i'm having trouble with keeping away from food at work.

Hi everyone,

I work in a fast food joint (just temporarily until I finish my cert 3 and find a job in a gym), and I am having major troubles keeping away from the food there. Everyone else there pretty much eats the food nonstop and I am having massive trouble with not eating it, I actually feel addicted.

When I'm stressed, when I'm bored I just eat and it is playing havoc I have gained 2kgs in the past month because of this :( I just don't know how to stop eating this, anyone have any tips?


  • Poods71
    Poods71 Posts: 502 Member
    Take healthy snacks to work with you, so that you won't be hungry. Once you stop doing it it becomes a habit. My work has a biscuit tin that we can dip into whenever we want but I never go near it, even when I'm not on a diet lol, it has just become habit for me and they don't even come in and ask if I want one anymore cos I always say no before I have a chance to think about wanting one.
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    Take healthy snacks to work with you, so that you won't be hungry. Once you stop doing it it becomes a habit. My work has a biscuit tin that we can dip into whenever we want but I never go near it, even when I'm not on a diet lol, it has just become habit for me and they don't even come in and ask if I want one anymore cos I always say no before I have a chance to think about wanting one.

    My problem is- that I am never even hungry when I do eat this ****.
    Maybe I'll just do that, not even think about eating it.
  • jzaz903
    jzaz903 Posts: 306 Member
    Have a coworker whos a friend? Tell them to not let you eat. I work at a Dunkin donuts, and a few girls know to tell me no when I reach for a munchkin. Make sure you eat before work, and take healthy snacks. And drink tons of water, so you feel really full.
  • DangerJim71
    DangerJim71 Posts: 361 Member
    My office has 3 candy dishes located in areas where I must go during the course of business. I just told myself that it is not worth all the hard work and clean eating if I am going to dip into the candy every day. I have not had a single piece at work in two months. In fact, not counting sugar free gum and lifesavers that I am using to get over my addiction to cigarettes, I can tell you exactly what candy I have eaten in the last 2 months.
  • Rocbola
    Rocbola Posts: 1,998 Member
    STUFF YOUR FACE with a very low caloric density food before leaving for work. (lettuce or watermelon or something like that) And it's really best to move on from that job ASAP. I used to work at a restaurant, i don't think i would have made it this far if i had continued to work there. But as long as you have to work there, your best bet would be to make sure you are not hungry in the least bit, by eating good food before you go. It's always easier for me to avoid bad foods that way.

    It also helps to educate yourself to what exactly is happening inside your body when you eat certain foods. It's a lot easier to avoid certain foods, even when looking right at them, now that i know exactly what they will do to me if i eat them.

    You have a very good opportunity to practice self discipline; think of how easy it will be to avoid crappy food after you triumph here.
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    Have a coworker whos a friend? Tell them to not let you eat. I work at a Dunkin donuts, and a few girls know to tell me no when I reach for a munchkin. Make sure you eat before work, and take healthy snacks. And drink tons of water, so you feel really full.

    This, I am going to do!! Thankyou, sounds like an awesome idea.
  • nevertoolate2
    nevertoolate2 Posts: 309 Member
    I work in an office where people are always bringing in cakes and snacks and we have a charity sweet box so there is always temptation.

    I makes sure I make my breakdfast and lunch the day before and keep fruit to hand to snack on. I give myself times between which I forbid myself from eating so that even when I am bored or tired or just a bit annoyed with myself I can tell myself that I have enough calories in the food I brought.

    I also liked somebody else's post about telling myself not to undo the good work.

