The Carpe Diem Team- small group wanted



  • valw97
    valw97 Posts: 80 Member
    I am doing well. I have been logging all my meals and drinking enough water. I walked 10 miles yesterday and have walked three so far today. I am also reading all your posts so thanks for keeping me motivated!

    10 miles is awesome. Treadmill or outside?

    I overdid it at dinner yesterday so I told my wife to take the car and I'd walk home from the restaurant, which takes 30 minutes. But when I reached the field near home I decided to walk around it 4 times, which adds another 30 minutes. It was tough- my feet ached. Spent most of the time thinking about whether it was worth the dinner or not and decided that the dinner wasn't THAT good.

    i'm glad I did the walk, though. I still came out 102 calories past my daily goal, but that's a lot better than 400 or so calories past it.
    So cool that you decided to and were able to walk home from the restaurant! I love walking outside and will continue to do so until it gets bitter cold here in upstate NY. I walk a lot because I am usually pushing a baby in a stroller. I recommend insoles for sore feet...have you tried them? Mine make a huge difference. did you make out at the halloween party?

    What type of insoles do you recommend?

    Please do tell how the halloween party went?
  • TheGoblinRoad
    TheGoblinRoad Posts: 835 Member
    I am doing well. I have been logging all my meals and drinking enough water. I walked 10 miles yesterday and have walked three so far today. I am also reading all your posts so thanks for keeping me motivated!

    10 miles is awesome. Treadmill or outside?

    I overdid it at dinner yesterday so I told my wife to take the car and I'd walk home from the restaurant, which takes 30 minutes. But when I reached the field near home I decided to walk around it 4 times, which adds another 30 minutes. It was tough- my feet ached. Spent most of the time thinking about whether it was worth the dinner or not and decided that the dinner wasn't THAT good.

    i'm glad I did the walk, though. I still came out 102 calories past my daily goal, but that's a lot better than 400 or so calories past it.
    So cool that you decided to and were able to walk home from the restaurant! I love walking outside and will continue to do so until it gets bitter cold here in upstate NY. I walk a lot because I am usually pushing a baby in a stroller. I recommend insoles for sore feet...have you tried them? Mine make a huge difference. did you make out at the halloween party?

    Blew it at the halloween party. I was in a rush to get ready and didn't have time to eat or drink anything beforehand. I thought I did ok, but I just tallied up all the small things and it put me way over. I won't gain anything, but probably not losing an ounce today.
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    I slipped up a little last night, and ate a bunch of Halloween candy at work...but I'm down 2 lbs today so it couldn't have been that damaging!

    And that puts me past a milestone...I'm out of the 200's!!!! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    So I'm down 22 lbs since starting here in like May...and down 40 lbs since January 2nd. And down 51 from my highest weight ever! :drinker: :drinker:
  • TheGoblinRoad
    TheGoblinRoad Posts: 835 Member
    truly awesome! under 200 sounds great to me.
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    Thanks! Seeing those numbers go down is such incentive and motivation! Makes saying no to those cookies a little easier.
  • Aurora22
    Aurora22 Posts: 66 Member
    I have done a good job with my exercising lately, but I have been letting in too many sweets. Someone brought homemade cookies to my 3 hr night class/seminar, I overdid desert on my date night, and then I ate white bread and 2 cupcakes at a kids Halloween party this morning. Man, when I eat like this it is so much harder to get up and move around. I don't know why it is so hard to resist something that makes me feel icky afterward!
  • TheGoblinRoad
    TheGoblinRoad Posts: 835 Member
    Ditto, but you can try to compensate for it by reducing calories elsewhere at least in part. That way you haven't done a whole lotta damage, if any. I have to remind myself that even if I ate an extra 1000 calories (and no more) then I'm still maintaining for the day. Sometimes maintaining is ok. Better than a gain.
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    I just had my cheat night (I let myself get a little crazy on Saturday nights) and UGH...I feel so gross now. :laugh: Chips and ice cream. Thank God I don't eat like that normall any more! :laugh: Back on the wagon in the morning!
  • TheGoblinRoad
    TheGoblinRoad Posts: 835 Member
    Successful Halloween for me, which is really unusual. I actually have 250 more cals I could eat but I think I'll skip it.

