My Story



    LKLDALLAS Posts: 19
    I would love for you to print my story and re-read it, share it with others, whatever... I wanted to be so candid and share all the grimy, embarassing details of my failures and subsequent come back to hopefully send a message of hope to anyone else out there who might be in the same position I was 4 years ago!
  • insearchoffitness
    Thanks for your story and your candor. And kudos to you for refusing to play the victim role, and getting up off the mat and doing something about it. You deserve the pride that you feel. Nice work.

    BTW, Jeep Wrangler....say no more :)
  • lika50
    lika50 Posts: 140 Member
    Yes, out with the processed foods! Yay for you... I'll have to check out Hungry For Change - that's a new one for me!

    I'm just sorry I had to watch documentaries in my 30s to finally learn, so late in life, what foods I should have been putting in my face from the beginning. At first I thought, "Why isn't this stuff being taught in schools as part of basic health/nutrition?" then I remembered that congress declared french fries a vegetable.

    I wish I had this information when I was in HS, or in my 20s... EVEN if I didn't adhere to a healthy, plant based diet at that time, I at least would have been informed and making an informed decision.

    I hear ya. 34 years old and I finally learned how to take care of myself. I agree that these docs / this subject should be taught in school... But if we had a healhty, food-educated society, where would the drug companies get all their bling?

    Oh, well. Better to at least learn this stuff in our 30's rather than not at all, huh? :)
  • smcesko
    smcesko Posts: 126 Member
    Thanks for sharing your story! Very inspiring!! Keep up the great work on your journey!! You look great!
  • luci2403
    luci2403 Posts: 28 Member
    WOW!! Well done on taking control of your life!

    Your story is truly inspirational - thanks for sharing :-D
  • latinlady435
    latinlady435 Posts: 33 Member
    Amazing accomplishment!! You're VERY inspiring :) CONGRATULATIONS!!
  • FatCopThinCop
    FatCopThinCop Posts: 40 Member
    I love your story. Your story really is not for just ladies. It's for everyone. From over the top living, feeling fat and over weight, to asking for money from family, to making change, down sizing, living without and getting more and the BIG ONE to me. SAVE that money you spend on CRAP.

    I will copy your story and send it to some people I know. I will also keep a copy of it with me in my glove compartment so if I should ever feel I want a new car, Your Letter will remind me to drive my truck until the wheels fall off.

    I will also do what I been wanting to do and cancel my T.V. Bill. AT&T is over rated anyways.. I love Netflic's and can live with that. My boys like netflicks too.. I believe my wife does too.

    The warning about having kids. You are right. Life is much better when you have insurance and money in the bank to pay for the kids. I will say, I was 30 before I got married. Almost 12 years ago. Becky and I know each other for 3 plus years before ever getting married. One, I wanted her to have her Schooling done for the reason you sstated, If she had to, she could take care of herslef and now our kids too if I should die. Life insurance in place is also a good thing to have, more for raising the kids and mantaining the quality of their life and also to make things easier if I am not their.

    As far as having kids, man, I would not have ever NOT wanted to live without kids. I love them ALL and all the friends they bring around and families you meet. I am100% in love with the Jive Turkeys Becky and I brought into this world. I felt empty without them. Yes, Becky and I Love each other very much. This is a key part of marriage. Without love and trust, nothing works.

    Now, I also know having kids is not for everyone. I am happy when I hear or someone tells me that they will never have kids. They also state for reason like you stated. They just don't want to deal with kids and the hang-ups that go with having kids. I am pleased that they know this about themselves and would not bring a kid that needs love from their parents 110% of the time. Not just when the parent feels like it.. I do love how you detailed the things about this subject.. Good Job.

    Thank you for posting this story about you. It hits home on so many area's of my past and current life. I too a few years ago had to make changes when the market too so much money that I had banked in my 20's and 30's away. I am fine now and think if I can make it through all that B.S., I can do anything.

    Have a good day and I would like to have you as one of my friends here on MFP.

    Best Wishes,

    Paul C.
    West Sacramento, Ca
    LKLDALLAS Posts: 19
    Thank you Paul.

    Yes, I completely agree some of things I mentioned are not just for women. My story was told from a single female's point of view with advice to other single females simply b/c that's the perspective I have the best grasp on.

    Certainly men deserve the best and deserve to be health and financially savvy as well :)
  • lesliev523
    lesliev523 Posts: 368 Member
    Wow... thank you for sharing.

    I made a lot of the same mistakes! It is crazy how we can get ourselves into this kind of situation. My ex husband always wanted to seem richer, more clamorous... and here I am 12 years later still trying to recover!

    I am making many of the same changes! Thanks again for sharing!
  • fervc60
    fervc60 Posts: 70
    Thanks for sharing. You look great.
  • kgprice11
    kgprice11 Posts: 750 Member
    Good Job
  • Pedal_Pusher
    Pedal_Pusher Posts: 1,166 Member
    I can't lie, I didn't read that whole post but really nice job on the weight loss; you're looking great.