    It doesn't always work, I completely sympathise with your struggle, but the more I stick to it, the easier it is getting.
  • jaxbeck
    jaxbeck Posts: 537 Member
    Studies have actually shown that fast food such as McDonalds, ect. are addictive. I agree with bringing your own snacks & lunch. I know how hard resisting can be. In my late teens I worked in a donut shop during the midnight shift when all those tasty pastries were being made...short version of the story, I gained 50 pounds & quit my job! Now I can't even look at a donut lol Good luck!
  • ahsats
    ahsats Posts: 75 Member
    Ugh yeah I'm a nanny and the parents are not particularly nutrition focused so its rekindled childhood loves for crap like Cheez-Its, Oreos, Pop Tarts, etc. Bringing my own snacks helps and while I'll still add 8 Cheez Its to my vegetable party at least its not 1/4 of the box like before.
  • LCBinGA
    LCBinGA Posts: 102 Member
    CANDY DISH - if the candy is not individually wrapped, then don't eat it for health reasons, think of all the hands (that might not have been washed) that have gone into it. if you must have some candy, have one while you walk the loooooong way around back to your office.

    CAKES/COOKIES/DESSERTS -- probably not home made, and not worth the calories.....look up the calorie/fat content before having a piece/one. then you'd have to walk all the way back to have one and it probably wouldn't be worth it.....

    bring in fruit, and challenge others to do the same, it's summer, it's hot, everyone likes refreshing fruit!
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    CANDY DISH - if the candy is not individually wrapped, then don't eat it for health reasons, think of all the hands (that might not have been washed) that have gone into it. if you must have some candy, have one while you walk the loooooong way around back to your office.

    CAKES/COOKIES/DESSERTS -- probably not home made, and not worth the calories.....look up the calorie/fat content before having a piece/one. then you'd have to walk all the way back to have one and it probably wouldn't be worth it.....

    bring in fruit, and challenge others to do the same, it's summer, it's hot, everyone likes refreshing fruit!

    haha i love how everyone assumes everyone is from the same country on this site. i'm actually from australia, it's winter here.
    also.. if you read my post at all you would notice i work in fast food, i know how it's made haha...
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    anyone else?
  • Overboard_Eater
    Overboard_Eater Posts: 105 Member
    I would say that if you have to eat it at least commit to logging it first. Maybe seeing the actual calories will make you think twice?
  • spikefoot
    spikefoot Posts: 419
    Hang a sign on the wall that says:

    "If you see me eating any food from this establishment you have my permission to "insert something you hate here""
  • Cyndieann
    Cyndieann Posts: 152 Member
    Most fast food places offer some kinda salad or fruit options...not yours? Maybe you could go through the menu in detail and identifiy the things that are acceptable for you to eat (hopefully there's some) . Make a list of these items, like your own "mini menu", and look at this when you want to eat. Then you can eat with your coworkers with out the stress of choosing from the entire menu.
  • Cyndieann
    Cyndieann Posts: 152 Member
    I would say that if you have to eat it at least commit to logging it first. Maybe seeing the actual calories will make you think twice?

  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    Most fast food places offer some kinda salad or fruit options...not yours? Maybe you could go through the menu in detail and identifiy the things that are acceptable for you to eat (hopefully there's some) . Make a list of these items, like your own "mini menu", and look at this when you want to eat. Then you can eat with your coworkers with out the stress of choosing from the entire menu.

    Even the stuff which is "healthy" is so not healthy.. eg we cook our veggies in oil?!
    Problem is more that I am eating when I am not even hungry.
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    Hang a sign on the wall that says:

    "If you see me eating any food from this establishment you have my permission to "insert something you hate here""

    I so wanna do this!

    What though.. is the question.
  • Polebarbie
    Polebarbie Posts: 84
    I work in a restaurant kitchen and I can't help but pick all day especially when there's chips about
  • Briski1411
    Briski1411 Posts: 296 Member
    Have a coworker whos a friend? Tell them to not let you eat. I work at a Dunkin donuts, and a few girls know to tell me no when I reach for a munchkin. Make sure you eat before work, and take healthy snacks. And drink tons of water, so you feel really full.

    quit that job ASAP!!
    but if not call on your will power and use it. This isn't easy but u MUST say NO!!! listen to your concious. You know better than to eat snacks like this..... And your not even hungry.....

    Your going to have to just not eat it if you wanna keep that job