Advice please on exercise ??

Hey people,
Im wondering what kind of exercise i can do at home but i live on the top floor so cant be jumping around as my neighbour downstairs complains. I walk for alot of my exercise and take my mums dogs to the park. What other things can i do which arent jumping around ??
Anyone know any good dvds they recommend ?? or exercise equipment for that matter. I was thinking to make my own exercise tool box so with a skipping rope (downstairs of course) what else shall i get ?? a pedometer and heart rate monitor is there any other pieces of small equipment which helps measure how your doing etc. Thanks for the help in advance. Hazel


  • RoyalsFan24
    RoyalsFan24 Posts: 8 Member
    Belly Dancing is a good workout. I did that after I gave birth to my children because I didn't want to do too intense. It really worked me out though.
  • kathrine90
    kathrine90 Posts: 89 Member
    Yeah but i wouldnt be able to do that my belly is too big to be able to control it if you get what i mean haha.
    Im 17 stone 4 at the moment :( maybe when i lost a few more stone i might star was thinking of that.
    How did you find it ?? did you go classes or do it at home ??
  • kellyyjean
    kellyyjean Posts: 499 Member
    Search youtube for floor exercise routines like crunches, leg lifts, arm exersizes with weights. Maybe find some good DVD's. I use a VHS I made years ago with exercises by Margaret Richards. I tape off tv and put it on a VHS. It works my arms stomach and legs.
  • bybraxton
    bybraxton Posts: 1
    Low impact aerobics it burns a lot of calories and doesn't make any noise, your not jumping, running, its great
  • dmpizza
    dmpizza Posts: 3,321 Member
    We used to live in an apartment on the top floor of a big old wooden house it never stopped us from doing step aerobics every night. We made sure to stop before 8:30.

    RE: Bellydancing. I don't do it, but its the muscles you control, not the flab.
  • mccrockl
    mccrockl Posts: 55 Member
    I am having to stay off of an injured foot right now, so I just did an hour workout with light weights and floor exercises. I could give you some of the exercises I do if you want. As far as equipment, I really enjoy having some light weights and resistance bands around.
  • Resistance bands are a great all overall total body workout. No jumping required.
    Good Luck!
  • Funsoaps
    Funsoaps Posts: 514 Member
    Pilates, floor leg lefts/type exercises like the inverted bicycle, leg lifts, crunches. You can do hand weights and do arm curls, squats, bench press on the floor/chest, (all sorts of arm workout with weights). Lunges, push ups, sit ups, side leg lifts. Core ball/yoga ball, yoga, stretching.
  • Netflix has some great pilates exercises. I do the 10 minute solutions pilates and rapid results pilates. There is also about 2 or 3 that are pilates inspired cardio movesments, but not jumping they are by Crunch. (Crunch: Firm and Burn, Crunch: Fat-Burning Pilates, Crunch Cardio Sulpt (not pilates), and Crunch Super Slim Down) I have bad knees (at only 28, well had them all my life I guess) and I can't handle all that jumping. Pilates is great! Good luck.
  • FeelingFroggy13
    FeelingFroggy13 Posts: 66 Member
    Yeah but i wouldnt be able to do that my belly is too big to be able to control it if you get what i mean haha.
    Im 17 stone 4 at the moment :( maybe when i lost a few more stone i might star was thinking of that.
    How did you find it ?? did you go classes or do it at home ??

    You don't need a smaller belly to belly dance! Belly dance is not about making the belly move, it's about isolation of movement, whether in your hips, your torso or arm movements. It's low impact on the knees because movements are made with the knees soft and slightly bended, to act as shocks. Even at my heaviest, I have been a belly dance instructor for the last 8 years. I only recently have taken a break from teaching belly dance, but have started attending the classes.

    No matter what age or size, belly dance can be a beautiful art form, as well as a fun way to tone your muscles. There is an inherent beauty that each woman brings to her dance. A 70 year old dancer (there are many of them) portrays her experiences and emotions in a way that a 20 year old dancer might not be able to do. A 20 year old dancer can show off the youthful side of the dance. The point's an art form that any body can participate it! :)

    It can be a great exercise. Underneath my fat, I have fantastic core muscles...but teaching belly dance only once or twice a week, even when staying active, couldn't stave off the fat when I was eating sometimes up to 4,000 calories a day.

    I encourage you to give it a try! It can do wonders for your confidence and give you a fantastic support system of women.
  • fletcheryl
    fletcheryl Posts: 1 Member
    I would recommend going up and down those stairs every chance you get. Stairs are great exercise. If you are walking dogs, go for longer walks. I'm 48 with bad knees and have to be very careful not to injure myself. An injury can really set you back, right? I find that as long as I'm moving (even just walking at a fast pace) I can get the job done and calories burned. It isn't the amount of money you spend on workout DVD's or equipment, you just have to keep moving. Good luck!
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member is a great place to "shop" for workouts. The reviews will state if the workout is high or low impact. To search for low impact - use the "Refine by" and "More" to filter out high impact videos. Collage also shows video clips so you can see what you're getting.

    "Walk at Home" are very basic low impact aerobics workouts by Leslie Sansone. You can do this in a small space, and it's very quiet. I can even use my own music (when I don't want to wake anyone at home). Here's a video clip ....

    Pilates & yoga are very quiet for strength training.
  • melpmusic
    melpmusic Posts: 11
    I would recommend any of the Jillian Michaels DVDs. She has changed my life in the best way possible. If your looking for something to do every now and again she has ones like "Killer buns and Thighs" and "kickbox Fastfix". But if your looking for something to keep you going for a while I reccomend the "30 Day Shred" and "Ripped in 30". These have different levels in them that get more and more advanced and have modifications from jumping activities to stepping. I used to do these with my roommates in the house, and no one complained. Good Luck :)
  • Amerka
    Amerka Posts: 10
    I know this was already posted but -- Resistance bands are a great overall total body workout. No jumping required. I have bad knees so I talked to Fitness Trainer and she told me the same thing. The bands work well and are a very good starting point. Plus they don't cost $$$$$ Good Luck!
  • NNAhuja
    NNAhuja Posts: 669 Member
    Weighted hula Hoops i've heard wonders about!