Long Hair+Long Run=Tangled Rats Nest



  • Keiora
    Keiora Posts: 36 Member
    I absolutely understand... I not only have long hair but it's super curly sooooo EXTRA knots... What i do is two french braids then I take the hang-y down tails and just tie them together in a couple of knots at the back of my neck... Works for me anyway. XD
  • atsteele
    atsteele Posts: 1,358 Member
    Oh and Mane and Tail Conditioner. Use with the Mane and Tail Shampoo or not. You can use it as a rinse-out or as a leave-in conditioner (middle and end of hair only). I really think it helps with the tangles when you use a small amount as a leave-in conditioner.
  • theresmynapkin
    theresmynapkin Posts: 183 Member
    Bumping this... Hope no one minds.

    Some of these seem so time consuming and (for me) frustrating. How does anyone get their bun to stay? my buns fall out if I'm just walking around through my daily activities. Forget about running! And I'm really not very talented at braiding either...
    Perhaps by bumping this there will be more suggestions that arise??

    Btw my hair is also curly, and about three inches away from being to my butt... Needless to say I feel like crying after my run & shower. Cutting it is not an option. It's my security blanket :p
  • kristinegift
    kristinegift Posts: 2,406 Member

    Some of these seem so time consuming and (for me) frustrating. How does anyone get their bun to stay? my buns fall out if I'm just walking around through my daily activities. Forget about running! And I'm really not very talented at braiding either...
    Perhaps by bumping this there will be more suggestions that arise??

    I have some no-slip hair bands that I use to pull my hair into a pony tail and then I use a regular hair band to wrap it around and tie it up like a bun. It sometimes looks sort of crazy by the time I'm done running, but no hair falls out and it's not super tangled when I get done.
  • trout3063
    trout3063 Posts: 121 Member
    So I tried something new today...I brushed my hair post run, but before i got in the shower. Then I was able to brush it MUCH easier post washing! Not sure if it was a fluke or my run today didn't get my hair as tangled as other runs...but I'm going to try this again on my longer runs coming up...then the rats from the run are brushed out when my hair isn't as wet, and the act of washing it doesn't typically rat it up the same.

    Hope this helps too!
  • Sondras09
    Sondras09 Posts: 30 Member
    Bumping this... Hope no one minds.

    Some of these seem so time consuming and (for me) frustrating. How does anyone get their bun to stay? my buns fall out if I'm just walking around through my daily activities. Forget about running! And I'm really not very talented at braiding either...
    Perhaps by bumping this there will be more suggestions that arise??

    Btw my hair is also curly, and about three inches away from being to my butt... Needless to say I feel like crying after my run & shower. Cutting it is not an option. It's my security blanket :p

    Try the bun sock method. Its how i wore my hair (as do most females) all through basic training. It holds your hair well. Especially if you use a hair tie not bobby pins.
  • Wendy__D
    Wendy__D Posts: 51 Member
    Bumping this... Hope no one minds.

    Some of these seem so time consuming and (for me) frustrating. How does anyone get their bun to stay? my buns fall out if I'm just walking around through my daily activities. Forget about running! And I'm really not very talented at braiding either...
    Perhaps by bumping this there will be more suggestions that arise??

    Btw my hair is also curly, and about three inches away from being to my butt... Needless to say I feel like crying after my run & shower. Cutting it is not an option. It's my security blanket :p

    For me the doing multiple elastics works better than braiding and it's quicker too. I know it didn't work for the OP, but maybe it would for you? I do a small pony tail at the top of my head since around my face it's most likely to pull free, another "halfsie" pony tail, one at the nape of my neck, and another one or two with what's left. My hair isn't as long as yours though. I'd say an elastic every 2-3" would be good though.
  • Zoeeee_xx
    Zoeeee_xx Posts: 112 Member
    I do a really high pony tail and then make it into a messy bun and use hair pins for the bits that dont go in my bobble. I use about 3-4 bobbles to make it feel secure. Easy to brush out afterwards too.
  • GabrielleZelda
    GabrielleZelda Posts: 190 Member
    The absolute BEST hairstyle I have found that WORKS every single time, is a very tight, pinned, knotted bun.