    The key was excessive exercise today :)
  • ToeTapN
    ToeTapN Posts: 64 Member
    I am doing well. I have been logging all my meals and drinking enough water. I walked 10 miles yesterday and have walked three so far today. I am also reading all your posts so thanks for keeping me motivated!

    10 miles is awesome. Treadmill or outside?

    I overdid it at dinner yesterday so I told my wife to take the car and I'd walk home from the restaurant, which takes 30 minutes. But when I reached the field near home I decided to walk around it 4 times, which adds another 30 minutes. It was tough- my feet ached. Spent most of the time thinking about whether it was worth the dinner or not and decided that the dinner wasn't THAT good.

    i'm glad I did the walk, though. I still came out 102 calories past my daily goal, but that's a lot better than 400 or so calories past it.
    So cool that you decided to and were able to walk home from the restaurant! I love walking outside and will continue to do so until it gets bitter cold here in upstate NY. I walk a lot because I am usually pushing a baby in a stroller. I recommend insoles for sore feet...have you tried them? Mine make a huge difference. did you make out at the halloween party?

    What type of insoles do you recommend?
    I have some dr. Schols gels and they are great but I imagine most any would be helpful. My sister is a marathon runner and buys some more expensive ones that she raves about but I don't rememer the name of them. I think they are around $35.

    Please do tell how the halloween party went?
  • TheGoblinRoad
    TheGoblinRoad Posts: 835 Member
    halloween party didnt go well, i overate. But I still came out with a deficit for the day, so thats something
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    halloween party didnt go well, i overate. But I still came out with a deficit for the day, so thats something

    Better than being way over! :happy:

    It was a rough day today. I woke up with a slightly stiff neck from sleeping wrong. Nothing really bad though. When I left my house to go to the gym, I found my car wouldn't start. After about an hour, I did get it running. I got to the gym, and just wasn't feeling it, especially after I did something, turned the wrong way or something, and felt really bad pain in my neck and upper back...from my neck down my spine and into my shoulder blades. All during work tonight, I could hardly turn my head. I must have pulled a muscle, I guess. And on top of all that I think I chipped one of back teeth...what a day! Luckily I was too busy to go overboard and eat the stress away.
  • poeticjustice_2001
    Hey everyone.. I rarely get on the internet at home, I usually do it during the weekday. So I just read all the posts over the weekend.
    No halloween candy for me ... but we ordered out pizza on Saturday night ...

    So my start weight was 305 lbs in 2007. Avoided the scale the plague, didn't care what I put in my body, was tired all the time, and couldn't find anything cute to wear! I completely changed my lifestyle (diet, food journals, exercise, ect) and felt like I was changing on the inside more than outside! I lost 70lbs in about a year and was down to 235lbs. Under 200 was in sight! Got rid of my 26/28W and was in 18/20W (barely but there). I was excited to step on the scale every time, I had to make myself stop weighing myself constantly.

    Then I got off track and it just kind of snowballed from there and suddenly I hadn't been to the gym in 8 months and had started having things like soda and fast food again. Luckily I never went back to my original weight. I gained back 25lbs, so my start weight on MFP is 260lbs.

    Anyway, I was scared to get back to it, especially my first day back at the gym. But it really was like riding a bike. The numbers have even started dropping on the scale again.

    And I'll give updates on Mondays cause that's when I weigh myself - gives me something to look foreward to at the start of the work week...

    So here's to new beginnings, starting over, sticking with it and Being the Best You possible!
    Go Team!

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  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    Congrats on losing so much and not gaining ALL of it back! I've lost and gained the same 50 lbs a few times...and this will be the last time I have to lose it!
  • poeticjustice_2001
    There ya go Toots- you can do it! Hope today is better than yesterday :bigsmile:

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  • Aurora22
    Aurora22 Posts: 66 Member
    So, we have a goal to lose 100 lbs collectively. Do we have weigh ins or do we just keep track ourselves?
  • TheGoblinRoad
    TheGoblinRoad Posts: 835 Member
    So, we have a goal to lose 100 lbs collectively. Do we have weigh ins or do we just keep track ourselves?
    Weigh-ins on Friday. No need to say exact amount weight if not desired. Just amount lost. :)
  • poeticjustice_2001
    so this Friday we will each state how much lost since last Friday, right?
  • TheGoblinRoad
    TheGoblinRoad Posts: 835 Member
    right. :) I'm hoping i lost something!
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    So far this week is going pretty well! I am hoping to be down a pound or two by Friday!