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Do you still see your old self?



  • heatherAnnXOX
    heatherAnnXOX Posts: 56 Member
    i totally feel this way. there are a couple pictures of myself from 'before' where i can see a difference kinda..but when i look in the mirror, i look like the same old me. it's kind of depressing. and the only people who comment on my weight loss are my family and that doesn't count haha! maybe when i lose 20something more i will notice a difference.
  • NYChick84
    NYChick84 Posts: 331 Member
    I always see my old self in the mirror....it's unfortunate, because I have come a long way...however, I feel the exact opposite when I'm out buying clothes.....Maybe it's the mirrors that the stores use. lol
  • ash190489
    ash190489 Posts: 587 Member
    Yup! I sometimes see myself slightly smaller, but still most of the time, I feel the same. It took me a long time to realise that I was no longer a size 12 in jeans. I remember going into a shop and asking for size 12 jeans and both the saleswoman and my mother looked at me like I was crazy. I was a small size 10 then and now I am a size 8. But still, my perception of who I have become is different when I look in the mirror. However, there are those times when I look in the mirror when I am all done up in my size 8 clothes & I think "man I feel great & look good!".

    Does anyone also think that the world (people) are out to get them sometimes too? Particular people in my life say "OK, that's enough now, you look great so you can stop calorie counting and exercising so hard" or I might say "man I have had a terrible eating fortnight with high stress etc. and need to get back on track" and they respond with "oh it's okay, you can afford to eat something". It upsets me cuz I think sometimes they don't care about my success and are trying to sabotage me. I feel like you can't just get to a particular point when you're happy and then start eating rubbish again and stop exercising or the weight is all going to fly back on again - why don't people understand that? GRRR.

    Sorry I am venting on your forum! I have been wanting to get that off my chest for a while!
  • rileamoyer
    rileamoyer Posts: 2,412 Member
    Once in a while, but have maintained almost a year now and I see the old me less and less.
  • TwtyMami35
    TwtyMami35 Posts: 99
    I was saying the exact same thing yesterday while walking with a friend. I still go to the plus size area to try on clothes and I still see myself as the size 20+ chick.
  • AJ_Pete
    AJ_Pete Posts: 863 Member
    Totally. People compliment me all the time, but I can't see it. I still feel 30 lbs heavier......
  • TamaraGraceS
    TamaraGraceS Posts: 273 Member
    I do! My trainer says that this take a while of seeing yourself at the smaller size for your mind to catch up. Everytime I buy new clothes size 6 I get a lilttle freaked out and put them in the closet... My mind saying " you couldn't possibly be that size! You are still a size 20!!!!"
  • clariangel
    clariangel Posts: 156 Member
    I'm the same way. I think i have to wear a XL tshirt because I still see myself as that big sometimes. I still can't believe that I actuallty wear a medium now! So that's why I'm grateful for the people around me. They make sure I am aware of how much work I've done to get this far. It takes a village!
  • rukcus
    rukcus Posts: 58
    I have to say I'm in the same group. At one point I had lost 45 pounds and couldn't get the confidence and understanding to go with it. I ended up falling back into old habits and gaining it all back. This time I have to figure out how to fix the mental aspect.
  • yep, I felt thinner when I was fatter.. and fatter when i was thinner.

    So strange. I gained back a lot because of that. (binging when I blew my day etc etc) I'm back to make it right again!
  • twkelly
    twkelly Posts: 91 Member
    I'm with you. When I first started on my weightloss journey I continually denied I was losing weight. No matter what the scale said or how much my wife complimented me I just saw the same old me in the mirror. For some reason I couldn't see what others saw. It wasn't until 2 weeks ago that I finally saw it. Co-workers were telling me that I had better go shop for new clothes as mine were hanging off me so i hit the local used clothing store with my wife. I headed for my usual XL racks but then turned to my wife and asked what size she thought I should get. When she suggested a size I told her no effing way i was fitting into those but she persisted and I wend and picked up a few of those pants to try. I was amazed to see that they actually fit and fit nicely. I also realized that I could probably fit one size smaller if I really wanted to (they'd be snug but I'd get them done up). I think that's when I really looked in the mirror and saw the new me. I'm still in denial some days and still see the extra that I'm still carrying but for the most part I am enjoying the new me.
  • Ke22yB
    Ke22yB Posts: 969 Member
    Sure we all have minds that play with us I took about 18 pictures to add to my profile and update at one of my mini goals of 150 pounds and deleted 16 of them because in my minds eye I saw fat there and fat here and wasnt happy with the shots
    The good news is I still have weight to go to ultimate goal so this keeps me from becoming lazy and complacent
    (profile picture is over a year old and is with my dad to honor him for fathers day)
  • bluemist248
    bluemist248 Posts: 207 Member
    I certainly do! I look at my size 10/12 self in the mirror and see the same big old size 18 tummy and thighs staring back at me. Making that mental change is far harder than any of lifestyle changes I've made.
  • TL0105
    TL0105 Posts: 41 Member
    I can tell that I have lost weight, but when I go shopping, I can't help but go to the old size 20...People at work keep telling me I am going to have to go shopping soon for a new wardrobe. Not sure why I can't wear clothes that fit me better, I guess it's just that "fat" mentality. Maybe I am just not used to wearing close that were form fitting. I'm hopeful that will change in time. :happy:
  • twkelly
    twkelly Posts: 91 Member
    And OP... I have to say... you rock! From 423 to 225, you look like a totally different person. You've done a fantastic job and should be proud of your accomplishment.
  • cycleholic
    cycleholic Posts: 98 Member
    Yup. My reflection has always been the same - even when I wore a 22/24. It is only when I see pictures that I can see the difference in the weight.
  • MustBeTheRows
    MustBeTheRows Posts: 377 Member
    I still expect to see my old self and I'm surprised when I see this smexy motherf*cker instead lol
  • Curvimami
    Curvimami Posts: 1,851 Member
    You are definitely not alone my friend. You were that way so long that its hard for you to see yourself any other way. Its totally understandable. Soon enough you will see clearly. Congrats on all your success :happy:
  • JoniBologna
    JoniBologna Posts: 653 Member
    You're not alone. I definitely have had self-perception issues. I definitely don't look in the mirror and feel disgusted. I do like the way I look, but I still don't see a smaller person. I guess the problem was when I was obese, I didn't see an obese person when I looked in the mirror either. Congrats on your accomplishment!
  • TriumphNow
    TriumphNow Posts: 526 Member
    It's definitely not just you. A lot of this battle is mental. It's hard to see our new bodies as others see them. It gets better though. Congrats your your success!