it is too hot or cold or windy or my allergies... my excuses are endless - so I run at the gym BUT if you are working out outside, know that most of the people that will glance in your direction will look at you with admiration - I know I would. Still feel like hiding? Try choosing residential neighborhoods with quiet streets. Stay off main routes that lots of people drive on, make a great playlist for your ipod, get lost in the beat of the music & hold your head high. :smile:
  • DawnEH612
    DawnEH612 Posts: 574 Member
    And read this...

    Every runner started somewhere.

    That "hey fat girl" blog is AWESOME and inspirational....I had read it before and was trying to find it to post here. I am glad you had the link. It belongs on this site for sure!
  • Loved the link. thanks
  • Awake_Alive
    Awake_Alive Posts: 261 Member
    And....just so you know, I ran a 5k in October that merged at the end with the people that were finishing their 10K. I was so anxious about what they would say or how they would feel, but when it finally came time, I had SO MANY people running by me saying "keep it up! You're doing great!" or some version of that. When I finally crossed the finish line, it was with my head held high...because of all the skinny runners I was worried about when I first started. :)
  • giggles7706
    giggles7706 Posts: 1,491 Member
    I had this same problem and to some extent still do. I get nervous when I first start but after you get started it really does go away! I just turn on my music and zone out and just go! And after you do it enough times, I really do believe it gets easier. I still have that lingering fear and nervousness but it's nothing compared to when I first started. :smile:
  • go early in the morning while no one is up.
    or go late at night.
    soon you will feel comfortable and realize that people don't mind you working out. or you may love the alone time and keep your early morning runs.

    get an ipod so u can focus on the music and yourself
  • anels449
    anels449 Posts: 3,187 Member
    you could try going out in the middle of the night;)

    Actually, yes! Night jogging is how I started jogging until I was comfortable with people seeing me exercise. Not only is it cooler out, the stars are out! Just make sure you're in a safe neighborhood that you can jog at night. Good luck and have fun!
  • id rather be seen running instead of someone seeing me jumping an imaginary rope like in 30DS. i feel like a total fool doing it.

    Now THIS I can relate to... :embarassed:
  • Vic_of_Steel
    Vic_of_Steel Posts: 570 Member
    I think maybe you should get a partner...When I worked out with soemone and he was half my size and in damn good shape. He would help me and push me and didn't do anything but motivate me.
  • HollyRutledge
    HollyRutledge Posts: 250 Member
    Honestly, when I see someone outside jogging, I'm think to myself: Darnit! I need to get in my workout too! lol So it pretty much inspires me to work out.

    Yes This!!!

  • HollyRutledge
    HollyRutledge Posts: 250 Member
    id rather be seen running instead of someone seeing me jumping an imaginary rope like in 30DS. i feel like a total fool doing it.

    Now THIS I can relate to... :embarassed:

    HA!!! I thought I was the only one who felt like a baffoon...
  • gogojodee
    gogojodee Posts: 1,243 Member
    Seriously, who cares?! I had the same mentality when I first started in March. I don't think twice. I usually go in the eves when people are coming home and the roads are packed. It's fun. I crank up my tunes, tune out see the sunset, hit my milemarkers and lift my shirt up now. I don't care anymore! And, I have 50 lbs to lose. You can do it!
  • louised88
    louised88 Posts: 159
    once you go a few times, it gets so much easier! Just don't go at rush hour when there'll be loads of people around if you're self-conscious. I was until I thought to myself, even when I see people who can barely run, who are overweight, red-faced/out-of-breath, I never judge them, the only thing that comes to mind is GOOD FOR YOU! People don't care what you look like, they'll just just be impressed/envious that you're getting out here and going for it!
  • kr3851
    kr3851 Posts: 994 Member
    I am the fat girl walking around the cul-de-sac where I live. Sometimes, if it gets dark enough, and no-one's come out of their house for a little while... I even run a bit. As soon as I hear anything, I slow back down to a walk. I know I shouldn't, I should hold my head high, but I seriously struggle.

    At the gym is a different story. I swagger around like I own the place. I run at 12km/h on the treadmill and sweat and breathe heavy all over the place. I didn't start out like that, but I've grown comfortable there after realising that no-one actually gives a toss what I'm doing (except the trainers who sometimes come over and correct my form on the free weights which I totally appreciate!).

    I'm hoping that my gym-confidence will transfer over to my outdoor walking/running, but in my head, the gym people all understand why I'm there. People on the outside can be cruel and unkind and sometimes I'm just not prepared for that. I suppose it's like anything.. you just have to get used to it!
  • Miss_dannii
    Miss_dannii Posts: 1,351 Member
    Take a drive to a park or somewhere that you're less likely to see someone you know. Wear sunglasses and the chances of anyone recognising you as you run by are small :) I feel like that too xx
  • sandrajune72
    sandrajune72 Posts: 492 Member
    even when I see people who can barely run, who are overweight, red-faced/out-of-breath, I never judge them, the only thing that comes to mind is GOOD FOR YOU! People don't care what you look like, they'll just just be impressed/envious that you're getting out here and going for it!


    I'm still waiting for my new bike to be delivered, then I'm out :embarassed: I am a bit nervous about it, but what's the worse that can happen?! I think you have to develop a thick skin. My view is I'm doing this for ME, so to hell with everyone else! :happy:
  • Cait_Sidhe
    Cait_Sidhe Posts: 3,150 Member
    Whenever I see someone running, I think they're awesome. Doesn't matter what they're wearing.