Lance Armstrong cheater?



  • trijoe
    trijoe Posts: 729 Member
    My opinion:

    Cheating is cheating is cheating. It doesn't matter if one is doing it or all are doing it. It's still cheating.

    With that said, I'm tired of it all. It's time to turn out the lights, and call it a night. Either you didn't try hard enough to catch him, or you tried to hard to nail an innocent person. Either way, just end it. Pro cycling (at least seems to be) working hard to clean up it's act. Let this one go. He's retired for pete's sake.

    What's next? Are we going to see x-rays of Fabian Cancellara's bike, hiding the mysterious elusive motor he's accused of using every year?

    I say bust 'em when you catch 'em, then move on. But lay off the witch hunts.
  • Sister_Someone
    Sister_Someone Posts: 567 Member
    All right, cycling fans! I thought I was beginning to think I was the only one on MFP!

    RE topic, personally I want to believe he's not. He's been through hell with his cancer and subsequent treatment, and I want to believe that a person who survived that and lived to brag about it wouldn't intentionally put harmful drugs into their body just to win a stupid race.

    Besides that, there's something about his behavior that makes me really believe him. Whenever asked about the vast tests and accusations, he answers like a man who knows he has nothing to hide.

    I'm actually not a huge fan of Lance Armstrong's person, in fact, I think he's full of crap in some other aspects, but you gotta give praise where it's in order.
  • wolverine66
    wolverine66 Posts: 3,779 Member
    I want to believe he didn't cheat. I think America wants to believe he didn't cheat. Sometimes that's all it takes.

    Barry Bonds used steroids (he says unknowingly). But no one wants to believe him. Roger Clemens has never been caught using steroids. But no one wants to believe him. So in the public eye, these 2 are guilty.

    Big Papi (Junior Ortiz of the Red Sox) and Andy Pettite (Yankees) both got caught but both have pretty much gotten a pass.

    Sometimes it comes down to just how likable someone is publicly.

    As far as Armstrong is concerned - I think to sway the public's opinion on him, there will need to be concrete, irrefutable evidence and, ultimately, admission by Armstrong.
  • Reedern
    Reedern Posts: 525 Member
    He needs to be left alone. The man has been tested over 500 times and been clean EVERY time. Why are they still after him? Let him be, sheesh.
  • grimm1974
    grimm1974 Posts: 337 Member
    There entire premises for believing he cheated is that he outperformed a bunch of other cheaters. They never proved it through a drug test. Now they are using 'eye witnesses' as proof. I could really care less about the sport of cycling, but I still believe you are innocent until proven guilty. He has retired, so unless the miraculously turn up a urine sample from his Tour de France days they should just let this die.
  • ilovedeadlifts
    ilovedeadlifts Posts: 2,923 Member
    It's only cheating if you're competing against other competitors who aren't doing the same thing, and the majority of those guys have used some type of anabolics, or used blood doping. To compete at a professional level in any sport, a lot of athletes use.

    In cycling there are different "legal" and illegal ways for them to achieve the same results.
    Some of the guys sleep in decompression chambers that simulate high altitude, causing the body to produce more red blood cells. That's okay.
    But if they add their own blood back into their bodies (blood doping) then it's cheating.
    Both do the same thing.
  • ilovedeadlifts
    ilovedeadlifts Posts: 2,923 Member
    There entire premises for believing he cheated is that he outperformed a bunch of other cheaters. They never proved it through a drug test. Now they are using 'eye witnesses' as proof. I could really care less about the sport of cycling, but I still believe you are innocent until proven guilty. He has retired, so unless the miraculously turn up a urine sample from his Tour de France days they should just let this die.

    This. Everyone in the sport is "cheating".
  • jamfan
    jamfan Posts: 124 Member
    What baffles me is there on more of a witch hunt against Lance than they were against Michael Jackson who "ALLEGEDLY" molested children. There is no doubt the dude is a freak of nature & his body works much more efficiently than even most athletes & his body doesn't produce the amounts of lactic acid that make you sore. This has been tested and documented. He's the Michael Jordan of his sport, you don't see a bunch of naysayers trying to strip MJ of his titles. Cycling is a team sport he didn't get those victories on his own despite the perception. Just let him be. If Obama want's to get re-elected he should squash this to save the tax dollars.