Do you still see your old self?



  • still_crafty
    still_crafty Posts: 692 Member
    Its a "good" day when I can look in the mirror and see something BESIDES the 190 pounds I weighed 6 months ago. I think it takes a lot of people time to forget where they were and realize how far they've come. But I'm working on having more of those "good" days.

    That's what this site is for . . . if I didn't have my rockn friends to remind me of how hard I've worked and how far I've come, I probably wouldn't have any of those "good" days at all.
  • Rhea30
    Rhea30 Posts: 625 Member
    No, I don't think there is anything wrong with you. I understand what you mean. It also works the same when I was at my heaviest, I'd look in the mirror and not see all the weight on me, but a thinner version of how I used to be. Looking at a pic of me heavy and I was like :noway: that CANNOT be how I actually look. Hopefully in time you will see what everyone else sees...a person who has accomplished a lot and is now a much healthier person :flowerforyou:

    That's how I was, probably still to a point LOL. I sometimes still feel like the thinner me (which still wasn't completely thin) from years ago until I start having a hard breathing from activity, then its a quick reminder. Its like resverse anorexia.
  • KarensCanDoIt
    KarensCanDoIt Posts: 190 Member
    I'm the same way. Somedays are better, and then some days are horrible. Like yesterday when all I saw when I looked in the mirror was a fat blob. I was trying on some cute exercise clothes and felt totally disgusted with myself. I put them all back on the rack. It's a constant struggle.
  • wellingfamily507
    wellingfamily507 Posts: 35 Member
    I struggle with that girl in the mirror, although I am noticing parts of me thinning out more and more, I am a work in progress, and feel I have a long way to go, I do see a healthier version of me, I am training to run a 10K and happily go off to exercise daily, I feel stronger, I can do more now, and I am more active, but I still don't see a big change in my body, which frustrates me some days. I just have to keep reminding myself that I am worth it, this journey is worth the struggle, and keep moving forward.
  • gracieabem
    gracieabem Posts: 211
    Absolutely. I still see the same person in the mirror a lot of the time, despite having lost around 40kg all up (a lot of it pre-MFP - most it in fact).

    But today I was looking at a photo that had been taken that same day of me doing not much, just standing there holding three dogs. And I was surprised to see myself. I looked good. I didn't look at all like the vision of myself I still have in my head.

    It was a nice moment to be honest. I'm hoping in time I get used to the new me.

    Edit - having said that, I feel fitter and stronger and more confident. It is also hard to dismiss weight loss when my clothes are getting looser... again!!
  • MommaKit79
    MommaKit79 Posts: 852
    I was in denial about how much weight I had gained as well. NOW, it depends on the day what I feel and see in the mirror! AND, sometimes I hesitate to even try on some old clothes that havent seen the light of day because I dont think I have really lost that much weight.

    We ALL feel like this at some point in time, one extreme of the other.
  • strunkm4
    strunkm4 Posts: 266
    I absolutely see my old self. I think because I see myself everyday, I don't see much of a change. When I look at pictures though, I see the change.
  • RF3377
    RF3377 Posts: 97
    Yeah unfortunately I'm the same, 99% of the time I think I look like the same person that was there 28lbs ago. I guess my mind doesn't see the change properly yet.

    When I look at everyones success stories that have lost around the same weight as me and you can see so much of a difference in them it really makes me wonder why I can't see the same results in myself!

    I'm 5'9 so I reckon because I'm taller it just takes bigger amounts of weight loss for it to regeister like it does with others!
  • felicia8604
    felicia8604 Posts: 274 Member
    yes! even as i lose weight and tone up im still seeing all the fatty spots. I just wish i could be happy with the progress i have made so far. It hasnt even been 30 days! I just keep thinking i need to work harder and eat better which in my opinion isnt a bad state of mind but i need to realize it could be worse.
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    When I was skinny I never thought I was, but I see pictures now and in some I was way too skinny. So I figure I have a camera phone these days, when I'm down to my goal weight and still feeling fat, I'll snap a picture and hopefully get some perspective.

    Long way to go before I'm back to a good weight, though. Right now, the camera is the enemy.
  • Theskinnysideofme
    i still see my old self and its reallybothering me :(
  • cushygal
    cushygal Posts: 586 Member
    The other night my husband and I were watching Extreme Makeover Weight loss edition with the girl from Florida and my husband asked me if I feel the same way she did once she revealed her new self.

    I said - what do you mean? He is like - do you feel that good now that you have lost so much weight?
    I said quite quickly - Nope, I still see the fat me and which he quickly said back I think you need to look in the mirror and get right with yourself.

    So even though I ahve lost 50 pounds and if I look at my before pic I can see the physical weight loss but I still hang onto everything that was FAT about me.

    So you are not alone.
  • HotCuppaJo
    HotCuppaJo Posts: 477 Member
    And OP... I have to say... you rock! From 423 to 225, you look like a totally different person. You've done a fantastic job and should be proud of your accomplishment.

    I couldn't agree more! I'm so impressed with your dedication and transformation, both inside and out! You are an amazing, strong individual. Congratulations to you....and I'm sure that over time you will begin to be able to look in the mirror and SEE (and BELIEVE) how far you have come... :flowerforyou:
  • shiseido_faerie
    shiseido_faerie Posts: 771 Member
    deleted because I re-read and worried it might be offensive somehow when I didn't intend it to be (I was trying to explain how I experienced this the opposite way as well - going from small to larger)

    Congratulations to everyone on their losses, that's amazing!!! :)
  • lrichardson2360
    lrichardson2360 Posts: 225 Member
    I can see the weight loss in pictures, but when I look in the mirror I still see myself 60 lbs heavier. Sometimes I still feel that big. I have had serious eating disorders in the past and really try to ignore what I see in the mirror so I don't obsess about it. I'm lucky to have a really wonderful and supportive husband to keep me in reality.
  • Ashley_Panda
    Ashley_Panda Posts: 1,404 Member
  • Omazed
    Omazed Posts: 66 Member
    I can totally relate to this topic. Growing up I was quite a 'BIG' kid and I always use to get picked on into my late teens. It was when I started taking up Martial arts and developing an interest for body-building that my physique started to change.

    I am now 36 and I still see my chubby self in the mirror and when i make the odd comment about getting fat, etc other people look at me as if I were crazy.

    You are definitely not alone.

    I guess it's this mindset that has kept me working out for as long as I have.

    In other words it's not all bad. We just need to manage it in a way where we do not get too controlled by it.
  • beckybernardo
    beckybernardo Posts: 93 Member
    I've only lost about 40 lbs, and I don't see a difference either, only two people have said anything, but I don't see a pound difference then when I weighed a lot more., Hand in there, everyone says it will come. I have always been thin until about 10 years ago and couldn't think of myself as big, now I don't see anything but being big
  • Windy32
    Windy32 Posts: 54
    yep all the time. When i look in the mirror all I see if a fat blob. The only reason i have not gotten too discouraged is I took a picture of myself 27lbs ago and I compare the pictures to current ones in same pose. I hate looking in the mirror.
  • kfitzpa
    kfitzpa Posts: 326
    Yep. I hate it. I don't see myself as big as I used to be but I definitely see myself bigger than what I am now. It's the worst when I go shopping and don't try things on and get things that are like two sizes two big because I think that's how big I am.