Have i hit a plateau ? What do i do

The first 8 weeks of my diet i lost 14 Ibs. So about 1 1/2 every week. Since October 17 i havent lost any. Ive gone up and down between 138-139. I have had a few "cheat" days when before i didnt. But i didnt think it would be enough to effect the whole last 3 weeks.

I only have 13 pounds left to lose. I feel like im never going to get there now because i just cant seem to lose anymore! What should i do? I am currently doing cardio like twice a week ( which i will kick up)&I also started lifting weights with a trainer last week & will be for 8 weeks 3x a week.

Anyone else hit a "plateau" before? what did you do?


  • sweetpea03b
    sweetpea03b Posts: 1,124 Member
    I am coming off of a 6mo plateau myself. The biggest thing is... don't freak out. Don't check the scale every day... don't stress. I was told that if I took a little break and maintained... then started up again it would help to kick-start the weightloss. I just started back at the gym 5 days/wk for cardio... 2 days/wk with strength training. Strength training is very important! Building muscle helps burn fat.

    Also... try to change up your workout routines. If your body gets too used to what you're doing you will plateau. Crank the elliptical up a few levels. Put some elevation on the treadmill. Rotate between bike, treadmill, stairmaster, etc.

    Keep it interesting! Good luck!
  • lisahabbe
    lisahabbe Posts: 7 Member
    You are on the right track!! Change your exercise routine, (which your doing) and eat somethings different from what you normally give your body. Our bodies get use to the same exercise and the same food. I know it's hard to find a variety when we are trying to eat healthy and stay within our daily numbers but I find something new i can eat almost everyday. Reading what other folks are eatting on this sight has helped me find food choices i like. Good Luck it will pass and you will get those last few pounds off if you want to. BE STRONG!
  • chellebelle315

    Here's one of my favorite posts about this topic. Its full of great information and I couldn't say it better myself.
  • Emdog24
    Emdog24 Posts: 81 Member
    The last 10-15 lbs are really the hardest to lose. Sometimes I feel like losing 50 pounds was easy since my body "knew" that those were all excess pounds. Now that I'm getting closer to my goal weight, I feel like my body's not so sure… Anyways, I would try maybe changing your goals (if you had set it to losing 1 lb per week, maybe change it to losing ½ pound per week instead?) And definitely kick up the cardio like you said. Before my knee/foot issues, I was up to an 8mph pace on the treadmill and I noticed the difference in my body right away (my stomach and sides especially). I’ve also heard interval training is really effective (like running at a medium pace for 2 min, sprinting for 2 min and then continuing like that).

    Just try mixing it up and keep up the great work!
  • momo4boys
    Try eating 6 apples and drinking 1 gallon of water during the day. I also had a plateau (we all do). I gained and lost the same 4 pounds for eight months! This really helped me!