    Here are the steps!
    - tie your hair in a high ponytail
    - Split in two and twist the two strands together, like a two stranded braid
    - Then wrap the twisted ponytail in a circle to form the bun
    - Finally take some bobby pins and stick in half a dozen or so.
    (for an intense workout I usually add a head band as well in case a few strands come out, but they usually dont)

    It actually looks pretty cute for day-to-day, too, if you add some hairspray - but that's another matter!

    this REALLY stays in place all day regardless of the activity - even in the rain! :)
  • kunibob
    kunibob Posts: 608 Member
    Not sure what you define as long (my hair is tailbone length, so my definition is a bit skewed :P), but if it's long enough, I find that a bun with a hair stick holds, and because the hair stick pins it to my head, I don't get a headache. Sometimes it slips out, but usually it holds pretty well. For me, it has to be a hair stick -- elastics do not hold my hair at all, and I get headaches and bouncing from elastics.

    At races, I generally put my hair into two braids and then put that into a ponytail. The braids keep my hair from matting, and the ponytail keeps them from feeling too heavy or flopping around.
  • snacker127
    snacker127 Posts: 75 Member
    Have you tried putting it up in a bun? I don't like to have a ponytail or braid touching my neck when I run, so that's my solution.

    I put my longish hair and bangs up in a bun, and wear a head band for the front. Also, the "scrunchy" I use is very soft and thick so I don't damage my hair. I hate to have my hair on my face or neck when I get hot. A good conditioner might help too.
  • AntoniaMiranda
    My hair is pretty long, about tailbone/hip length. I generally wear it in a low pony tail and let it do it's thing. I can't do a high because it's so thick and feels heavy. Sometimes I take a pony tailer holder, put it up in a messy bun and then get a good jaw clip or two to hold bun, bun normally stays but can feel heavy. My favorite is just the low ponytail.
  • sistrsprkl
    sistrsprkl Posts: 1,013 Member
    I have very, very thick, curly, long hair. I put my hair in 2 braids and always use a headband or Buff. A bun is way too heavy and hurts.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    i have very thick curly hair and braids have been savior for competition day hair since i was 14.

    when my hair is long then 2 side cornrow braids with the ends out or in a ponytail is my go to. when my hair is shorter then i do 5-10 large braids that i pull back into a ponytail or bun. the braids help avoid the tangles
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    I have very, very thick, curly, long hair. I put my hair in 2 braids and always use a headband or Buff. A bun is way too heavy and hurts.

    not to mention i find bobby pins for days in my hair after wearing a bun :laugh:
  • SarcasmIsMyLoveLanguage
    Hair screws, I love them! Put that mane up in a ponytail first, the instructions say not to, but do it! THen a french twist or bun thingy. Keep up the good work!

    These things rock. We call them spin pins. Your hair will not move.
  • forgivensins
    forgivensins Posts: 90 Member
    I second hair screws/spin pins (the ones from Goody work hair miracles, that bun stays up even when I sleep!)
  • JenSD6
    JenSD6 Posts: 454 Member
    My hair is down past my hips, and I put it into a ponytail with the multiple elastics down the length. As long as it was well brushed before I put it up, it stays in good shape.
  • sophiecls
    sophiecls Posts: 4 Member
    I like braids or a high bun. I really like the Goody spin-pins to hold up buns. My hair is below mid back and thick, and all it takes is two spin pins to hold it up. Adding a ponytail holder first makes it even more secure. You also might try putting a ton of conditioner in your hair and leaving it in then braiding. The conditioner will help hold the braid in, prevent tangles and your hair will get a deep conditioning treatment while you run.
  • mundaycarroll
    mundaycarroll Posts: 64 Member
    Like everyone else has mentioned,I would say try putting your hair in a bun. I am in the military and have to wear my hair that way every day. Since it's already in a bun I usually workout with it still pinned back. Works great and I actually prefer it in a bun rather than hanging down my back now. Hope you find a solution that works for you!